Base Preparation
- 1 Base Preparation
- 1.1 Using Repositories for Third-Party Libraries and Software
- 1.2 Step 1: Create Maintenance User
- 1.3 Step 2: Install Third-Party Libraries and Software
- 1.4 Step 3: (Optional) Edit the /etc/hosts File
- 1.5 Step 4: (Optional) Edit the /etc/resolv.conf File
- 1.6 Step 5: Configure MySQL
- 1.7 Step 6: Set Selinux Mode for Installation
- 1.8 Next Steps
Using Repositories for Third-Party Libraries and Software
Third-party libraries and other software are bundled with the Common IP and are installed as part of the Common IP installation. Similarly, the TURN server IP contains a small number of third-party libraries which are installed as part of the TURN server IP installation.
However, depending in which base VM you use, you may still have dependencies for the above libraries that are not packaged along with the Genesys Video Gateway IPs.
Before installing the required libraries, you may need to add the following repositories:
- atrpms
- epel
- rpmforge
Note that if your organization's internal policy is to use another RHEL repository, that should be fine, too.
To get atrmps, run the following:
wget -P /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/
rpm –import /etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY.atrpms
Then type:
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/atrpms.repo
Now add these lines and save the file (note that you might need to correct the baseurl entry if you installed Common IP in an alternate location):
name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - ATrpms
To get epel, type:
Then type:
sudo rpm -Uvh epel-release-6*.rpm
To get rpmforge type:
And then type:
rpm –Uvh rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el6.rf.x86_64.rpm
Followed by:
And finally:
rpm --import RPM-GPG-KEY.dag.txt
Step 1: Create Maintenance User
Create a maintenance user called zenon_maint to analyze logs and start processes, if required.
- Create a group called zenon_maint_group that the user will belong to by running the following command (can be run from anywhere):
sudo groupadd zenon_maint_group
- Create the user:
sudo useradd -c "maint user" -d/home/zenon_maint -g zenon_maint_group -s /bin/bash zenon_maint
- Create a password for the user by typing:
sudo passwd zenon_maint
- When prompted, type the password again.
- Then type:
cd /etc
- To open a vi session, type:
- Add the following lines to the end of the file, replacing hostname with the FQDN of the server:
zenon_maint hostname=/home/zenon_maint/zenon_install_pre_release zenon_maint hostname=/home/zenon_maint/zenon_install_release zenon_maint hostname=/bin/vi /opt/zenon/share/config/zenon/zenon_2100.cfg zenon_maint hostname=/bin/vi /opt/zenon/share/config/saypage/saypage_2130.cfg zenon_maint hostname=/bin/vi /opt/zenon/public_html/WEB-INF/infotypes_zenon.xml zenon_maint hostname=/bin/vi /opt/zenon/zenonserver/ zenon_maint hostname=/etc/init.d/restart zenon_maint hostname=/etc/init.d/restop zenon_maint hostname=/etc/init.d/snmp_start zenon_maint hostname=/etc/init.d/snmp_stop zenon_maint hostname=/opt/zenon/ zenon_maint hostname=/opt/zenon/sh/ zenon_maint hostname=/opt/zenon/sh/ zenon_maint hostname=/opt/zenon/sh/ zenon_maint hostname=/opt/zenon/sh/ zenon_maint hostname=/opt/zenon/sh/ zenon_maint hostname=/opt/zenon/sh/ zenon_maint hostname=/opt/zenon/sh/ zenon_maint hostname=/etc/init.d/mysqld zenon_maint hostname=/usr/bin/sg zenon_maint hostname=/usr/sbin/crm_mon
Step 2: Install Third-Party Libraries and Software
The Collaboration Common IP contains all of the third-party libraries and software. Run the scripts/ script file (provided with this IP) from root access account to install the third-party items. Also, this script invokes some pre-install sub-scripts. If you are planning to install Application Server in this box, use the argument AS. For MCU-only installation, use the argument MCU.
- Run the scripts/ script file (provided with this IP) to install the third-party items:
For example, run:
cd scripts sudo chmod +x *.sh sudo AS (or MCU)
Note: This can take several minutes to execute based on your system.
- The pre-install script also creates the following folders and sets the necessary permissions for them:
/storage_1 /zenon_releases /zenon_backups /saypage_provision /opt/zenon /home/saypage/site
- MySQL server (5.1.7) and JDK7 are installed as part of Common installation.
- If the autofs service is running on your system, stop and disable autofs.
- The Common IP has an extras folder that contains RPMs for some utilities, like sysbench, netcat, nmap, crontab, etc.
Step 3: (Optional) Edit the /etc/hosts File
- Check the entries in the /etc/hosts file. The localhost entry should appear after the localhost.localdomain entry, as shown in the following example (it may appear the other way around when you first open the file).
Example: localhost.localdomain localhost
- If any other numeric values appear for localhost/localdomain, they can remain, but make sure they are listed in the correct order as stated above.
- If you see an entry that starts with ::1, you must comment out this entry with a hashtag at the start of the line.
- Add a line that references the IP address of your server or image, your chosen fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and hostname:
X.X.X.X yourhostname
ImportantMake sure that resolves to the IP address above.
Step 4: (Optional) Edit the /etc/resolv.conf File
- The resolver configuration file contains information that is read by the resolver routines the first time they are invoked by a process. Entries should exist within this file of the approximate form below, however editing this file might not be desirable, according the policies of your company. For the purposes of this installation, the following should be present:
nameserver X.X.X.X search localhost
Where nameserver is the IP address (in dot notation) of the name server that the resolver queries in order to map domains to IP addresses. You may need to insert localhost before another domain that might be present on the line starting with the word search.
search localhost
Step 5: Configure MySQL
Note: MySQL configuration is not needed for an MCU only setup.
- Start MySQL (assuming that MySQL is installed in Step 2) by typing:
sudo service mysqld start
- Log into MySQL by typing mysql at the console prompt (the root password is blank by default). Once logged in, type the following:
create database mzs; use mysql; select * from user; delete from user where host='<server-hostname>';
Note: It's possible that the server or image uses entries such as yourdomain or localhost.localdomain rather than the yourhostname that you might have referred to in Step 2, in which case you will need to delete entries in the user table where host="this name". The only entries that should remain are where host="localhost" or host="".
- Now run:
set password for 'root'@'localhost'=OLD_PASSWORD('<yourpasswd>'); GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'mzs'@'localhost' with GRANT OPTION; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'root'@'localhost' with GRANT OPTION; GRANT ALL ON mzs TO 'root'@'localhost' with GRANT OPTION; GRANT ALL ON mzs TO 'mzs'@'localhost' with GRANT OPTION; set password for 'mzs'@'localhost'=OLD_PASSWORD('<yourpasswd>');
Where <yourpasswd> is a password of your choice used for MySQL. If you see Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec), this is acceptable and can be ignored.
Note: The password must be all lower case text, with a minimum length of 8 characters. No numeric or special characters are allowed.
- Exit MySQL by typing exit and run the following command to ensure mysqld startup on reboot:
sudo chkconfig mysqld on
The next time you want to log into MySQL use: mysql -A -u mzs -p
Note: When the platform starts for the first time it will update and encrypt the MySQL password stored in /opt/zenon/sys/supervisor_system.txt.
- (Optional) To change the password for the mzs user, change it first in MySQL, set it in /opt/zenon/sys/supervisor_system.txt for mysql_mzs, and then restart the platform.
Step 6: Set Selinux Mode for Installation
- Set the following in /etc/sysconfig/selinux:
- Reboot the server by running:
sudo reboot
- After the server has rebooted, log in and verify the Selinux mode using the command:
sudo getenforce
- After the installation is done, you can set SELINUX to enforcing in /etc/sysconfig/selinux, and then reboot the server.