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Interaction Concentrator Options

This section describes the options that you define on the Options tab of your Interaction Concentrator (ICON) Application object.

You do not have to configure any options in order to start Interaction Concentrator. However, the available Configuration options can greatly affect the performance and effectiveness of your Interaction Concentrator application. Review the information about all of the configuration options for the ICON Application object in order to identify and configure the settings that are appropriate to your environment.

Configuration Server recognizes the following sections for ICON Application objects:

callconcentrator Section

For ease of reference, the options in this section are grouped by area of functionality (presented in alphabetical order) as follows:

[+] Agent login session metrics

[+] Agent login session

[+] Attached data

[+] Configuration

[+] Custom dispatcher

[+] Database writing

[+] High Availability

[+] HTTP Connection

[+] ICON Role

[+] IDB

[+] In-memory queue

[+] Multimedia

[+] Operational memory

[+] Outbound metrics

[+] Partitioning

[+] Persistent queue

[+] Scenario recognition

[+] Synchronization

[+] Virtual Queue

custom-states Section

The options in this section define Interaction Concentrator support for the processing of custom agent states and custom user data.
AgentRecordUserTypes Option
AgentUserFields Option
EventData Option
GlobalData Option
store-event-data Option


Defines the custom agent states. The agent desktop application starts and ends custom agent states, and it sends the required key-value pair (KVP) data to ICON through T-Server’s EventUserEvent. ICON verifies the values provided in EventUserEvent for the key names specified by this configuration option, in order to determine when custom states start (value for the configured key = "+") and finish (value = "-"). After a state is started and before it is finished, the desktop application can send data in user events, to be stored in the custom fields that correspond to the state, as specified by the AgentUserFields configuration option. For more information about ICON custom state recording, see “Using Custom States” on the Agent States and Logins tab on the Special Configuration Requirements page.

  • Configured in: ICON Application
  • Section: [custom-states]
  • Default value: No default value
  • Valid values: A comma-separated list of the custom state codes and key names in the format <StateCode>,<KeyName>. The custom state code must be a number greater than 199.
  • Changes take effect: Immediately

AgentRecordUserTypes = 207,AfterCallWork,208,Break


Specifies the fields in the G_CUSTOM_STATES table in which ICON will store values (provided in the UserData section of EventUserEvent) for the specified key names, for data that was sent while the DN was in a custom agent state.

  • Configured in: ICON Application
  • Section: [custom-states]
  • Default value: No default value
  • Valid values: A comma-separated list of the data types, table field names, and key names in the format <Type>,<FieldName>,<KeyName>.
  • Changes take effect: After restart
All the custom data fields in the G_CUSTOM_STATES table require character-type data. Regardless of the data type that you specify in this option, ICON converts the value from the UserData KVP into a string before storing it in the custom data field that is specified for that key name. If the value of the key in the UserData KVP is KVList, ICON ignores the value.


  • AgentUserFields = char,CUST_DATA_1,KeyName1,char,CUST_DATA_2,KeyName2
    The value of the key with the name KeyName1 will be stored in the CUST_DATA_1 field.
    The value of the key with the name KeyName2 will be stored in the CUST_DATA_2 field.


Specifies the list of key names for which ICON will store KVP data (provided in the UserData section of EventUserEvent) in the G_CUSTOM_DATA_S table.

  • Configured in: ICON Application
  • Section: [custom-states]
  • Default value: No default value
  • Valid values: A comma-separated list of the data types and key names in the format <Type>,<KeyName>.
  • Changes take effect: Immediately

The limit for configuration option specifications is 255 characters. If your desired EventData option specification exceeds this limit, you can specify additional options in the format EventData_X, where X is any integer, starting with 1. ICON recognizes all the EventData specifications as one option, and it concatenates the content of the options in sequence.

The field for the key’s value in the G_CUSTOM_DATA_S table requires character-type data. Regardless of the data type that you specify in this option, ICON converts the value from the UserData KVP into a string, before storing it in the G_CUSTOM_DATA_S table. If the value of the key in the UserData KVP is KVList, ICON ignores the value.

Ensure that the key name you specify does not conflict with a key name specified in the GlobalData option. The key names specified in the EventData and GlobalData options must be unique.



Specifies the list of key names for which ICON will store KVP data (provided in the UserData section of EventUserEvent) in the G_CUSTOM_DATA_P table. The position of the key name in the list determines the mapping to the custom data field in the G_CUSTOM_DATA_P table.

  • Configured in: ICON Application
  • Section: [custom-states]
  • Default value: No default value
  • Valid values: A comma-separated list of the data types and key names in the format <Type>,<KeyName>.
  • Changes take effect: Immediately

The limit for configuration option specifications is 255 characters. If your desired EventData option specification exceeds this limit, you can specify additional options in the format EventData_X, where X is any integer, starting with 1. ICON recognizes all the EventData specifications as one option, and it concatenates the content of the options in sequence.

The field for the key’s value in the G_CUSTOM_DATA_P table requires character-type data. Regardless of the data type that you specify in this option, ICON converts the value from the UserData KVP into a string, before storing it in the G_CUSTOM_DATA_P table. If the value of the key in the UserData KVP is KVList, ICON ignores the value.

Ensure that the key name you specify does not conflict with a key name specified in the EventData option. The key names specified in the EventData and GlobalData options must be unique.


    The value of the key with the name CUSTOMER_NAME will be stored in the CUST_DATA_1 field.
    The value of the key with the name CUSTOMER_PHONE will be stored in the CUST_DATA_2 field.


Specifies what, if any, KVP data (provided in the UserData section of EventUserEvent) ICON will store in the G_CUSTOM_DATA_S table.

  • Configured in: ICON Application
  • Section: [custom-states]
  • Default value: none
  • Valid values:
    • none—ICON does not store any data.
    • all—ICON stores the values of all keys.
    • conf—ICON stores the values of the keys that are configured in the EventData option.
  • Changes take effect: Immediately

store-event-data = conf

dbw-error-reactions Section

The option or options in this section define Interaction Concentrator reactions to specific database error messages. In other words, each configuration option in this section represents a rule for handling a certain database error. If Interaction Concentrator receives an database error message, it will try to find the text specified in the configuration option as a substring of the error message. If it finds this substring text, it applies the specified error reaction.

You can use the predefined uniqueness Option error reaction or configure your own options.


The Interaction Concentrator Application template includes a preconfigured error reaction set to ignore unique constraint violations:

  • Option Name: uniqueness
  • Option Value: error=unique;reaction=ignore

The default option name, uniqueness, is correct for Oracle RDBMSs, but not for Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, or DB2 databases. If you are using a Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, or DB2 database, consult the documentation for your RDBMS to determine the correct error value, and then configure this option accordingly. For example, if the error returned by your Microsoft SQL Server database in reaction to violation of the uniqueness constraint is duplicate, configure the option as follows: error=duplicate; reaction=ignore.


You can specify any number of options within this section. For example, the dbw-error-reactions section that you define might include an option configured as follows:


To configure an error reaction, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a separate option for every database error message for which a certain reaction is required.
  2. Specify any meaningful name as the option name, making it unique within the dbw-error-reactions section; ICON does not process the name parameter.
  3. Include both a database error message and the expected reaction as two parameters of the option value, in the following format:
    • <error_substring>—The database error message or a substring of the error message that is sufficient to identify it among all database error messages. ICON selects the first option with a matching substring among all options that contain matching substrings. You can use any character and symbol in <error_substring> except the semicolon (;). A semicolon signals the end of the error parameter to ICON. If you must include a semicolon within a substring, surround the entire substring with single quotation marks (‘<error_substring>’) or double quotation marks ("<error_substring>").
    • <reaction_type>—The expected reaction to the database error message identified by <error_substring>. The reaction can be one of the following:
      • reconnect—ICON forcefully disconnects from the database and attempts to reconnect after receiving the database error message identified by <error_substring>. This reaction type is recommended for error messages related to the temporary unavailability of a database that is inadequately processed by the database server.
      • retry—ICON rolls back the current transaction, and then attempts to resubmit it after receiving the database error message identified by <error_substring>. This reaction type is recommended for error messages related to nonfatal database problems (for example, a locked table state) that tend to disappear during subsequent transaction attempts.
      • ignore—ICON rolls back the current transaction after receiving the database error message identified by <error_substring>. ICON then attempts to resubmit the failed transaction, statement by statement, ignoring the statement that caused the error. This reaction type is recommended for logical errors such as constraint violations.
    • Default value: No default value
    • Valid values: Any string in the following format: error=<error_substring>;reaction=<reaction_type>
    • Changes take effect: Immediately

Example: The following configuration option prompts ICON to resubmit a request that previously failed with an error message that contains the substring ORA1123-005:


filter-data Section

To use the options listed in this section, create a section named filter-data in the ICON Application.

The options in this section control Interaction Concentrator output to IDB. Refer to the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 Physical Data Model for your RDBMS type for details about data stored in the IDB tables that are mentioned in the option descriptions. Evaluate whether your reports require each type of described data.

Excluding certain types of data from IDB storage may help you save database space, and thus improve your database performance.

To enable identification of the party that initiated release of a call in deployments that support this feature, ensure that the value of the external-party, acd-party-metrics, acd-party-history, call-metrics, and observer-party options is 0 (the default value). Otherwise, ICON will not store records in the G_PARTY_STAT table for the types of parties influenced by these options. As a result, ICON will not be able to identify whether call termination was initiated on the endpoint associated with this party or on the other resource.

For more information about the releasing-party feature, see the section about identifying who released the call in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 User’s Guide.

acd-party-history Option
acd-party-metrics Option
call-history Option
call-metrics Option
external-party Option
gls-all Option
gls-ivr Option
gls-metrics Option
gls-no-person Option
gls-queue Option
gls-wm Option
ir-history Option
observer-party Option
udata-history-terminated Option


Specifies whether ICON should exclude party history information about distribution devices such as ACD queues, Routing Points, virtual routing points, and External Routing Points from storage in IDB. By default, ICON collects party history information about distribution devices and stores this information in the G_PARTY_HISTORY IDB table. Set this option to 1 to instruct ICON not to store party history information in the G_PARTY_HISTORY table.

The acd-party-history option applies to SIP and voice interactions only.
  • Configured in: ICON Application
  • Default value: 0
  • Valid values: 1, 0
  • Changes take effect: After restart

To enable identification of the party that initiated release of a call in deployments that support this feature, ensure that the value of the external-party, acd-party-metrics, acd-party-history, call-metrics, and observer-party options is 0 (the default value). Otherwise, ICON will not store records in the G_PARTY_STAT table for the types of parties influenced by these options. As a result, ICON will not be able to identify whether call termination was initiated on the endpoint associated with this party or on the other resource.

For more information about the releasing-party feature, see the section about identifying who released the call in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 User’s Guide.


Specifies whether ICON should exclude from IDB storage party metrics for distribution devices such as ACD queues, Routing Points, virtual routing points, and External Routing Points. By default, ICON collects precalculated party metrics for distribution devices and stores this information in the G_PARTY_STAT IDB table. When set to 1, ICON does not store data in the G_PARTY_STAT table for distribution devices.

The acd-party-metrics option applies to SIP and voice interactions only.
  • Configured in: ICON Application
  • Default value: 0
  • Valid values: 1, 0
  • Changes take effect: After restart

To enable identification of the party that initiated release of a call in deployments that support this feature, ensure that the value of the external-party, acd-party-metrics, acd-party-history, call-metrics, and observer-party options is 0 (the default value). Otherwise, ICON will not store records in the G_PARTY_STAT table for the types of parties influenced by these options. As a result, ICON will not be able to identify whether call termination was initiated on the endpoint associated with this party or on the other resource.

For more information about the releasing-party feature, see the section about identifying who released the call in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 User’s Guide.


Specifies whether ICON should exclude call-history information from IDB storage. By default, ICON collects and stores call history data in the G_CALL_HISTORY IDB table. When set to 1, ICON ceases writing to this table.

  • Configured in: ICON Application
  • Default value: 0
  • Valid values: 1, 0
  • Changes take effect: After restart


Specifies whether ICON should exclude call metrics from IDB storage. By default, ICON calculates call metrics and stores them in the G_CALL_STAT IDB table. When set to 1, ICON ceases writing to this table.

  • Configured in: ICON Application
  • Default value: 0
  • Valid values: 1, 0
  • Changes take effect: After restart

To enable identification of the party that initiated release of a call in deployments that support this feature, ensure that the value of the external-party, acd-party-metrics, acd-party-history, call-metrics, and observer-party options is 0 (the default value). Otherwise, ICON will not store records in the G_PARTY_STAT table for the types of parties influenced by these options. As a result, ICON will not be able to identify whether call termination was initiated on the endpoint associated with this party or on the other resource.

For more information about the releasing-party feature, see the section about identifying who released the call in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 User’s Guide.


Specifies whether ICON should exclude external-party data from IDB storage. By default, ICON collects information about external parties (for example, interaction participants outside a given switch domain) and stores this information in the following IDB tables:


When set to 1, ICON collects and stores data about internal parties only (for example, interaction participants within a given switch domain).

  • Configured in: ICON Application
  • Default value: 0
  • Valid values: 1, 0
  • Changes take effect: After restart

To enable identification of the party that initiated release of a call in deployments that support this feature, ensure that the value of the external-party, acd-party-metrics, acd-party-history, call-metrics, and observer-party options is 0 (the default value). Otherwise, ICON will not store records in the G_PARTY_STAT table for the types of parties influenced by these options. As a result, ICON will not be able to identify whether call termination was initiated on the endpoint associated with this party or on the other resource.

For more information about the releasing-party feature, see the section about identifying who released the call in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 User’s Guide.


Specifies whether ICON should exclude all information about agent activity from IDB storage. By default, ICON collects information about agent activity, such as login sessions and agent states, unless certain types of data are configured to be excluded by setting one or more of the following options to 1:

  • gls-ivr
  • gls-no-person
  • gls-queue)
  • gls-wm

ICON stores this information in the following IDB tables:


When set to 1, ICON ceases writing to these tables. However, even when this option is set to 1, ICON continues writing agent IDs to the G_PARTY table.

  • Configured in: ICON Application
  • Default value: 0
  • Valid values: 1, 0
  • Changes take effect: After restart


Specifies whether ICON should exclude from IDB storage data about agent activity at IVR endpoints. By default, ICON collects data about agent activity when agent login sessions are initiated from IVR endpoints and stores this information in the following IDB tables:


When set to 1, ICON verifies whether the DN at which an agent logs in is an IVR device; in this case, ICON does not store information about this agent’s activity to these tables. Furthermore, for parties associated with an IVR device, ICON does not record the agent’s ID in the G_PARTY IDB table.

  • Configured in: ICON Application
  • Default value: 0
  • Valid values: 1, 0
  • Changes take effect: After restart
See the ivr option on the DN tab of the Configuration Options page for information on how to configure a DN as an IVR port. For a description of how ICON identifies an IVR, see the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 User’s Guide.


Specifies whether ICON should exclude agent states from IDB. By default, ICON collects agent states unless certain types of data are configured to be excluded by setting one or more of the following options to 1:

  • gls-all
  • gls-ivr
  • gls-no-person
  • gls-queue
  • gls-wm

ICON stores agent states information in the following IDB tables:


When set to 1, ICON does not store information about agent states to these tables.

  • Configured in: ICON Application
  • Default value: 0
  • Valid values: 1, 0
  • Changes take effect: After restart


Specifies whether ICON should exclude from IDB storage data about agent activity for agents whose login ID is not associated with any Person configuration object. By default, ICON collects data about all agent activity and stores this information in the following IDB tables:


When set to 1, ICON verifies whether the LoginID reported in events regarding agent states is assigned to any Person object configured in the Configuration Database; if this is not the case, ICON does not store information about this agent’s activity to these tables.

  • Configured in: ICON Application
  • Default value: 0
  • Valid values: 1, 0
  • Changes take effect: After restart


Specifies whether ICON should filter out information from IDB storage about the queues where agents are logged in. By default, ICON collects information about agent queue(s) and stores this information in the following IDB tables:


When set to 1, ICON ceases writing queue-related data to the first four tables listed above. ICON does continue to write information to the GX_SESSION_ENDPOINT table about the queues where agents are logged in.

  • Configured in: ICON Application
  • Default value: 0
  • Valid values: 1, 0
  • Changes take effect: After restart


Specifies whether ICON should exclude from IDB storage data about changes in agent work mode that do not coincide with changes in agent state. By default, ICON collects and stores data about agent work modes and changes in agents work modes in the following IDB tables:


When set to 1, ICON disregards information about work mode and work mode changes. It records a value of unknown in the IDB tables listed above.

This option does not affect ICON’s ability to track after-call work.
  • Configured in: ICON Application
  • Default value: 0
  • Valid values: 1, 0
  • Changes take effect: After restart


Specifies whether ICON should exclude data about the interaction record history from IDB storage. By default, ICON collects interaction record history and stores this information in the G_IR_HISTORY IDB table. When set to 1, ICON ceases to write data to this table.

  • Configured in: ICON Application
  • Default value: 0
  • Valid values: 1, 0
  • Changes take effect: After restart


Specifies whether ICON should exclude from IDB storage data related to a service observer on a call. By default, ICON collects data about every party involved with the call and stores this information in the following IDB tables:


When set to 1, ICON does not store data about the party with the role Observer to these tables.

  • Configured in: ICON Application
  • Default value: 0
  • Valid values: 1, 0
  • Changes take effect: After restart

To enable identification of the party that initiated release of a call in deployments that support this feature, ensure that the value of the external-party, acd-party-metrics, acd-party-history, call-metrics, and observer-party options is 0 (the default value). Otherwise, ICON will not store records in the G_PARTY_STAT table for the types of parties influenced by these options. As a result, ICON will not be able to identify whether call termination was initiated on the endpoint associated with this party or on the other resource.

For more information about the releasing-party feature, see the section about identifying who released the call in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 User’s Guide.


Specifies whether ICON should exclude from IDB storage information about changes in UserData values for certain keys. When ICON is configured to store an entire history of UserData values for certain keys, ICON collects data about every change in value for those keys and, at interaction termination, stores this information in the following IDB tables:


When set to 1, ICON does not insert new records in these tables at call termination. ICON does, however, continue to write information about the creation, addition, and removal of key-value pairs to these tables.

  • Configured in: ICON Application
  • Default value: 0
  • Valid values: 1, 0
  • Changes take effect: After restart

listeners Section

This section refers to a separate configuration section that describes the HTTP listening port. You must name this section listeners in the ICON Application. The name of this option must correspond to the section name for the user named section described below.

user_named_option Option


You will name any option you create in this section. One option name must match the name of a new section you create to define the parameters for an http connection.

Because ICON processes only the name of this option, but not the value, you can use the value to enter a short description for the connection; ICON will print this description to its log.

  • Configured in: ICON Application, listeners Section
  • Default value: No default value
  • Valid values: Any string
  • Changes take effect: Immediately


http-9090="ICON HTTP listener"

Where http-9090 is the same as the name of the section that describes the parameters of an HTTP connection at a port that ICON opens for listening.

To enable access to the performance counters, configure an HTTP Listener option, and then configure a corresponding section, along with its port, protocol, and transport options.

user_named_section Section

This is a user-configurable section. You can choose any name for this section, provided that it matches the name that you specify for an option in the listeners section. Use the options described below to set parameters for this connection.
port Option
protocol Option
transport Option


  • [http-9090]
  • port=9090
  • transport=tcp
  • protocol=http


Specifies the number of the port that ICON opens for HTTP listening.

  • Configured in: ICON Application, user-named Section.
  • Default value: No default value
  • Valid values: Any integer from 1 to 65535
  • Changes take effect: After restart
The value for the port option must not coincide with the ICON Application object’s communication port that is opened for client connections.


Specifies the application-level protocol for the configured listener. Change the value to http to enable access to interfaces that are exposed through HTTP in ICON and that display performance counters.

The HTTP interface is not available by default.
  • Configured in: ICON Application, user-named Section.
  • Default value: sip
  • Valid values: http, sip
  • Changes take effect: Immediately


Specifies the transport layer protocol for the connection between ICON and its client.

  • Configured in: ICON Application, user-named Section.
  • Default value: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)
  • Valid Value: TCP
  • Changes take effect: Immediately

log Section

In addition to the log options that are common to all Genesys Server applications, and that are described in the Framework Configuration Options Reference Manual, Interaction Concentrator supports a number of unique log options that can help you troubleshoot various scenarios when you deploy ICON and test its functionality in your environment.

Use the log section on the Options tab to set all of the Interaction Concentrator log options.

The meaning of the log options valid values are as follows:

  • 0—No troubleshooting-related logging
  • 1—Logging of errors only
  • 2—Detailed troubleshooting-related logging
  • 3—Full details in troubleshooting-related logging

x-conn-debug-open Option
x-conn-debug-select Option
x-conn-debug-timers Option
x-conn-debug-write Option
x-print-attached-data Option
x-server-trace-level Option
x-server-config-trace-level Option
x-server-dbw-trace-level Option
x-server-gcti-trace-level Option
x-server-http-trace-level Option
x-server-smtp-trace-level Option
x-server-debug-level Option


Specifies the verbosity with which ICON logs messages related to network connections and disconnections at a transport protocol level. The value 0 disables troubleshooting-related logging, and the value 3 produces the most detailed logs. Any value that you set for this option supersedes the value set for the x-server-trace-level option with regard to network connection messages.

  • Configured in: ICON Application, Options tab, log section
  • Default value: As specified by the x-server-trace-level option
  • Valid values: 0|1|2|3
  • Changes take effect: Immediately


Specifies the verbosity with which ICON logs messages related to incoming information at a transport protocol level. This option may significantly increase log volume. The value 0 disables troubleshooting-related logging, and the value 3 produces the most detailed logs. Any value that you set for this option supersedes the value set for the x-server-trace-level option with regard to incoming information messages.

  • Configured in: ICON Application, Options tab, log section
  • Default value: As specified by the x-server-trace-level option
  • Valid values: 0|1|2|3
  • Changes take effect: Immediately


Specifies the verbosity with which ICON logs messages related to triggering connection timers at a transport protocol level. The value 0 disables troubleshooting-related logging, and the value 3 produces the most detailed logs. Any value that you set for this option supersedes the value set for the x-server-trace-level option with regard to connection timer–triggering messages.

  • Configured in: ICON Application, Options tab, log section
  • Default value: As specified by the x-server-trace-level option
  • Valid values: 0|1|2|3
  • Changes take effect: Immediately


Specifies the verbosity with which ICON logs messages related to outgoing information at a transport protocol level. The value 0 disables troubleshooting-related logging, and the value 3 produces the most detailed logs. Any value that you set for this option supersedes the value set for the x-server-trace-level option with regard to outgoing information messages.

  • Configured in: ICON Application, Options tab, log section
  • Default value: As specified by the x-server-trace-level option
  • Valid values: 0|1|2|3
  • Changes take effect: Immediately


Specifies whether userdata will be printed to the log. Genesys recommends that you do not change the default setting (false), because printing userdata to the log can significantly increase log size and impact system resources.

  • Configured in: ICON Application, Options tab, log section
  • Default value: false
  • Valid values:
    • true—Enables printing userdata to the log.
    • false—Suppresses printing userdata to the log.
  • Changes take effect: Immediately


Specifies the verbosity with which ICON prints troubleshooting-related logs. This option sets the default value for all troubleshooting-related log options that are unique to ICON. That is, the value that you set for this option applies to the following function-specific options if you do not configure them:


If you do set a value for any of these function-specific options, and if that value differs from the x-server-trace-level option value, the function-specific option value supersedes the x-server-trace-level option value for log messages related to that particular function.

  • Configured in: ICON Application, Options tab, log section
  • Default value: 0
  • Valid values: 0|1|2|3
  • Changes take effect: Immediately


Specifies the verbosity with which ICON logs messages related to the configurations of the objects on which it relies. Messages can include configuration information about ICON’s own Application object. The value 0 disables troubleshooting-related logging, and the value 3 produces the most detailed logs. Any value that you set for this option supersedes the value set for the x-server-trace-level option with regard to configuration information messages.

  • Configured in: ICON Application, Options tab, log section
  • Default value: As specified by the x-server-trace-level option
  • Valid values: 0|1|2|3
  • Changes take effect: Immediately


Specifies the verbosity with which ICON logs messages related to data-writing operations with the persistent queue and IDB. The value 0 disables troubleshooting-related logging, and the value 3 produces the most detailed logs. Any value that you set for this option supersedes the value set for the x-server-trace-level option with regard to data-writing operation messages.

  • Configured in: ICON Application, Options tab, log section
  • Default value: As specified by the x-server-trace-level option
  • Valid values: 0|1|2|3
  • Changes take effect: Immediately


Specifies the verbosity with which ICON logs messages related to its CTI communications. Messages can include TEvents that ICON receives from T-Server, including call-related and party-related events, and they can also include reports about CTI transactions. The value 0 disables troubleshooting-related logging, and the value 3 produces the most detailed logs. Any value that you set for this option supersedes the value set for the x-server-trace-level option with regard to CTI communications messages.

  • Configured in: ICON Application, Options tab, log section
  • Default value: As specified by the x-server-trace-level option
  • Valid values: 0|1|2|3
  • Changes take effect: Immediately


Specifies the verbosity with which ICON logs messages related to its HTTP communications. The value 0 disables troubleshooting-related logging, and the value 3 produces the most detailed logs. Any value that you set for this option supersedes the value set for the x-server-trace-level option with regard to data-writing operation messages.

  • Configured in: ICON Application, Options tab, log section
  • Default value: As specified by the x-server-trace-level option
  • Valid values: 0|1|2|3
  • Changes take effect: Immediately


Specifies the verbosity with which ICON logs messages related to its SMTP communications. The value 0 disables troubleshooting-related logging, and the value 3 produces the most detailed logs. Any value you set for this option supersedes the value set for the x-server-trace-level option with regard to data-writing operation messages.

  • Configured in: ICON Application, Options tab, log section
  • Default value: As specified by the x-server-trace-level option
  • Valid values: 0|1|2|3
  • Changes take effect: Immediately


Like the x-server-trace-level option, specifies the verbosity with which ICON prints troubleshooting-related logs. ICON supports both option names, but Genesys recommends using the x-server-trace-level option name. For more information, see the description of the x-server-trace-level option.

This page was last edited on July 24, 2018, at 14:25.
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