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Section: default
Default Value: 43200
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If configured, overrides the default token expiration time of 43200 seconds. For example, if set to 3600, the token expires in the URS memory map in one hour, and a new token is requested from the Predictive Routing platform.

Known Issues and Recommendations

Predictive Routing - URS Strategy Subroutines

The Known Issues and Recommendations section is a cumulative list for all 9.0.x releases of Predictive Routing - URS Strategy Subroutines. This section provides the latest information on known issues and recommendations associated with this product. It includes information on when individual items were found and, if applicable, corrected. The Resolved Issues section for each release describes the corrections and may list additional issues that were corrected without first being documented as Known Issues.

GPR subroutines maintain the authentication tokens received from GPR Core Platform for the timeout configured in the scoring-token-expiration option (by default, this is 43200 seconds/12 hours). When Data Loader resets the SERVICE account password, which it uses to connect to the GPR Core Platform, GPR invalidates all tokens generated using the old password. However, the old token is still stored in the URS global map and the URS Strategy Subroutines continue to use this token when sending score requests, score log updates, and requests for predictor details. As a result, GPR returns an error response with code 12 and message such as Auth token <tokenString> is expired. To make the URS Strategy Subroutines immediately switch over to a token created using the updated password, use one of the following two workarounds:

  • Option 1
    1. Create a test strategy and add the following function in a function block:
      SetMapValue['SCORING_AUTHENTICATION','token',' ',-1]
    2. Load the test strategy on a test route point and make a test call to it.
    This statement clears the old token from primary URS global map, and syncs the update to the backup URS instance as well.
  • Option 2 (for use only when option 1 is not possible)
    1. Stop both primary and backup URSs.
    2. Restart the primary URS and then the backup URS, which clears all global map entries.
ID: PRR-6453 Found In: Fixed In: 

The default configuration option values set in the template file for the Predictive_Route_DataCfg Transaction List object are not correctly set. Carefully review and verify the default values set in the Predictive_Route_DataCfg Transaction List object to ensure that they are appropriate for your environment. For a corrected set of default values, contact your Genesys representative.

ID: PRR-6047 Found In: Fixed In:

When the GPR Core Platform/AICS username or password contains characters using Shift JIS encoding, the authentication request from the ActivatePredictiveRouting_v3 subroutine to get the access token fails with the following error message: Invalid json data in request.

ID: PRR-5174 Found In: Fixed In: 

If you set the use-action-filters option to false and send a scoring request for an agent whose name contains an opening or closing parenthesis [‘(’ or ‘)’], GPR returns an error response similar to the following: No valid operator found in node <node_name> from filter employeeId in <employee_ID>. Valid operators are: ' in ', '>=', '<=', '=', '>', '<'.

ID: PRR-5168 Found In: Fixed In:

If you have set the use-action-filters option to false and URS restarts, the first list it sends of Employee IDs in scoring request action filters for agents in the Ready and ACW states is empty, even though Ready agents are available. However, all subsequent lists contain the correct lists of Employee IDs, as expected.

ID: PRR-5167 Found In: Fixed In:

The value 14 (Call Routing Failed) for the gpmResult KVP can happen for the following reasons:

  • An agent is selected, but does not answer the call. After the timeout expires, routing is considered failed. In this scenario, the correct agent score value is recorded for gpmAgentScore and gpmScoreAboveMedian also has the correct value.
  • No agent is selected. The target selection timeout expires and no agent becomes available or no available agent has a matching score. In this scenario, gpmAgentScore is 0, since no agent is selected, and gpmScoreAboveMedian has the default value unknown.
ID: PRR-4805 Found In: Fixed In: 

When the gpmResult value for an interaction is 13 (Call Abandoned), the media_server_ixn_guid column in the Genesys Info Mart GPM_FACT table, which normally stores the CallUUID for the interaction, is empty. This is the result of Interaction Concentrator design, which does not associate EventUserEvent data received after EventCallDeleted events, such as the gpmResult = 13 value, with the CallUUID.

ID: PRR-4764 Found In:  Fixed In: 

If a custom routing procedure—such as a busy treatment—is started after the agent to which an interaction should be routed is selected, but before the interaction is routed to the agent, the routing might not be successful. This can happen if the custom routing treatment executes external requests that require some time to execute, such as accessing DB Server or a Web service, and these interfere with the routing attempt.

Workaround: If your version of URS is earlier than release 8.1.400.57, add a function, ResetBusyTreatments[], to the end of the GPRIxnCompleted subroutine avoid this issue. This issue was corrected in URS 8.1.400.57.

ID: PRR-4372 Found In: Fixed In:

The URS Strategy Subroutines component does not provide out-of-the-box logging. If you do not add a logging macro, the strategy generates a compile error.

Workaround: Create your own logging macro and add it to the strategy. For example, you might create the following:

Print['PRR [INFO]:',ConnID[],' Message: ',parMessage]

Where the parameter is parMessage.

ID: PRR-4257 Found In: Fixed In:

The following limitations apply to Shift-JIS encoding support in the Predictive Routing subroutines:

  • The skill names used in the action_filters field expression in scoring requests must not contain the following characters: ' ' [space], '(' [left parenthesis], ')' [right parenthesis].
  • The user data KVPs that are used in the context field in scoring requests must not contain the following characters '[' and ']' (left and right square brackets). To exclude such KVPs from the scoring context, specify them in the udata-keys-to-exclude configuration option in the [default] section of the Predictive_Route_DataCfg Transaction List object.
ID: PRR-4014 Found In: Fixed In: 

If you would like to evaluate Genesys Predictive Routing for use with schedule-based routing (using Genesys Workforce Management), service-level routing, or business-objective routing, contact Genesys Professional Services for a review of your routing environment. These routing types are not supported by default in an out-of-the-box deployment.

ID: PRR-1895 Found In:  Fixed In: 

High priority calls do not bypass Genesys Predictive Routing calls in queue in call surplus mode.

ID: PRR-176 Found In: Fixed In:

Internationalization Issues

Information in this section is included for international customers. Release numbers in the Found In and Fixed In fields refer to the English (US) release of Predictive Routing - URS Strategy Subroutines unless otherwise noted in the issue description.

There are no internationalization issues for this product.

This page was last edited on April 17, 2020, at 19:41.
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