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Service Options Reference

You can create customized GMS services by adding a service.<service_name> section to your GMS configuration or by adding a new service in the Service Management UI, and then setting the appropriate options within. This page lists the options to use to fine-tune your services. Additional options vary depending on the type of service being created. For more information, refer to documentation for the corresponding service in the Genesys Mobile Services API Reference.

Generic Options


Section: no category
Default Value:
Valid Values: builtin,ors
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This option is mandatory.

  • For Genesys Mobile Services-based services: builtin
  • For Orchestration Server-based services: ors


Section: no category
Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This option is mandatory.

  • For Genesys Mobile Services-based services: The name of the matching service.
  • For Orchestration Server-based services: The URL of the service's SCXML application.
  • Other SCXML Callback services: The URL of the service's SCXML callback application. In that case, you must set _service_type to callback.


Section: no category
Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Service type. Must be set to callback for callback services. In that case, you must have set _service to the URL of the service's SCXML callback application.


Section: no category
Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This option is specific to Chat services using chat push notifications. This option specifies the message that will be sent to the agent in a chat session when the customer is not online but the session is still alive. CometD channel is not working and a new message arrives from Agent. For example, Customer is not online


Section: no category
Default Value:
Valid Values: 5-1800
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This option is specific to the service.request-interaction and service.request-access services, and applies only to LOCAL and CLUSTER allocation strategies. Valid values: Lower limit is 5 seconds and upper limit is 1800 seconds (30 minutes).

This option allows you to set a different value per service for the booking expiration timeout. This value can also be passed through the request-access URI parameter. Note that the value passed through the request-access URI parameter will override the value in the service section.


Section: no category
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If you set this option to true and if the agent disconnected from the chat session, when returning to foreground and calling the chat refresh API, your chat application receives a 400 Error. If you set this option to false (default), your application receives 200 OK in this scenario.


Section: no category
Default Value: 90
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This option is specific to Chat services using chat push notifications. This option specifies the time delay in seconds between a new agent message and sending the first push notification if the application is disconnected. To change its status to disconnected (for example to handle the background state), the application sends a Cometd /meta/disconnect message to GMS.


Section: no category
Default Value:
Valid Values: Any string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This option is specific to Chat services using chat push notifications. This option specifies the message that will be sent to the customer as a notification on the device specified at subscription time. For example, New message from Agent.

This message will be sent when the customer chat session, which is still alive, is not running as an active application (CometD is not working) and the agent is sending a message. The subscription Id that is retrieved from the GMS subscription request must be set as a parameter of the invoked chat service (parameter key: 'subscriptionID') to be able to receive auto push chat notification.


Section: no category
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This option is specific to Chat services using chat push notifications. This option lists the event types to exclude when pushing agent event notifications and is set by push section, filtering_chat_events. See the filtering_chat_events option in the chat section for details.


Section: no category
Default Value: _customer_number
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This option is mandatory.

This option is specific to the Callback services. The value is a list of mandatory customer lookup keys that must be in the Callback schedule request. If a lookup key is missing the schedule request, it is rejected with an invalid option message and an HTTP Bad Request error code. By default, the value is _customer_number.

Example 1:

  • _customer_lookup_keys is empty.
  • _mandatory_customer_lookup_keys is empty.

Result: The default value for both options is _customer_number.

Example 2:

  • _customer_lookup_keys = "_customer_number,_email_address"
  • _mandatory_customer_lookup_keys = "_customer_number"

Result: The mandatory value in the request is _customer_number, however, you can also search by the _email_address value.

Note: _customer_lookup_keys (for lookup) is a superset of (⊇) _mandatory_customer_lookup_keys


Section: no category
Default Value:
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This option is specific to the service.request-interaction and service.request-access services, and applies only to LOCAL and CLUSTER allocation strategies. This option allows you to return metrics about pool health used to allocate the resource.

Callback Options

In 8.5.109, new options have been added to the Callback Options Reference. This content is under development and might not be comprehensive or completely up to date.



Section: General
Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

ID of the service in the Paused Service Transaction List. If you set this option, its value is used to look up the service in the Paused Service Transaction List. If you do not set any value, the service name is used instead.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: General
Default Value: GMS_Paused_Services
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Name of the Transaction list entry that controls pausing of callbacks.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: General
Default Value: 5
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This option is mandatory.

Maximum number of attempts to transfer the call to the agent. If greater than 1, set the URS option on_route_error=try_other.


Section: General
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum time to wait for call events (interaction.partystatechanged) related to the transfer of the call to the agent. If a transfer confirming or failing event is not received within this period, the transfer is assumed to have succeeded. Set this option value to zero to disable the timer. This timer should be enabled in rare conditions where the switch does not send confirmation events after the call redirection to an agent.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.

This option is mandatory.


Section: General
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Period in seconds to receive the customer response. If the customer does not reply in time, the system assumes that the customer did not reply: the notification was not received or was received but ignored.

This option is mandatory.


Section: General
Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Id of the service that originated the callback service request. For example: IVR service, web session service, and so on.


Section: General
Default Value: 300
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Period in seconds to snooze agent notifications. When the customer receives the agent availability notification, he or she can snooze the notification for the specified duration.

This option is mandatory.


Section: General
Default Value: true
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Enables agent confirmation for accepting the call. If you set this option to false, the system will not wait for confirmation when a call is redirected. You should set this option to false in rare conditions where the switch does not send confirmation events (such as interaction.partystatechanged) after the call redirection to an agent.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.

This option is mandatory.


Section: General
Default Value: 3600
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Duration (in seconds) that the callback in PROCESSING state will keep alive the interaction to be deleted. This value should be greater than 5 seconds and less than the specified _ttl value. To set this value, consider the requirements for features like the disposition dialog and the agent notifications that need GMS Callback to be running while callback is still in PROCESSING state.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: General
Default Value: false
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Retains the session until the interaction is deleted. Setting this parameter to true will enable the callback SCXML session to remain until the callback call is terminated. If set to false, and if the agent disposition is not enabled, the callback session will end after the call is connected to an agent. The latter is required if the agent will be transferring the call to another SCXML strategy.


Section: General
Default Value: 86400
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Duration (in seconds) for which the service will be kept in storage after the Desired Time is passed (Time To Live). Once expired, the service is removed from the system. For example, if you want the callbacks to be visible in the Service Management UI for one week past the execution time, then you should set 7 days of Time To Live, which means _ttl=604800.

This option is mandatory.


Section: General
Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Sets a configured capacity service. Agent availability is verified against the defined capacity and capacity exceptions.


Section: General
Default Value: _customer_number
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Sets the comma-separated list of mandatory customer lookup keys that must be provided in the callback schedule request. This list can contain only identification keys such as phone numbers, user names, and so on.


Section: General
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Name of the office hours service used to provide the available time slots for Callback. The Request Desired Time is verified against the defined regular and specific calendar hours.


Section: General
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

This is a default value, automatically populated when using the predefined User-Terminated scenario. You do not need to change this value.

  • If this option is set to USERORIGINATED, the customer's device will initiate the call to get connected to the agent.
  • If this option is set to USERTERMINATED, the agent or the system will initiate the call to contact the customer.


Section: General
Default Value: voice
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Media type of the interaction that the service is expected to handle. This option enables URS to select an agent who has the appropriate media capabilities. This is a default value, automatically populated when using the predefined User-Terminated scenario. You do not need to change this value.

This option is mandatory.


Section: General
Default Value: true
Valid Values: Boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

True to wait for an agent to connect. If this option is set to true, the service will wait for the agent to initiate the interaction and to send the notification to the customer. If the option is set to false, the interaction can start right after the creation of the service instance. In voice scenarios, the access information will be returned immediately with the service ID.

This option is mandatory.


Section: General
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

True to wait for confirmation of the customer's availability. If this option is set to true, the service sends a push notification to the customer's device to get confirmation that the customer is ready to have a conversation with the agent. This scenario is possible only if the _wait_for_agent option is set to true.


Section: General
Default Value: 3
Valid Values: Integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum number of times that the request for execution will be submitted to ORS. When this number is reached, the request is removed from the persistent queue and discarded.


Section: General
Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

List of the exception patterns that should be verified before processing this callback request. See the Pattern configuration for details.


Section: General
Default Value: _customer_number
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Comma-separated list of properties to track back customer callback requests. You must only specify identification numbers such as phone numbers, user names, and so on.
For example: _customer_number,_phone_number


Section: General
Default Value:
Valid Values: JSON-formatted string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Sets the hints parameter of the scxml ixn:redirect request for routing the callback call to the agent. You can use this parameter to override the customer phone number presented to the agent. Use this parameter if the prefix applied to outbound numbers should not be displayed to the agent. For example, the outbound number displayed to the agent can be set as follows:

{"extensions": {"CPNDigits": "5551234"}}
This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.

No results


Section: General
Default Value: single_json
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

  • separate_keys – Each KVP data is attached as a separate key-value pair to the user event.
  • single_json – All KVPs are attached as a single stringified-JSON object to the GMS_UserData key in the user event.
  • gms_storage_id – Callback will attach the GMS service ID to the GMS_UserData userdata key and let the agent application retrieve the data from GMS.


Section: General
Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Name of the Transaction List object defining the Callback events and data to notify; for example, GMS_Events.


Section: General
Default Value: false
Valid Values: false, subscribe_notify, notify
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Enables the callback status notifications and defines the notification subscription for the Callback application.

  • false – The Callback Service assumes that the client application has already subscribed for status notifications.
  • subscribe_notify – The callback application will subscribe for status notification on behalf of the client application.
  • notify – The client application has already subscribed for status notifications.

This option will override the settings in the GMS events transaction list.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.

This option is mandatory.


Section: General
Default Value:
Valid Values: httpcb, orscb
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Notification type to use when publishing the notification. You should use httpcb in most cases. Use orscb to publish notifications in Orchestration Server for advanced ORS-based customizations.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: General
Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Target to which to publish notifications according to the _status_notification_type notification type:

  • If _status_notification_type = httpcb, then set _status_notification_target to the target URL to which to push the notifications.
  • If _status_notification_type = orscb, then set _status_notification_target to the target ORS session ID.
This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.

This option is mandatory.


Section: General
Default Value: ""
Valid Values: "" or <provider name>
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Custom HTTP notification provider name. Leave blank to set the default provider.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.

This option is mandatory.


Section: General
Default Value: 3600
Valid Values: Integer (seconds)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum period of time (seconds) to wait for the agent to accept and answer the call after the customer is connected.

Chat section


Section: Chat
Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Chat Server endpoint to create the chat interaction and to handle the service request. This endpoint should exist and should be specified in the following format: <tenant>:<endpoint>. The specified endpoint should be configured to trigger the GMS Chat Inbound Service. If you do not set this option, the system uses the default_chat_endpoint option of the chat section as the endpoint.

Notification section


Section: Notification
Default Value: 3
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum number of attempts to send notifications to the user before the contact request is considered failed. Ignored if push notification properties are not specified.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: Notification
Default Value: 3
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum number of times the system will send agent availability notifications to the customer before the contact request is considered failed. Ignored if the push notification properties are not specified.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: Notification
Default Value: /genesys/1/document/service_template/callback/Resources/Strings/messages.json
Valid Values: url
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the URL of the notification message file which contains the externalized strings to be displayed to the customer's mobile.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: Notification
Default Value:
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Use debug certificates for the push notification provider


Section: Notification
Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

OS running on the Mobile device. This is used for push notifications.


Section: Notification
Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Name of the notification provider. This is used for push notifications.


Section: Notification
Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Notification Id of the device to which the notifications need to be pushed.


Section: Notification
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Duration to wait prior to sending the agent availability notification. This duration allows the customer application to display the user confirmation before the push notification dialog takes over the screen.

This option is mandatory.

Queue Management section


Section: Queue Management
Default Value: true
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If true, applies the throttling to the header parameters that are configured in the _throttle_request_parameters option. You can configure two types of parameters in the _throttle_request_parameters option:

  • Callback request body's parameters
  • Callback request header's parameters.

If the same parameter name exists in both header and body with different values, and if this option is set to true (default), the system applies the throttling to the header value and ignores the body value.

For example, let's consider _throttle_request_parameters=_customer_number, user_id, where user_id is a parameter passed in the Callback request header and where _customer_number is passed in the request as a body parameter. If _enable_throttle_header_parameters=true, by default, the system will allow a maximum of 8 immediate callback requests issued from the same user_id per day (24 hours). If set to false, there is no restriction for the callback requests issued from the same user_id.


Section: Queue Management
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false, strict
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

  • If true, prevents the callback creation if the same customer number has already two callbacks in the queue.
  • If strict, prevents the callback creation if the same customer number has already one callback in the queue.
  • If false, does not check whether the customer is already in queue when creating the callback.

This option applies to both immediate and scheduled callbacks.


Section: Queue Management
Default Value: 8
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Related Options: _throttle_request_parameters

Specifies the maximum number of immediate callback requests that a given customer number (or any other parameters configured in _throttle_request_parameters) can query per day. You can set the list of parameters to apply this throttling in the option _throttle_request_parameters.

In versions older than, the default value is 6.


Section: Queue Management
Default Value: 500
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the maximum number of callbacks per service for the duration set in _throttle_ttl_1. A second limitation can be introduced with the options _throttle_callbacks_per_service_2 and _throttle_ttl_2. Genesys recommends using these options to prevent a high rate of callback requests in a given period of time. For instance, to set a limit of 500 callbacks in 5 minutes or 1000 callbacks in 1 hour, use the following configuration:



Section: Queue Management
Default Value: 300
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the duration in seconds used to limit the callbacks as specified in _throttle_callbacks_per_service_1. A second limitation can be introduced with the options _throttle_callbacks_per_service_2 and _throttle_ttl_2. Genesys recommends using these options to prevent a high rate of callback requests in a given period of time. For instance, to set a limit of 500 callbacks in 5 minutes (300 seconds) or 1000 callbacks in 1 hour (3600 seconds), use the following configuration:


If these pairs of conditions xx_1 and xx_2 are satisfied, the callback request should be throttled.


Section: Queue Management
Default Value: 1000
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the maximum number of callbacks per service for the duration set in _throttle_ttl_2. A second limitation can be introduced with the options _throttle_callbacks_per_service_1 and _throttle_ttl_1. Genesys recommends using these options to prevent a high rate of callback requests in a given period of time. For instance, to set a limit of 500 callbacks in 5 minutes or 1000 callbacks in 1 hour, use the following configuration:



Section: Queue Management
Default Value: 3600
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the duration in seconds used to limit the callbacks as specified in _throttle_callbacks_per_service_2. A second limitation can be introduced with the options _throttle_callbacks_per_service_1 and _throttle_ttl_1. Genesys recommends using these options to prevent a high rate of callback requests in a given period of time. For instance, to set a limit of 500 callbacks in 5 minutes (300 seconds) or 1000 callbacks in 1 hour (3600 seconds), use the following configuration:


If these pairs of conditions xx_1 and xx_2 are satisfied, the callback request should be throttled.


Section: Queue Management
Default Value: 6
Valid Values: Any integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Dependencies: _throttle_request_parameters

Specifies the maximum number of immediate callback requests that a given customer number can query per day. You can set the list of parameters to apply this throttling in the option _throttle_request_parameters.

Starting in, this option is discontinued. Use option _throttle_request_parameters_limit instead.


Section: Queue Management
Default Value: _customer_number
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies a comma-separated list of request parameters to which the _throttle_customer_number_limit option applies. For example, _throttle_request_parameters=_customer_number, _target


Section: Queue Management
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false, strict
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

  • If true, prevents the callback creation if the same customer number has already two callbacks in the queue.
  • If strict, prevents the callback creation if the same customer number has already one callback in the queue.
  • If false, does not check whether the customer is already in queue when creating the callback.

This option applies to both immediate and scheduled callbacks.


Section: Queue Management
Default Value: 1000
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum number of queued callbacks per service. By default, this limit is set to 1000.


Section: Queue Management
Default Value: -120,120
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Defines the time range in minutes to pick callbacks in queue from the current time. The default range means that GMS will poll from (now() - 120min) to (now() + 120min). For performance reasons, polling is done on a small period of data to avoid system overloading. As a rule of thumb, the fetched period should not contain more than 1000 callbacks to process/ping (overall, taking all virtual queues in account) in the 60-seconds default interval configurable using the queue-polling-rate option.


Section: Queue Management
Default Value: -1440,-120
Valid Values: Range
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Defines the time range in minutes to pick callbacks in queue from the current time for the recovery period. Callbacks in SCHEDULED status are picked for submission; other callbacks in active states are ping on ORS sessions and re-submitted if failed. The default range means that GMS will poll from (now() - 1440min) to (now() - 120min).


Section: Queue Management
Default Value: -120,-2
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Defines the time range in minutes to ping ORS for resubmission. The default range means that GMS will poll from (now() - 120min) to (now() - 2min). Must be within the _queue_poll_period range.


Section: Queue Management
Default Value: true
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Disables callbacks for unreachable phone numbers that contain unexpected characters, cannot be parsed, or are too long for the specified country.

If _disallow_impossible_phone_numbers is true, you must set the value of the _default_country option.


Section: Queue Management
Default Value: true
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Disables callbacks for premium numbers, such as 900 numbers in the USA. Premium US numbers are listed in Wikipedia and are often called a 900 number or a 1-900 number ("one-nine-hundred"). The customer phone number is checked according to the country configured in the _default_country option.

If _disallow_premium_phone_numbers is true, you must set the value of the _default_country option.


Section: Queue Management
Default Value: US
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Sets the default country code as defined in ISO 3166. You must set this option if _disallow_impossible_phone_numbers or _disallow_premium_phone_numbers is enabled.

Reporting section

No results No results


Section: Reporting
Default Value: false
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If set to true, the callback data is reported via user events to the switch and the specified DN (_rep_userevent_switch and _rep_userevent_dn).

This option is mandatory.


Section: Reporting
Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Switch to which the DN _rep_userevent_dn belongs. Required if _rep_userevent_enable is set to true.


Section: Reporting
Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

DN to which the reporting user event is sent. If _rep_userevent_enable is set to true, a value for this parameter is required.


Section: Reporting
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Media type for the reporting user event generated from callback application. Accepts an integer value (ENUM) as per TLib specification for Media Types. Required when _rep_userevent_enable is set to true.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.

Scheduled Call section


Section: Scheduled Call
Default Value: 180
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Number of seconds of delay before the desired connect time for service execution.


Section: Scheduled Call
Default Value:
Valid Values: UTCDate
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Callback desired time. Format is ISO 8601 (in UTC) 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.SSSZ'. For example: '2013-05-28T15:30:00.000Z'


Section: Scheduled Call
Default Value: 5
Valid Values: 5,10,15,20,30,60,120
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Period of time during which GMS attempts to schedule a specific amount of requests. By default, the time buckets are 5 minutes and the max_request_by_time_bucket option is set to 100; as a result, a maximum of 100 scheduled requests can be done in the given 5 minutes bucket.

Starting in, the following values are valid for this option: 5,10,15,20,30,60,120.

Applicable if the _max_request_by_time_bucket option is set.


Section: Scheduled Call
Default Value: 120
Valid Values: Integer (Seconds)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Time within which a request should be submitted to the Callback Orchestration execution service.


Section: Scheduled Call
Default Value:
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Statistic used to define when a request should be submitted to the Callback Orchestration execution service. The request_execution_time_buffer value and request_queue_time_stat statistic options define when a queued request should be submitted to the execution service. For example, you can use the ExpectedWaitTime statistic to set this option: "ExpectedWaitTime;Queue;8999@SIP_Server;Environment"


Section: Scheduled Call
Default Value: 1M
Valid Values: 1<letter> where letter can be: 'y' for year, 'M' for month, 'w' for week, 'd' for day, 'h' for hour, and 'm' for minute.
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Time limit in future to schedule callbacks. If a callback is scheduled later than this limit, the callback request is rejected. You can specify a general option for all your callback services in your GMS application by setting the callback._reject_future_desired_time option. The default is one month (1M).

URS Queueing


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum time (in seconds) for the virtual interaction to wait in queue prior to contacting the customer if the virtual interaction has not been selected for routing. If set to 0 (default), this option is ignored. If you set this option, configure _urs_ewt_estimation_method = ursdial.

This option only applies to user-terminated delayed scenarios where _userterminated_first_connect_party=CUSTOMER. If max-queue-wait is configured, and if its value is exceeded, the system adds the GMS_Max_Queue_Wait user data to the outbound interaction.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: 500
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Priority to be added to the virtual interaction after connecting the customer call or chat session. This option only applies to scenarios where _userterminated_first_connect_party=CUSTOMER.

To use this option, import the GMS_URS_Strategy_85109_v2.58.zip strategy file available for download in the Callback Solution guide.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: 0:10,10:5,20:2,30:1,40:0
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Threshold at which the service determines that an agent is available for an interaction with the customer. If an interaction is in first position then independent of this setting, the system assumes that the threshold is reached.

For example, the default value "0:10,10:5,20:2,30:1,40:0" sets different threshold positions depending on the interaction's Expected Time to Answer (ETA) as calculated by URS.

  • If the service instance's ETA is between 0 and 10 and if the interaction position in queue is less than 10, the interaction is ready to be connected.
  • If the service instance's ETA is between 10 and 20 and if the interaction position in queue is less than 5, the interaction is ready to be connected, and so on.
This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: 100
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Duration (seconds) to wait for receiving HTTP responses from Universal Routing Server.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: {Specify virtual queue to be used by strategy}
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Virtual queue (alias) to which the service request will be added.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: 14400
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

The total maximum time (seconds) to wait for a target. After the specified duration has lapsed the virtual interaction will be removed from virtual queue and the callback service will exit.

This option is mandatory.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: 14160
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum time (seconds) to wait until the service request reaches the queue position controlled by the ETA Position Threshold parameter (_eta_pos_threshold). The routing strategy always checks this value.

This option is mandatory.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: {specify your target here}
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Routing target that specifies the agent/queue resource that will process this request.

  • Starting in, you can set multiple targets in this option, limited to 5.
  • Starting in, the limit is increased to 15.

Single Target

For a single target, format the string according to the URS target specification: <Target String>@<StatServer name>.<Target Type> where Target Type is one of the following:

  • A (Agent)
  • AP (Agent Place)
  • GA (Group of Agents)
  • GP (Group of Places)
  • GC (Campaign Group)

<Target String> can be a skill expression. In that case, <Target String> must start with '?:'.
For example:

  • Billing@StatServer.GA—Routes to Agent Group "Billing".
  • ?:English=20&;Loans=2@StatServer.GA—Routes to any agent matching the skill expression.

See the Universal Routing Server (URS) documentation for additional information about URS targets.

Multiple Targets

To set multiple targets, create a JSON-formatted string array of maximum 15 elements as follows:

        "target": "<Target String>@<StatServer name>.<Target Type>",
        "timeout": "<integer>",
        "stat_to_check": "<stat name>",
        "stat_operator": "< or >",
        "stat_value": "1"
  • The timeout property specifies how long to wait in seconds before switching of targets.
  • The stat_to_check property can be set to any of the values supported by the Statistics parameter passed to the IRD function SData(Target, Statistics), unless target is a skill expression. If target is a skill expression, you must choose one of the following values:
    • RStatAgentsReadyvoice—agents ready for voice media.
    • RStatAgentsReady—agents ready for any media.
    • RStatAgentsTotal—agents logged in.
  • The stat_value property specifies the threshold for the statistic passed in stat_to_check. If the condition set by the combination of stat_to_check, stat_operator, and stat_value is met, the current target is skipped, except if it is the last target of the list.
  • If clear=true, the target will be overridden when switching to the next target; if clear=false, the target will be expanded with the next target.
If you set multiple targets in this option, then _urs_queued_ttl should be set to the total queue time across all targets.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: <data>=<value>
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Discontinued: From to

Provides the additional configuration extension data required for advanced scenarios and used for the customization of the URS prioritization strategy. Use this option to pass additional extension data to the URS strategy, for example, if you customize the WaitForTarget IRD strategy.

Multiple values can be combined to form a comma-separated list that the URS strategy will parse. For example, _urs_extension_data=targets=VAG1,VAG2,VAG3;
This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: 2
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Lowest possible check frequency to avoid constant URS polling. The Callback service checks the EWT Position for the virtual interaction waiting in the virtual queue. Generally, the check frequency is half of the current EWT.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.

This option is mandatory.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Highest possible check frequency to avoid polling delays on fluctuating loads. The Callback service checks the EWT Position for the virtual interaction waiting in the virtual queue. Generally, the check frequency is half of the current EWT.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.

This option is mandatory.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Minimum time (in seconds) for the virtual interaction to wait in queue prior to getting selected for routing.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Agent reservation time during which the agent is blocked for routing. After this timeout, URS automatically unblocks the agent.

Reservation is done using RDND blocking in URS. If you use multiple URS instances, you must add the following URS configuration for self-awareness:

  • using=lds
  • lds=map

This option is mandatory.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value:
Valid Values: (\"t\"=\"seconds\"<space>\"milliseconds\")
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If specified, the URS strategy will set the interaction age to the specified value; otherwise, by default, the interaction will be placed at the end of the queue. This is generally useful in the classic callback scenarios where the original interaction is already in the queue prior to the GMS callback being offered. The format is i.e: (\"t\"=\"seconds\"<space>\"milliseconds\"), for example, _urs_call_interaction_age="(\"t\"=\"1449157660 829\")".


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: ursdial
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

For all new deployments, ursdial should be used. Other options (stat and urs) are deprecated.

  • Selecting ursdial (highly recommended) enables URS-based dialing where the estimation of time to dial is determined by URS (version 8.1.400.07 or greater).
  • If urs or stat is selected, the callback time to dial is determined by checking ewt and pos retrieved from URS or Stat Server respectively.
This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.

This option is mandatory.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value:
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Priority to be set for the virtual interaction when submitting to _urs_virtual_queue. For example, you can set this value to 100. If you leave this option blank, no priority will be set. For further details, see the callback documentation.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value:
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Increment interval to use to increment the priority, every _urs_vq_priority_increment_interval. for example, 10. For further details, see the callback documentation.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value:
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Number of seconds to wait to increment the priority of _urs_vq_priority_increment. For example, 60 to increment the priority every 60 seconds. If you leave this option blank, the incrementation of the priority is disabled.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

The number of seconds, after the target selection, by which to allow delays when fetching user data from a URS WaitForTarget strategy after the target was selected. This option ensures that user data is consistently added to the interaction. It does not delay the callback execution.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: WaitForTarget
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Universal Routing Server strategy to be used for the service instance prioritization. The default value shown here matches the name of the URS strategy that you imported into IRD. If you changed the name of the strategy, update this value to reflect the correct name.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: SetRouteDelay
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Subroutine in URS that changes the RouteDelay parameter of the virtual interaction representing the service instance. This option informs URS to reserve this interaction's target when it becomes available. The default value shown here matches the name of the URS subroutine that you imported into IRD. If you changed the name of the subroutine, update this value to reflect the correct name.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Comma-separated list of Callback KVPs to be retrieved from the routing strategy and added to preview interactions.

See also


Section: no category
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: String URL
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

URS URL or comma-separated list of URS URLs if the enable_urs_loadbalancer option is true in the GMS application. For example:


GMS uses this list to query URS statistics.


Voice - User Originated


Section: Voice - User Originated
Default Value: DNIS
Valid Values: resource_group
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Resource group from which access number is to be allocated.

This option is mandatory.


Section: Voice - User Originated
Default Value: false
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If true, returns a randomly generated code to be used for the authentication of the user originated (inbound) call.

This option is mandatory.


Section: Voice - User Originated
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Used to book the access number resource for a period of time. The customer needs to make the call within the specified timeout to ensure a successful match.

This option is mandatory.


Section: Voice - User Originated
Default Value: 3
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum number of times that the customer can request a connection or a reconnection.


Section: Voice - User Originated
Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If set, this route point will be used as the source DN (focus device) when routing the user originated (inbound) call to the agent. In most cases, the source DN is automatically detected correctly and doesn't need to be set. Hence, it is recommended to leave it empty.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: Voice - User Originated
Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

URL of the custom VXML application to be used to offer a callback (treatment). If _offer_callback is set to true, a VXML app must be used to offer the callback. By default, this parameter is empty and the callback application uses the built-in VXML app.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: Voice - User Originated
Default Value: false
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

When this option is set to true, the callback option is presented to the caller. The IVR application specified in the _offer_callback_vxml_app_url option is used to present the callback option. If the _offer_callback_vxml_app_url is blank (default), the built-in VXML application is executed.

This option is mandatory.

Voice - User Terminated


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value:
Valid Values: JSON-formatted string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Set the hints parameter of the scxml ixn:createcall request for the outbound callback.

  • In versions prior to, you can use this parameter to override the default CPD behavior and, in this scenario, the _cpd_enable flag is ignored.
  • Starting in, you can use this parameter to merge the default CPD behavior and, in this scenario, the _cpd_enable flag is ignored. If you do not set this option, Callback adds the default value to the _ixn_createcall_hints parameter.
This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: false
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Enables dialing of the call from the route point (set in the _route_point option) in a user-terminated scenario connect to agent first where the agent preview mode is disabled. Otherwise, the call will be dialed directly from the agent's DN.

This option is mandatory.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: 300
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Time to wait (seconds) between retries to reach the customer.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.

This option is mandatory.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: 15000
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Time duration (ms) for CPD (Call Progress Detection) to wait for a response. Setting this value to a low value may result in incorrect call state being returned.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Number to be displayed (Caller ID) on the customer's device when the call arrives at the device


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Name to be displayed on the customer's device when the call arrives. This value will take effect only if you set up _calling_party_number.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: Value 1,Value 2,Value 3,Value 4,Value 5
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Comma-separated ordered list of values to be displayed in the agent preview dialog.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: false
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If set to true, in an agent preview scenario, the call will be dialed from the route point specified by the _route_point option. Otherwise, the agent DN will make the call.

This option is mandatory.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: 45
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Time duration allowed for the agent to take action on the Agent Disposition dialog.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: false
Valid Values: boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If set to true, after a callback is completed (interaction deleted) agent is shown a dialog to specify the disposition of the call and schedule a retry as necessary.

This option is mandatory.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Time (in seconds) to wait after the agent rejects the service request prior to putting it back in the queue. While waiting, the callback status is set to QUEUED.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value:
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Virtual Queue (alias) to which the real call is momentarily queued. Setting this option allows reporting systems, which depend on Virtual Queue events, to gather all the required information related to outbound calls.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: 120
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum time limit (in seconds) for the plugin to send an asynchronous response to the GMS Callback Service.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Media type for the agent preview user event generated by the callback application. This option supports an integer value (ENUM) as per TLib specification for Media Types. This option is required when _agent_preview_enable is set to true.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Media type for the agent disposition user event generated by the callback application. This option supports an integer value (ENUM) as per TLib specification for Media Types. This option is required when _enable_disposition_dialog is set to true.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: 32
Valid Values: Integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Timeout (in seconds) to wait for the interaction creation.

This is an advanced parameter. To modify the value of an advanced parameter, you must enable Advanced Parameters in the Service Management UI.

This option is mandatory.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Selects the action to perform if the user does not submit his or her confirmation in response to the push notification.

  • CONNECT-ANYWAY will continue with the call.
  • CANCEL cancels the service request.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: 9
Valid Values: Integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Prefix required to perform a user-terminated (outbound) call from the system.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Route point from which the system can create a user-terminated (outbound) call.

This option is mandatory.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: CUSTOMER
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

First party to connect when _call_direction is set to USERTERMINATED. Set this option to CUSTOMER to call the customer first; set this option to AGENT to call the agent first.

This option is mandatory.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: false
Valid Values: Boolean

Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Enables Agent Preview. If set to true, the Preview Dialog with caller information is displayed to the agent.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: 30
Valid Values: Integer (seconds)
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Duration in seconds that the agent has to preview the callback information and submit a reply. The Preview dialog will automatically close after this timeout and submit a reject from the agent. In this scenario, the call will go back in the queue. During this period, the agent is reserved for the Callback interaction and is not an eligible target for other interactions; therefore, Genesys recommends to evaluate carefully when extending this timeout beyond 30 seconds (default).


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: true
Valid Values: Boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Enables CPD. If this option is set to true, CPD will be performed on a callback made to the customer.

  • If CPD results in a human or silence detection, the call will be routed to the agent.
  • If a fax is detected, the call will be disconnected and marked complete.
  • If an answering machine is detected, the answering machine treatment is played.

This option is mandatory.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: WEB
Valid Values:
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Callback origination channel that will be reported as part of the callback reporting. This option is generally applicable when one service is used for several channels.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

URL of the SCXML custom plugin to execute various custom scenarios after a user terminated callback is dialed; these scenarios depend on the state of the call. By default, there is no value for this option and the plugin execution is disabled.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: true
Valid Values: Boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

True to allow the ORS session executing the custom plugin to control the call (interaction). This enables the plugin to perform some advanced actions which require the session to be in control of the interaction.

Applicable only if the _plugin_on_dial_url option is set.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: true
Valid Values: Boolean
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

True to allow the custom plugin to be invoked even when the dialed call to the customer has failed by not being answered by a human.

Applicable only if the _plugin_on_dial_url option is set.


Section: Voice - User Terminated
Default Value: 3
Valid Values: Integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Maximum number of attempts to call the customer.

Voice Treatment

No results No results No results No results

See also


Section: no category
Default Value: " "
Valid Values: String URL
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

URL of a VXML application to execute after a user terminated callback is dialed and the call is answered by a human.

By default, this option is empty and the VXML execution is disabled.


No category

The following options are used for advanced customization in the service.<service_name> section of your GMS configuration or in your REST queries. ---


Section: no category
Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Comma-separated list of ORS URLs, for example:


Overrides any ORS connections, if they are present.

Set this option in the service.<service_name> section of your GMS configuration, not in the Service Management UI.


Section: no category
Default Value: circular
Valid Values: circular, linear
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Strategy for the ORS load balancer. This option overrides the _ors_lb_strategy option of the GMS application. Supported values are: circular or linear.

Set this option in the service.<service_name> section of your GMS configuration, not in the Service Management UI.


Section: no category
Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Defines a redirection of your POST queries to another callback service. For example, if you set this parameter for the foo service as follows....


.... when you will invoke foo with a POST query....

POST /1/service/callback/foo

.... GMS internally redirects your query to foo_b:

POST /1/service/foo_b
  • This option is restricted to callback services.
  • Set this option in the GMS configuration, not in the Service Management UI. You can disable and overwrite this option in your REST queries if you set _overwritable_options=_redirect in your service configuration.


Section: no category
Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Defines the parameters (_ors, _redirect, and/or _target) that you wish to be able to overwrite in your REST queries.

This option enables you to pass non-request parameters in your REST queries. For example, if you set _overwritable_options=_ors, a customer application can schedule a callback and pass the _ors parameter of the REST query to submit this callback to a given ORS.

POST /1/service/callback/foo

 "_ors": "http://myors:4421"

Another scenario is to set _overwritable_options=_redirect in order to disable the redirection for some queries. For example, if you set the _redirect parameter for the foo service as follows....


.... when you invoke foo with a POST query, you can overwrite the value of the _redirect option and disable the redirection to foo_b:

POST /1/service/callback/foo?_redirect=""


Section: no category
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If true, enables the debug mode for notification.


Section: no category
Default Value: false
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Application language that matches one of the supported languages used for push notifications.


Section: no category
Default Value: " "
Valid Values: String URL
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

URL of a VXML application to execute after a user terminated callback is dialed and the call is answered by a human.

By default, this option is empty and the VXML execution is disabled.


Section: no category
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: String URL
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

URS URL or comma-separated list of URS URLs if the enable_urs_loadbalancer option is true in the GMS application. For example:


GMS uses this list to query URS statistics.

Office Hours Options


Section: office-hours
Default Value:
Valid Values: service.<office hours ID>
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

The name of another office-hours service to include in the current service. If you need to combine the schedules of several teams, use this option to import schedules from other Office Hours Services to combine working hours of multiple teams and shifts in the same Office Hours service. In this scenario, you can create a main Office Hours service (All Offices in the example below) into which you can import all the Office Hours schedules (Regular Hours, Holidays, Exceptions, and timezones). This results in the union of the imported Office Hours schedules within the timezone of the main Office Hours.

For example, create and configure two office Hours services, one named Office SFO, the other Office Amsterdam. Then create the All Offices service and set _include_schedule parameter to combine schedules of both teams. A service referenced in _include_schedule parameter can include additional _include_rule and _include_schedule option(s) and in its configuration.


Section: office-hours
Default Value:
Valid Values: service.<national_holidays>
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

ID of another office-hours service. All rules, such as _bh_regular<n>, _bh_add<n>, _holiday<n> from the specified service (and it's predecessors) are included into the current service. The timezone specified in the included service is ignored. Instead the timezone specified in the current service, applies to all of the rules configured in the current service.


Section: office-hours
Default Value:
Valid Values: "YYYY-MM-dd" or "MM-dd"
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Holidays are specified either by full date (including the year), or only by month and day. In the latter case it is treated as a recurrent event, which is repeated annually. The name of the parameter should be unique within this service (section of options). For example, 2016-07-01 or 07-01.

The parameter name should be unique within this service. For instance, _holiday1, _holiday2, and so on.


Section: office-hours
Default Value:
Valid Values: DDD-DDD HH:mm-HH:mm
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Days and hours of the week where regular office hours apply; for example, Mon-Fri 9:00-17:00. The range of days can overrun the end of the week, for example, you can specify Sat-Mon that includes 3 days: Saturday, Sunday, Monday. The hours are specified in 24-hour format. The range of hours can overrun the end of the day, for example 19:00-7:00 to model the shift that starts at 7 pm and ends at 7 am.

The parameter name should be unique within this service. For instance, _bh_regular2, _bh_regular2, and so on.


Section: office-hours
Default Value: No default value
Valid Values: YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm-HH:mm or MM-dd HH:mm-HH:mm
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies a special date and time period when the office will be open.

Additional days can be specified by providing either full date (including the year) or only the month and the day. For example, 2014-11-30 10:00-14:00 or 11-30 10:00-14:00

If you do not specify the year, the event is considered as recurrent and will be repeated every year. The name of the parameter should be unique within this service (section of options). For instance, _bh_add1, _bh_add2, and so on.


Section: office-hours
Default Value:
Valid Values: String
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

A comma-separated list of one or more alternative office-hours services that should be used during specified periods instead of the current (master) office-hours service configuration, for example: office-hours-summer, holidays.
If you add an office-hours service to this list (for instance, office-hours-summer), you must configure its _effective_dates parameter. During the effective dates, the master service uses the configuration of the alternative services instead of its own configuration.
If you set more than one service in this option, the (master) office-hours service uses the _timezone parameter of this list's first service (office-hours-summer in our example) and will use the "include rule" approach to combine the effective hours.

Not supported by the Service Management UI in 8.5.106.


Section: office-hours
Default Value:
Valid Values: YYYY-MM-dd
or YYYY-MM-dd to YYYY-MM-dd
Changes Take Effect:

Period while the office-hours service applies. If the service has at least one _effective_dates parameter configured, then the office is considered closed outside of the configured _effective_dates<n> ranges.
Use this parameter to restrict the service to a given period of time (a few weeks or months). For example, 2016-04-01 or 2016-04-01 to 2016-10-31.
This parameter is mandatory if you set the _use_alternative<n> parameter. _effective_dates<n> parameters apply to all of the parameters configured in the current office-hours service and in the other included services (for example _include_rule, _include_schedule, _use_alternative) services.

Not supported by the Service Management UI in 8.5.106
This page was last edited on September 21, 2017, at 14:16.
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