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userData Section


Description: If true, the Web Engagement Server will attach 8.1.2–style user data to the webengagement OM interaction. The following keys will be affected: jsonEvent, ixnType, engagements_in_progress, engagement_type and engagement_attempts. If false, only Web Engagement 8.5–style data will be added.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Changes Take Effect: Immediately


Description: Comma-separated list of fields from the data object of a SignIn event that belongs to the current session. The value of these fields will be added to the User Data of the webengagement Open Media interaction prior to submitting it into the Interaction Queue
Valid Values: comma-separated list of fields expected in data object of SignIn event.
Mandatory: No
Changes Take Effect: Immediately


Description: Comma-separated list of fields from the data object of a UserInfo event that belongs to the current session. The value of these fields will be added to the User Data of the webengagement Open Media interaction prior to submitting it into the Interaction Queue
Valid Values: comma-separated list of fields expected in data object of UserInfo event.
Mandatory: No
Changes Take Effect: Immediately


Description: Comma-separated list of fields from the data object of a VisitStarted event. The value of these fields will be added to the User Data of the webengagement Open Media interaction prior to submitting it into the Interaction Queue.
Default Value: timezoneOffset
Valid Values: comma-separated list of fields expected in data object of VisitStarted event.
Mandatory: No
Changes Take Effect: Immediately


Description: Comma-separated list of fields from the data object of an ACTIONABLE event. The value of these fields will be added to the User Data of the webengagement Open Media interaction prior to submitting it into the Interaction Queue.
Default Value: timezoneOffset
Valid Values: comma-separated list of fields expected from the data object of an ACTIONABLE event.
Mandatory: No
Changes Take Effect: Immediately


Description: Comma-separated list of keys. The specified keys will be copied from the UserData of the webengagement interaction into the UserData of the media (chat or webcallback) interaction.
Valid Values: list of fields expected in UserData of webengagement interaction (either passed as part of Web Engagement events or gathered in Engagement Logic strategy)
Mandatory: No
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This page was last edited on October 30, 2015, at 18:03.
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