Choose the .apd file GRAT_Rules_Authoring_Tool_Application_Cluster_853.apd.
Click Save and Close.
Go to Applications.
Create a New GRAT cluster Application based on the new template. Adjust the configuration options as needed.
Fill in the mandatory fields, including the host (which is not used, but GA requires you to complete this field).
For each GRAT node to be added to the cluster, add its configuration Application as a connection in the cluster Application.
Add the DAP (Database Access Point) configuration Application to be used by the GRAT cluster as a connection in the cluster Application.
An existing standalone GRAT database can be used.
If you are re-using an existing standalone GRAT instance in the cluster, re-deploy the GRAT application to ensure that its local cache is re-initialized.
Any change in the cluster configuration will only take effect upon re-start of the GRAT servers.
For high availability, GRAT instances must have a high speed connection to the database. Slow connection may result in the type of issues commonly seen when the local repository cache is corrupted.