You can start and shut down Interaction Concentrator components by using the Management Layer, a startup file, a manual procedure, or Services Manager.
All of these methods usually require command-line parameters for a server application as well as an executable file name. The next section describes the command-line parameters that are common to most Genesys server applications. Subsequent sections describe the startup and shutdown procedures.
For information about using the Management Layer, startup files, and Services Manager for startup, see the Framework Deployment Guide.
Before You Start ICON
The following issues are important for you to consider before you attempt to start ICON.
Starting the cfg Role for an Oracle IDB
If the relational database management system (RDBMS) of the Interaction Database (IDB) that stores configuration-related data is Oracle, Genesys strongly recommends that you collect statistics on your IDB schema before you start the ICON instance that performs the cfg role.
Collecting statistics before starting ICON significantly shortens the amount of time it takes to start up.
This applies only to the second and subsequent start-ups. The first time you start ICON in a new installation, the IDB is empty.
Verifying ICON Connections and Configuration
Before you attempt to start ICON, confirm that the connections and configuration options that have been configured for your ICON Application are correct for your deployment.
In general, do not change any connections on the Connections tab of the ICON Application during startup or runtime. Furthermore, do not disconnect from Configuration Server during startup.
If ICON disconnects from Configuration Server during startup, ICON initialization will fail.
If you remove or change other connections during startup, ICON might fail to initialize correctly.
If you remove or change any connections during runtime, ICON functioning might be affected.
You must restart Interaction Concentrator after a backup instance is configured of any application, such as OCS or T-Server, for which Interaction Concentration has a connection configured on the Connections tab. If you do not restart Interaction Concentrator, data from the affected application is not written to the database.
For more information about configuring connections, see the instructions for configuring the Connections tab in the procedure to configure the ICON Application object.
Configuration Options
Do not make changes to ICON configuration options during startup. You can make changes to ICON configuration options during runtime, but in some cases you must restart ICON for the changes to take effect. For more information, see Configuration Options.
Command-Line Parameters
The following startup command-line parameters are supported by Interaction Concentrator:
The name of the host on which Configuration Server is running.
The communication port that client applications must use to connect to Configuration Server.
The client-side port that ICON must use to connect to Configuration Server.
The TCP host address to be used for the transport-port.
The exact name of an application as configured in the Configuration Database.
The version of a component. Note that specifying this parameter does not start an application, but instead returns its version number. You can use either an uppercase letter (V) or lowercase letter (v).
The full path to the log messages files that an application uses to generate log events. (These files are the common file named common.lms and the application-specific file with the extension *.lms.) Use this parameter when the common and application-specific log message files are located in a directory other than the application’s working directory—for example, when the application’s working directory differs from the directory to which the application was originally installed.
Note that if the full path to the executable file is specified in the startup command line (for instance, c:\gcti\multiserver.exe), the path that is specified for the executable file is used to locate the *.lms files, and the value of the lmspath parameter is ignored.
An application that does not locate its *.lms file at startup cannot generate application-specific log events and send them to Message Server.
Starting ICON
This section provides startup instructions for ICON server. You can start ICON in any of the following ways:
Complete the following procedure to start ICON with Solution Control Interface (SCI).
Genesys recommends that the following applications be running before you start ICON:
The DB Server that provides access to IDB.
The relational database management system.
Outbound Contact Server, if ICON is configured to collect data from OCS.
Interaction Server, if ICON is configured to collect data from Multimedia.
If you have configured ICON to store attached data, ensure that there is a proper attached data specification file in ICON’s working directory. (By default, ICON uses the ccon_adata_spec.xml file.)
For a short period of time after starting or restarting, ICON may produce [cp:...] or FSM errors in the log. These errors occur when ICON encounters elements of interactions that it cannot resolve because the interactions were already in progress when ICON was started or restarted. You can safely ignore these errors.
For detailed instructions about starting the Genesys components on which Interaction Concentrator depends, see:
Framework Deployment Guide
Framework T-Server Deployment Guide for your particular T-Server type
Framework DB Server User’s Guide
Outbound Contact Deployment Guide
eServices Deployment Guide
On the list pane in the SCI Applications view, select your ICON Application object.
Do one of the following:
On the toolbar, click the Start button.
From the Action menu, select Start.
Right-click the Application object to access the shortcut menu, and then select Start.
In the confirmation box that appears, click Yes.
SCI starts your Interaction Concentrator application. You have completed all the steps necessary to start ICON using SCI.
hostname is the name of the host on which Configuration Server is running.
portno is the communication port that client applications must use to connect to Configuration Server.
application is the name of the Interaction Concentrator Application object, as defined to Configuration Server.
If the host name or application name contains spaces or hyphens (-), enclose them in double quotation marks.
For example, to start ICON with command-line parameters that specify the host as cs-host, the port as 2020, and the name as ICON 03, enter the following:
./icon -host "cs-host" -port 2020 -app "ICON 03"
You have completed all the steps necessary to start ICON manually on UNIX.
hostname is the name of the host on which Configuration Server is running.
portno is the communication port that client applications must use to connect to Configuration Server.
application is the name of the Interaction Concentrator Application object, as defined to Configuration Server.
If the host name or application name contains spaces or hyphens (-), enclose them in double quotation marks.
For example, to start ICON with command-line parameters that specify the host as cs-host, the port as 2020, and the name as ICON 03, enter the following:
On Microsoft Windows platforms, by default, the installation process installs Interaction Concentrator as a Windows Service. If you stopped ICON from running as a Windows Service and need to start it again as a Windows Service, complete the following procedure.
Open the Windows Control Panel, and then double-click the Services icon. The Services dialog box opens.
In the Services list box, select your ICON service, and then click Start. (If you disabled Interaction Concentrator from operating as a Windows Service, the Start option for this application will not be available.)
You can install the Local Control Agent (LCA) as a Windows Service with the user interface disabled. In this case, all servers that are started through SCI are started without a console, unless you specifically select the Allow Service to Interact with Desktop check box for both LCA and ICON.
You have completed all the steps necessary to start ICON as a Windows service.
Stopping ICON
To prevent ICON from self-starting, make sure that you clear the autorestart property in the ICON Application object.
If you are running ICON as a Windows Service, you should stop it only from the Services Control Manager. To stop Interaction Concentrator running as a Windows Service, use the following procedure.
Open the Control Panel, and then double-click the Services icon. The Services dialog box opens.
In the Services list box, select your ICON service, and then click Stop.
You have completed all the steps to stop ICON running as a Windows Service.