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Section: settings
Default Value: 20
Valid Values: Any integer from 1-1000
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the number of characters for crypto-random generated security tokens used in chat protocols (the secureKey property).


Section: inactivity-control
Default Value: 0
Valid Values: Any integer from 0-86400
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Modified: 8.5.301.06

Specifies the second inactivity alert timeout, in seconds. The inactivity timeout is set (or reset) for a session after any of the following activities: chat participant joined or left, chat participant sent a message or a notice (as defined by "include-notices"). If no qualifying activity is detected during this timeout, Chat Server

  • Sends the IDLE_CONTROL_ALERT notice with a message specified by the value of the "message-alert2" option.
  • Starts the timeout specified by the value of the "timeout-close" option.

Attention: Timeout will not be used if the specified value is zero.


Section: inactivity-control
Default Value: Chat session will be closed very soon due to inactivity of chat participants.
Valid Values: Any string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Specifies the message sent to chat participants upon expiration of the timeout configured as the value of the "timeout-alert2" option. If an empty string is specified, no message is sent.


Section: settings
Default Value: never
Valid Values: always, never, noagents, noanswer
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Modified: 8.5.301.06

Specifies how Chat Server handles chat interactions (in Interaction Server) when the chat session is finished. Possible values:

  • always: interactions are always stopped when the chat session is finished (not recommended value).
  • never: interactions are never stopped by Chat Server (recommended value).
  • noagents: interactions are stopped only if there are currently no agents or supervisors in the session (use value wisely).
  • noanswer: interactions are stopped only if no agents ever joined the session - in other words, the session was never answered (use value wisely).

Note: When the chat session is closing, it ignores the presence of bot participants when evaluating this option (in other words, bot participants are not considered "agents"). The legacy "true" and "false" values are also supported and converted to new values as following:

  • "false" is interpreted as "never"
  • "true" is interpreted as "noanswer"

By default, Chat Server does not stop any interaction after the chat session is finished. Instead, Chat Server updates the IsOnline interaction property to false and attaches reporting statistics. If your deployment includes Genesys Info Mart reporting, Genesys recommends that you set the value of this option to "noanswer", to enable accurate reporting of abandoned chats. In all other deployments, Genesys recommends that you set the value of this option to "never", and have the agent desktop and/or a workflow stop the interaction. Values other than "never" must be used cautiously, as stopping the interaction from Chat Server may lead to conflicts with updates from the agent desktop.


Section: client-file-transfer
Default Value: jpg:png:tif:gif:bmp:png:xls:xlsx:doc:ppt:pptx:pdf:csv:htm:txt
Valid Values: Any string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Modified: 8.5.301.06

A colon-separated list of file extensions (case-insensitive), indicating the types of files the client can upload. An empty string disables file uploading for the client.

Chat Server Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Linux Solaris Windows
03/24/17 General X X X X

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List of Release Notes

What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Chat Server now supports case-insensitive file extensions (see the option upload-file-types).
  • A language code can be assigned for every chat session. This language code is used to display inactivity control messages according to the language configuration in Configuration Server.
  • The end session and transcript statistic are always attached to an interaction in Interaction Server. Previously, depending on the value of the stop-abandoned-interaction option, the end session and transcript statistic were not always attached.
  • Two new configuration options, message-alert2 and timeout-alert2, allow you to specify an additional intermediate timer for inactivity monitoring control. See documentation for more details.
  • A new configuration option, security-token-size, allows you to increase the security token length in a chat protocol.
  • New documentation topics:
    • How to send messages from routing workflow/strategies in different languages.
    • How Chat Server reports end session reason codes and transcript statistics.

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

Chat Server no longer leaks memory on the Windows platform. Previously, a memory leak was caused by secure key generation when the chat session was being established. (CHAT-3374)

Chat Server no longer exits during agent disconnect. Previously, Chat Server would sometimes exit in the rare scenario of a reconnected agent not re-joining the chat session after it was restored and closed on the Chat Server. (CHAT-3054)

Upgrade Notes

No special procedure is required to upgrade to release

This page was last edited on November 20, 2018, at 21:17.
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