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Specifies the type of data that this ICON instance processes and stores in IDB.

Role assignments must be configured using only lower case (for example, cfg). ICON interprets uppercase (CFG) or mixed case (Cfg) settings as invalid and defaults to the all role.
  • Configured in: ICON Application, [callconcentrator] Section; DAP Application, [callconcentrator] Section (for details relevant to setting the role option in the DAP Application, scroll to the end of this page)
  • Default value: all
  • Valid values: A comma-separated list including any of the following:
    • all—Stores all types of data.
    • cfg—Stores the initial configuration state and a history of configuration changes retrieved from Configuration Server.
    • gcc—Stores interaction-related and party-related information—that is, T-Server and Interaction Server data that pertains to voice and multimedia interactions, and the parties associated with those interactions.
    • gls—Stores T-Server and Interaction Server data that pertains to agent states and agent login sessions.
    • gud—Stores T-Server and Interaction Server data that pertains to the attached data associated with calls.
    • gos—In an environment with the Outbound Contact solution, stores OCS data that pertains to outbound calls and campaigns.
    • lrm—In an environment with License Reporting Manager, stores license reporting data.
  • Changes take effect: After restart
All ICON instances are assigned a predefined role, svc, to store service information about the ICON instance, for identification purposes, in IDB. The svc role cannot be turned off, and you do not need to specify it in the option value.

Any combination of the valid values can be used. Prefixing an option value with a tilde (~) excludes that type of data from ICON processing, and includes all other types. For example, the value ~cfg deactivates ICON processing of configuration data, and activates processing and storage of all other types of data. Ensure that the role that you specify for the ICON instance is consistent with the role that you specify for the DAP (see below for DAP-specific considerations).

Examples of correct settings:

  • role = cfg,gcc,gud
  • role = all
  • role = gcc,gud,gls,gos
  • role = ~cfg

(The last two examples are equivalent.)

DAP-Specific Notes
All types of ICON data go through the same DAP in the following cases:

  • No role option is defined for the DAP.
  • The role option is defined, and its value is explicitly set to all.
  • You specified only one DAP Application object on the Connections tab of the ICON Application object.
  • Regardless of whether a given DAP handles all types of ICON data or a subset of them, a separate database connection is opened for each type of data.
  • Ensure that the role that you specify for the DAP is consistent with the role that you specify for the ICON instance.
  • A DAP cannot be assigned the lrm role. If you do so, it is ignored and the default value (all) is used.


Specifies whether ICON stores information about 3rd Party Media interactions in IDB. By default, ICON processes interactions other than chat, e-mail, or voice and stores the type of media in special fields of the following tables:

  • G_CALL

When this option is set to 0, ICON processes neither interactions nor agent data for 3rd Party Media.

  • Configured in: ICON Application, [callconcentrator] Section
  • Default value: 1
  • Valid values:
    • 0—ICON does not store data in IDB about interactions other than chat, e-mail, or voice.
    • 1—ICON stores information in IDB about 3rd Party Media interactions.
  • Changes take effect: After restart
For more information about 3rd Party Media support, refer to the chapter about integrating with Genesys eServices/Multimedia and 3rd Party Media in the START_WIDGET9e33fce3c826426d-3END_WIDGET.


For those deployments in which T-Server reports the required data, specifies whether ICON stores data in the G_CALL_STAT and G_PARTY_STAT tables in IDB to identify the party that released the call.

  • Configured in: ICON Application, [callconcentrator] Section
  • Default value: 0 (ICON does not store the information)
  • Valid values:
    • 1/true—For terminated calls, ICON stores data about the endpoint and party that initiated termination in the G_CALL_STAT table (GSYS_EXT_VCH1 and GSYS_EXT_VGH2 fields) and G_PARTY_STAT table (GSYS_EXT_INT1 field) in IDB.
    • 0/false—ICON does not store data about the endpoint and party that released the call. In the G_CALL_STAT table, the value of the GSYS_EXT_VCH1 and GSYS_EXT_VGH2 fields is an empty string. In the G_PARTY_STAT table, the value of the GSYS_EXT_INT1 field is 0.
  • Changes take effect: After restart

For information about how ICON populates the values of the fields, see the section about identifying who released the call in the START_WIDGET9e33fce3c826426d-0END_WIDGET.

In Interaction Concentrator release 8.x, this feature is supported only for the Alcatel A4400/OXE switch.


Specifies the type of data that this ICON instance processes and stores in IDB.

Role assignments must be configured using only lower case (for example, cfg). ICON interprets uppercase (CFG) or mixed case (Cfg) settings as invalid and defaults to the all role.
  • Configured in: ICON Application, [callconcentrator] Section; DAP Application, [callconcentrator] Section (for details relevant to setting the role option in the DAP Application, scroll to the end of this page)
  • Default value: all
  • Valid values: A comma-separated list including any of the following:
    • all—Stores all types of data.
    • cfg—Stores the initial configuration state and a history of configuration changes retrieved from Configuration Server.
    • gcc—Stores interaction-related and party-related information—that is, T-Server and Interaction Server data that pertains to voice and multimedia interactions, and the parties associated with those interactions.
    • gls—Stores T-Server and Interaction Server data that pertains to agent states and agent login sessions.
    • gud—Stores T-Server and Interaction Server data that pertains to the attached data associated with calls.
    • gos—In an environment with the Outbound Contact solution, stores OCS data that pertains to outbound calls and campaigns.
    • lrm—In an environment with License Reporting Manager, stores license reporting data.
  • Changes take effect: After restart
All ICON instances are assigned a predefined role, svc, to store service information about the ICON instance, for identification purposes, in IDB. The svc role cannot be turned off, and you do not need to specify it in the option value.

Any combination of the valid values can be used. Prefixing an option value with a tilde (~) excludes that type of data from ICON processing, and includes all other types. For example, the value ~cfg deactivates ICON processing of configuration data, and activates processing and storage of all other types of data. Ensure that the role that you specify for the ICON instance is consistent with the role that you specify for the DAP (see below for DAP-specific considerations).

Examples of correct settings:

  • role = cfg,gcc,gud
  • role = all
  • role = gcc,gud,gls,gos
  • role = ~cfg

(The last two examples are equivalent.)

DAP-Specific Notes
All types of ICON data go through the same DAP in the following cases:

  • No role option is defined for the DAP.
  • The role option is defined, and its value is explicitly set to all.
  • You specified only one DAP Application object on the Connections tab of the ICON Application object.
  • Regardless of whether a given DAP handles all types of ICON data or a subset of them, a separate database connection is opened for each type of data.
  • Ensure that the role that you specify for the DAP is consistent with the role that you specify for the ICON instance.
  • A DAP cannot be assigned the lrm role. If you do so, it is ignored and the default value (all) is used.

Special Configuration Requirements

This section describes how to configure the Interaction Concentrator (ICON) Application object and other applications in the Genesys Configuration Layer in order to make various kinds of data available in the Interaction Database (IDB).

Click the tabs to view instructions for storing the various sorts of data you might require.

Storing Voice Data

In order to store voice interaction, agent state, and login session data in IDB, certain configuration settings are required in the Genesys Configuration Layer. This section describes the configuration settings that are required on the ICON Application object.

To enable ICON to receive voice data and store it in IDB, you must configure ICON connections to appropriate T-Server instances.

Configuring for Voice Data

Any ICON Application object that has a configured connection to T-Server processes voice interaction data, regardless of the role that has been configured for the ICON application. However, to enable ICON to store interaction-related and party-related data for voice calls in IDB, you must configure the gcc role for the ICON application and associated Database Access Point (DAP).

To capture other types of data for voice objects and interactions, you must configure the appropriate values for the role configuration option.

To enable ICON to identify the party that initiated release of a call, in deployments that support this functionality, set the value of the store-releasing-party option to 1.

Filtering Data

To improve Interaction Concentrator performance, consider excluding certain types of data from IDB storage. Review the filtering options in the filter-data section, and set appropriate values for your deployment.

If your deployment utilizes the feature to identify which party initiated release of a call, be aware that certain ICON filtering options can effectively disable this functionality.

For call-based reporting, the call-metrics option, in the filter-data configuration section, must be set to 0 (the default). Otherwise, ICON does not write any data to the G_CALL_STAT table. The following options in the filter-data configuration section affect storage of information in the G_PARTY_STAT table:

  • acd-party-history
  • acd-party-metrics
  • external-party
  • observer-party

If you want to implement DN-based reporting on the parties that initiated release of calls, Genesys recommends that you retain the default values for these options, so that you do not filter party information. For more information about using this feature, see the section about populating voice data in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 User’s Guide.

Storing Multimedia Data

In order to store multimedia interaction, agent state, and login session data in IDB, certain configuration settings are required in the Genesys Configuration Layer. This section describes the configuration settings that are required on the ICON Application object.

For more information about multimedia data in Interaction Concentrator, see the chapter about integrating with Genesys eServices/Multimedia and 3rd Party Media in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 User’s Guide.

[+] ICON Application
[+] Other Configuration for Multimedia
[+] Configuring for 3rd Party Media

Storing Attached Data

Attached data refers to the interaction-related business data that is sent by T–Server or Interaction Server as key–value pairs (KVPs) in the UserData, Extensions, or Reasons attributes in TEvents.

Configuring Interaction Concentrator to store attached data in IDB is a two–part process:

  1. Specify the attached data key configuration file, which maps the key–value pairs (KVPs) in reporting event attributes to IDB tables and fields. For more information, see the Attached Data Specification File.
  2. Specify the attached data configuration settings in the Genesys Configuration Layer.
  • For more information about attached data in Interaction Concentrator, see the chapter about processing attached data in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 User’s Guide.
  • For information about configuring Interaction Concentrator to store user data from EventUserEvents that are distributed by T–Server or Interaction Server from other client applications (for example, from an agent desktop application), see the Storing Agent State and Login Session Data tab on this Special Configuration Requirements page.
[+] ICON Application
[+] Overview: Attached Data Specification File
[+] Parser Limitations
[+] Attribute Values
[+] IDB Fields
[+] Universal Routing Server Attached Data

Storing Virtual Queue Data and Extended Route Results

This section provides information about the configuration settings in the Genesys Configuration Layer that are related to virtual queue functionality. The default configuration settings enable the storage of virtual queue data, provided that your releases of both Interaction Concentrator and URS support virtual queue functionality.

Configuration settings on the ICON Application object, the virtual queue DN object, and the Switch object enable you to manipulate virtual queue monitoring in the following ways:

  • Change the storage mode of Interaction Concentrator.
  • Disable monitoring and data storage for a particular virtual queue.
  • Disable monitoring and data storage at the switch level—that is, for all virtual queues that belong to a particular switch.

For more information about virtual queue data in Interaction Concentrator, see the chapter about monitoring virtual queues and routing points in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 User’s Guide.

[+] Universal Routing Server
[+] ICON Application
[+] Virtual Queue DN
[+] Switch

Storing Agent State and Login Session Data

In order to store agent state and login session data for voice and multimedia interactions in IDB, certain configuration settings are required in the Genesys Configuration Layer.

To enable ICON to receive agent data and store it in IDB, you must configure ICON connections to appropriate T–Server and Interaction Server instances.

When ICON terminates a login session as ‘stuck’—that is, some issue has made it necessary to terminate the login session without receiving EventLogout—all active reason codes related to the terminated session are removed from the G_AGENT_STATE_RC_A table (stores active reason codes) and are not transferred to the G_AGENT_STATE_RC table (stores reason code history).
[+] ICON Application Configuration
[+] Configure ICON to Use Custom States
[+] Start Recording a Custom State
[+] Send Custom State Data
[+] Stop Recording a Custom State
[+] Use Multiple Custom States at Once

Storing Outbound Contact Data

In order to store Outbound Contact data in IDB for reporting purposes, certain configuration settings are required in the Genesys Configuration Layer, both for certain Outbound-related configuration objects and for the ICON Application object.

For more information about Outbound Contact Server (OCS) data in Interaction Concentrator, see the chapter about integrating with Outbound Contact in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 User’s Guide.

Outbound Contact Configuration

Special configuration of the items listed below is required in order to enable OCS to process and send data to ICON about the content of the fields in calling list records.

[+] Field Object
[+] Campaign Group Object
[+] Outbound Contact Server

ICON Application

To enable ICON to receive OCS data and store it in IDB, you must configure ICON connections to appropriate OCS instances, and you must set relevant configuration options.

[+] Connections
[+] ICON Role Configuration Option
[+] OCS–Specific ICON Options

Multi-Tenant Considerations

In multi-tenant environments, the OCS-related objects that the ICON instance monitors may be configured under various tenants. Ensure that you assign all related tenants to the ICON application.

[+] Multi-Tenant Example

Storing License Reporting Data

If you are running Genesys License Reporting Manager (LRM), ICON enables you to store your LRM-specific data.

Configuring ICON to work with LRM requires that you set the appropriate value for the ICON role configuration option.

[+] Configuring ICON to store LRM data
[+] Configuration Notes

Deploying a Partitioned Oracle IDB

In environments with large amounts of data to maintain, you can choose to create a partitioned Oracle IDB, which you can then purge efficiently by truncating entire partitions using the purgePartitions811 stored procedure. During this purge, all records in the purged partitions—both terminated and non-terminated—are truncated unconditionally.

  • If you need to purge only non-terminated records, use the GSYSPurge80/gsysPurge81 purge procedure instead.
  • This partitioning and purge functionality is supported only for Oracle 11g and higher.
  • Genesys strongly recommends that you do not use this purge mechanism for long–lived data types, such as multimedia. When used with long–lived data types, you might encounter situations in which some of the data for a still–active interaction is purged.
[+] Overview
[+] Creating Your Database
[+] About Partitioning
[+] Purging
[+] Partitioned Tables

Configuring for High Availability

The High Availability (HA) model used in Interaction Concentrator differs significantly from the Genesys standard HA model implemented in a majority of Genesys servers. Before you configure your ICON HA deployment, review the information in the Interaction Concentrator 8.1 User’s Guide about implementing HA in Interaction Concentrator.

In an HA deployment, observe the following rules:

  • You must set configuration options in both Interaction Concentrator Application objects exactly the same. Because this is not a typical redundant pair from the Genesys perspective, Configuration Server does not automatically synchronize the configuration options for two ICON applications.
    For example, to configure your redundant ICON applications to store voice interaction data in a pair of HA IDBs:
    • In both ICON Application objects, set the role option so that it contains gcc and gud. This enables both ICON applications to store call–related and attached data.
    • For any configuration options that affect the data populated by those roles, set the same option values in both ICON applications. For example, the two applications must use the same ICON configuration options for virtual queue monitoring, storage of attached data, and so on.
  • For more information about setting configuration options, refer to the other pages in this section.
  • You must configure a connection to the same T–Server or Interaction Server in both ICON Application objects.
  • You must create two identical IDBs. Genesys recommends using two databases located on different hosts, but having the same RDBMS type and version number, to host the HA pair of IDBs.
  • You must configure a DAP for each ICON to access its IDB.

For more information about configuring applications and connections in Configuration Manager, see the Framework Deployment Guide.

This page was last edited on March 20, 2015, at 18:18.
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