This operation is part of the SMS Session API section of the Web Services API.
This allows an agent to invite another agent to a conference.
The customer will be aware of the presence of all agents in the conference.
Agents have the ability to communicate with the customer, or they can communicate with other agents without the customer seeing the communications.
For the 'Invite through queue' feature InternalConferenceInvite value should be added to the InteractionSubtype business attribute.
Request URL | /api/v2/me/smssessions/{id} |
HTTP Method | POST |
Required Features | api-multimedia |
Parameter | Value |
operationName | Invite |
targetUri | The user uri to invite or queue uri to invite through.
Mandatory, if targetPath is not specified. |
targetPath | The user path to invite or queue path to invite through.
Mandatory, if targetUri is not specified. |
POST api/v2/smssessions/0000Na9B26EF006E { "operationName": "Invite", "userUri": "http://localhost:8080/api/v2/contacts/429a55994ef64991a77acb77c1cf9041" }
{ "statusCode": 0, "referenceId": 35 }
First Notification
{ u'notificationType': u'ParticipantsUpdated', u'messageType': u'SMSsessionStateChangeMessage', u'smssession': { u'participants': [ { u'nickname': u'TestName', u'type': u'Agent', u'participantId': u'009052CB05C900EA' }, { u'nickname': u'BFriend', u'type': u'Agent', u'participantId': u'009052CB05CA00EB' }, { u'nickname': u'FirstL', u'type': u'Customer', u'participantId': u'009052CB056C00E5' }, { u'nickname': u'TestName', u'type': u'Agent', u'participantId': u'009052CB057100E7' } ], u'state': u'Chatting', u'id': u'0000Na9B26EF006E', u'capabilities': [ u'Transfer', u'Leave', u'Invite', u'Consult', u'SetInFocus', u'SetDisposition', u'AttachUserData', u'DeleteUserData', u'UpdateUserData', u'SendToAgents', u'SendStartTypingToAgentsNotification', u'SendStopTypingToAgentsNotification', u'Complete', u'SendMessage', u'SendStartTypingNotification', u'SendStopTypingNotification' ], u'uri': u'http: //localhost: 8080/api/v2/smssessions/0000Na9B26EF006E' } }
Second Notification
{ u'messages': [ { u'index': 3, u'from': { u'nickname': u'BFriend', u'type': u'Agent', u'participantId': u'009052CB05CA00EB' }, u'timestamp': u'2014-01-0612: 14: 06.007-0800', u'visibility': u'All', u'type': u'ParticipantJoined', u'timestampSeconds': 1389039246007L } ], u'notificationType': u'NewMessages', u'messageType': u'MessageLogUpdated', u'smssessionUri': u'http: //localhost: 8080/api/v2/smssessions/0000Na9B26EF006E' }
{ u'notificationType': u'Error', u'messageType': u'SMSsessionStateChangeMessage', u'errorMessage': u'Operationfailed', u'referenceId': 36, u'smssession': { u'participants': [ { u'nickname': u'TestName', u'type': u'Agent', u'participantId': u'009052CB110900F5' }, { u'nickname': u'FirstL', u'type': u'Customer', u'participantId': u'009052CB10CC00F0' } ], u'state': u'Chatting', u'id': u'0000Na9B26EF006M', u'capabilities': [ u'Transfer', u'Leave', u'Invite', u'Consult', u'SetInFocus', u'SetDisposition', u'AttachUserData', u'DeleteUserData', u'UpdateUserData', u'Complete', u'SendMessage', u'SendStartTypingNotification', u'SendStopTypingNotification' ], u'uri': u'http: //localhost: 8080/api/v2/smssessions/0000Na9B26EF006M' } }
This page was last edited on February 15, 2024, at 19:11.
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