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Toast and case data

This is part of the API Basics section of the Web Services API.


Web Services provides two different optional filtered subsets of the data found in the userData property of the call resource. Toast data is intended to be used for screen-pop (or "toast") and is included for ringing or dialing calls. Case data is included for established calls and is intended to represent the business-relevant subset of data included on the call.

The set of data that is included in the toast and case properties of the call resource are configured using the toast-filter and case-filter voice settings.

In addition to the key and value properties entries in the toast and case properties include the displayName property configured in the filter. The overall intention is to provide API users all the information required to build a toast/popup and/or call data display without having to manage filtering and metadata on their own.

See the sections below for examples of configuring the toast-filter and case-filter settings as well as call resource examples that include the toast and case properties.

The userData property of the call resource will always contain the full set of data related to the call, regardless of whether a toast/case filter has been configured.

Toast Data

Toast data is intended to support screen pop or "toast" UI elements that alert the agent to a new call. Any desired set of toast data can be configured using the toast-filter setting. It is common to configure a minimal subset of the business data to allow the agent to see the information required to greet the customer.

If a toast-filter is configured, the toast property is provided on the call resource when a call is in the Ringing or Dialing state.


[+] Reading voice settings

[+] Setting a toast-filter

[+] Notification

Case Data

Case data is intended to provide a business-relevant set of call data that API developers can use to populate a call data user interface. Case data is only provided after the agent has accepted the call and it is in the Established state. The set of userData to be included in the case property can be configured via the case-filter setting as shown in the examples below.


[+] Setting a case-filter

This page was last edited on February 15, 2024, at 19:11.
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