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This operation is part of the Voice API section of the Web Services API.


Swaps between two calls when one call is held and the other is established.

Request URL /api/v2/me/calls/{id}
HTTP method POST
Required features api-voice


Parameter Value
operationName SwapCalls
otherCallUri The URI of the call to swap.

Sample 1


POST api/v2/me/calls/013V08JRL498H1OI04000VTAES00000S
  "operationName": "SwapCalls",
  "otherCallUri": ""

HTTP response

  "statusCode": 0

CometD notification

The SwapCalls operations results in two notifications. One for the call that is placed on hold, and a second for the held call is retrieved.


Sample 2

The following examples describe the full set of requests and events that demonstrate using the SwapCalls operation.

The agent receives a notification of an inbound call:


The agent answers the inbound call and receives notification of the call state change:


The agent requests the inbound call be placed on hold:

POST api/v2/me/calls/013V08JRL498H1OI04000VTAES00000R
  "operationName": "Hold"

Notification is received of the call being held:


The agent requests the second call be made:

POST api/v2/me/devices/efe1ab32-53f9-43ce-b65e-5768c61f7d4a/calls
  "operationName": "Dial",
  "destination": {
    "phoneNumber": "5001"

The agent receives notification that the second call is dialing:


and then notification that the second call is answered:


The agent then sends the SwapCalls request:

POST api/v2/me/calls/013V08JRL498H1OI04000VTAES00000S
  "operationName": "SwapCalls",
  "otherCallUri": "http://localhost:8080/api/v2/me/calls/013V08JRL498H1OI04000VTAES00000R"

The agent then receives notification that the second call is now held:


and to complete the operation, a notification that the first call is now be retrieved from hold:

This page was last edited on February 15, 2024, at 19:11.
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