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Script Options

This section describes the ICON-related configuration options that you configure on the Annex tab of Script configuration objects of the interaction queue and simple routing (for a routing strategy) types. Interaction Concentrator processes these options.

callconcentrator Section
You must name this section callconcentrator in the configuration.

objects of type: interaction queue
om-memory-clean Option

objects of type: simple routing
om-activity-report Option


Specifies whether ICON immediately removes an interaction from memory when the interaction is placed in the interaction queue.

The om-memory-optimization option must be set to true in order for om-memory-clean to work.
  • Configured in: Script Application
  • Default value: 0
  • Valid values:
    • 0—ICON does not take any special action to remove an interaction when it is placed in the interaction queue.
    • 1—ICON immediately removes an interaction when it is placed in the interaction queue.
    • Changes take effect: After restart
Regardless of the value of this option, the removal of an interaction from ICON memory can be triggered by the value set for the om-max-in-memory option.


Specifies whether ICON stores activity data that is related to a particular strategy. If the value is set to false, ICON does not store in IDB any data about parties for this strategy or any user data changes that are made by this strategy.

  • Configured in: Script Application
  • Default value: true
  • Valid values: true, false
  • Changes take effect: After restart
Regardless of the value of this option, ICON will always process EventInteractionStopped events.
This page was last edited on September 11, 2014, at 14:13.
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