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Section: cengine
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Introduced: In Classification Server only

Specifies how an e-mail's Subject, Body, and Header fields are treated during screening.

  • If the option is set to true, the Pattern is found in any selected field (OR relation) check box for each individual rule is ignored, all selected content is concatenated into one string, and a screening rule is applied to that string.
  • If the option is set to false:
    • And the Pattern is found in any selected field (OR relation) check box is selected, all selected content is concatenated into one string, and a screening rule is applied to that string.
    • And the Pattern is found in any selected field (OR relation) check box is not selected, a screening rule is applied to each selected content separately and a screening result is calculated as follows: a screening result for the Subject AND a screening result for the Header AND a screening result for the Body. All selected email areas are included in a screening result calculation.


Section: cengine
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Introduced: In Classification Server only

Specifies how an e-mail's Subject, Body, and Header fields are treated during screening.

  • If the option is set to true, the Pattern is found in any selected field (OR relation) check box for each individual rule is ignored, all selected content is concatenated into one string, and a screening rule is applied to that string.
  • If the option is set to false:
    • And the Pattern is found in any selected field (OR relation) check box is selected, all selected content is concatenated into one string, and a screening rule is applied to that string.
    • And the Pattern is found in any selected field (OR relation) check box is not selected, a screening rule is applied to each selected content separately and a screening result is calculated as follows: a screening result for the Subject AND a screening result for the Header AND a screening result for the Body. All selected email areas are included in a screening result calculation.

Screening Rule Reference

This section provides reference information on the following topics relating to screening rules:

What Text Do Screening Rules Check?

Screening rules check the following parts of an interaction, depending on what you select in the Screening Rule Editor, and on the settings in the IRD screening objects:

  • The subject, if you select that check box.
  • The body, if you select that check box.
  • The header, if you select that check box. See also "Subject, Body, and Header" below, on how screening rules behave if two or more of the preceding are selected, and on the Pattern is found in any selected field (OR relation) checkbox.
  • The destination address, if you have put anything in the Addresses area.
  • The value of any key in the user data, if both of the following are true:
    • In the Multiscreen or Classify strategy object, you select a key in the User data key if specified drop-down list under Get screened data from.
    • In the Screening Rule Editor, you select the Body check box in the Pattern area. Use the check boxes to have the screening rule apply to the message body, subject, header, or any combination. You must select at least one.

User data is first associated with the interaction by the media server when it creates that interaction. As an example, E-mail Server associates the following user data with the interaction:

  • FirstName (from Contact information)
  • LastName (from Contact information)
  • Mailbox (value of the address option in the [pop-client] section of the E-mail Server Application object)
  • To (MIME header field)
  • Subject (truncated to 512 characters)
  • FromAddress (personal part of From header field)
  • FromPersonal (email address part of From header field)
  • All Header fields (except Received, Return-Path, X-MIMETrack, Subject, Sender, From, To, Cc, Bcc) prefixed by Header_
  • All parent attached data (originally created by E-mail Server) which can be inherited; that is, all parent attached data:
    • not starting with Header_
    • not starting with _ (underscore)
    • not equal to GEM_Failure
    • not equal to GEM_FailureMsg
    • not equal to GEM_FailureArgs

User data may then be added or modified by a routing strategy.

Email Sections to Screen

If you select more than one of the Subject, Body, and Header areas, the screening rule applies to all areas at once. However, this method has some special aspects:

  • If the subject-body-header option in Classification Server is set to true, the Pattern is found in any selected field (OR relation) check box for each individual rule is ignored, all selected content is concatenated into one string, and a screening rule is applied to that string.
  • If the subject-body-header option in Classification Server is set to false:
    • And the Pattern is found in any selected field (OR relation) check box is selected, all selected content is concatenated into one string, and a screening rule is applied to that string.
    • And the Pattern is found in any selected field (OR relation) check box is not selected, a screening rule is applied to each selected content separately and a screening result is calculated as follows: a screening result for the Subject AND a screening result for the Header AND a screening result for the Body. All selected email areas are included in a screening result calculation.
This page was last edited on May 22, 2020, at 17:27.
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