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Business Unit API

This document describes the Business Unit API section of the Provisioning API portion of the Web Services API and provides guidance for developers building voice-related client applications.


The Business Unit API provides operations related to Business Units.

Currently the relationship between agents, supervisors, skills, and queues is tracked at the contact center level. This works for smaller deployments, but in larger contact centers it makes more sense to form groups that are assigned a subset of these contact center resources in order to display and manipulate data that is relevant for the currently logged in user.

Business Unit is a group with type=BusinessUnit It contains the following subresources - users, supervisors, queues and skills:

GET /groups/{id}?subresources=* 
   "name":"Tech Support",
   "contains":["users", "skills", "queues"],
   "users":[{"userName":"user1", etc}],
   "supervisors":[{"userName":"supervisor1", etc}],
   "skills":[{"name":"tech support.Spanish", "description":"Spanish skill"}],
   "queues":[{"name":"queue1", etc}]

As all other sub-resources, "skills" and "queues" are accessible through a call. For example:

GET /groups/{id}/skills,
GET /groups/{id}/queues,
GET /groups/(id}/users,
GET /groups/{id}/supervisors or
GET /groups/{id}?subresources=.

Groups that contain users will be synchronized with Configuration Server "agent groups" with the associated name as described here. All other resources in the group (for example: skills, queues) does not have a Configuration Server representation of the relationship.

A Configuration Server agent group will always represented as a Business Unit in Web Services which means that other resources may potentially be associated with the group within Web Services.

Example Scenario

Scenario Expected Sequence Role
Retrieve all entities the current user is responsible for
  • Retrieve Business Unit membership
  • Determine where the current user is in supervisors list
  • All entities may be retrieved for all Business Units where the current user is a supervisor
Any user
This page was last edited on February 15, 2024, at 19:11.
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