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Using Web Engagement with Data Processing Server

Web Engagement uses Genesys Data Processing Server for reporting, so that you can digest and visualize the complexities of customer and agent activity.

Most of the steps required to install and configure Data Processing Server are carried out on Data Processing Server itself. This page contains the small amount of supplementary information you need on the Web Engagement side.

Recommended versions

Genesys recommends that you use specific Data Processing Server and Web Engagement Server versions together, as shown in the following table:

Data Processing Server Web Engagement Server Supported Pulse Version 8.5.102.xx, 8.5.104.xx, 8.5.105.xx 8.5.104.xx, 8.5.105.xx

Installing dashboards and widgets into Pulse

As you are installing and configuring Genesys Data Processing Server, you will reach a point where you are prompted to install your Pulse dashboards and widgets. Follow these instructions and then return to the Data Processing Server installation page.


Web Engagement comes with a configuration tool that is located in Web Engagement installation directory/tools/pulse. You can use this tool to install your dashboards and widgets into Pulse in two different ways:

Note: If you need to import Pulse templates, you must set the http-read-only option to false to make Elasticsearch available for writing.


  • The enabled option in the [kibana] section of the Web Engagement cluster application is set to true.
  • Web Engagement Server is running.
  • The Reporting Data URL is accessible.
  • If you have changed Pulse-related configuration data in the manual configuration mode or upgraded your widgets in the default configuration mode, you must remove your Pulse templates so Data Processing Server can create new ones.

Default configuration

  1. Run the default configuration scenario with gdps-config-tool.jar:
    1. Go to Web Engagement installation directory/tools/pulse.
    2. Execute
      java -jar gdps-config-tool.jar <Reporting Data URL> <gax_host> <gax_username> <gax_password> <Web Engagement data URL>

      Where <Web Engagement data URL> is the address of the load balancer that redirects requests to the Web Engagement Server on the port specified by the port option in the [kibana] section of the Web Engagement cluster application.

      Note: If you are using Reporting Dashboard Proxy for Genesys Administrator Extension, use http://GAX Host:GAX Port/gax/api/wcc-kibana-proxy to force all Kibana requests through the proxy.

      For example,

      java -jar gdps-config-tool.jar http://gwe-cluster-lb:9200 http://gax-host:8040 default password http://gwe-cluster-lb:5601

    Note: The default scenario uses a predefined index name. To use a custom index name for your tenant run gdps-config-tool.jar with -Dalias.name=Web_Engagement_keyspace_name, where Web_Engagement_keyspace_name is the value of the name option from the [cassandraKeyspace] section of the Web Engagement cluster application. For example:

    java -Dalias.name=gwekeyspace -jar gdps-config-tool.jar http://gwe-cluster-lb:9200 http://gax-host:8040 default password http://gwe-cluster-lb:5601

    Note: By default, gdps-config-tool.jar creates a new system configuration when it is first run, but does not overwrite the system configuration if you run it again. To overwrite an existing system configuration, use the overwriteSystem flag. For example:

    java -jar gdps-config-tool.jar http://gwe-cluster-lb:9200 http://gax-host:8040 default password http://gwe-cluster-lb:5601 overwriteSystem

    Note: For improved security, Genesys recommends that you use the local es-http-proxy instead of accessing ElasticSearch directly. In situations where the GDPS Pulse Collector is running on the same host as ElasticSearch, you can set the es-http-proxy URL to http://<elastic_search_node>:<port>. By default this URL is set to http://localhost:9292. For example:

    java -jar gdps-config-tool.jar http://localhost:9292 http://localhost:8040 default password http://localhost:5601

  2. If the configuration process was successful, the console will display DONE.
    Note: If an error has occurred, you can try to run the command again, as there are occasions when the configuration tool can't access an http resource, or when an http response times out.
  3. Notify Data Processing Server about the configuration changes using one of these methods:
    1. Send a GET request:

      http://<Data Processing Server Host>:<Data Processing Server Port>/pulse‐collector/gdps/configuration/init

      For example,


      If the response is Collector has been re-initialized with new configuration, the new configuration was applied successfully.

    2. Reboot Data Processing Server.

Note: You do not need to reboot Genesys Administrator Extensions Server, Pulse, or the Web Engagement Server after you have installed your Web Engagement–specific dashboards and widgets. All of the new widget templates, dashboards, and related elements will be added automatically.

Manual configuration

For manual configuration, run gdps-config-tool.jar with -Dindex.tool.mode=true.

For more information on how to do this, run java -Dindex.tool.mode=true -jar gdps-config-tool.jar.

Example 1

Export dashboards and configuration to the ./exported directory, as shown in this example for Web Engagement:

java -Dindex.tool.mode=true -Dworking.dir="./exported" -Des.import.config=true -jar gdps-config-tool.jar export gpe.kibana http://gwe-host-lb:9200

Example 2

Import the collector configuration for a new tenant, in the newtenant keyspace:

  1. Create a JSON file with tenant-related configuration information in the ./config folder:

      "tenantAliasName": "newtenant",
      "gaxUrl": "http://gaxurl:8040",
      "gaxUser": "gaxUser",
      "gaxPass": "gaxPass"
  2. Import the new configuration, as shown in this example for Web Engagement:

    java -Dindex.tool.mode=true -Dworking.dir="./config" -Des.import.config=true -jar gdps-config-tool.jar import newtenant http://gwe-host-lb:9200

    Important: When you import configuration data from a folder, the configuration tool imports all of the JSON files that are contained in that folder. Make sure that your folder only contains the files you need.

Removing Pulse templates

If you have changed Pulse-related configuration data in the manual configuration mode or upgraded your widgets in the default configuration mode, you must remove your Pulse templates so Data Processing Server can create new ones.

You can remove your templates by using the Add A Widget menu of any Pulse dashboard. Here is a list of the Pulse templates that you need to remove for Web Engagement:

  • GWE - Anonymous Vs Authenticated
  • GWE - Conversions Funnel
  • GWE - Mobile Vs Desktop
  • GWE - New Vs Returning
  • GWE - Rates
  • GWE - Web Traffic Today

Return to the Genesys Data Processing Server installation page

CSRF white list configuration

Beginnning with version, the GAX Server includes a CSRF (Cross-site request forgery) filter which restricts access to GAX for some HTTP Requests.

In order to pass your Kibana requests through the Reporting Dashboard GAX Plugin, you must add the following configuration information to the GAX Server/conf/trustedurl.properties file:

This page was last edited on September 29, 2017, at 23:02.
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