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Installing GRS On Unix Platforms

For the supported UNIX versions, please consult the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide

To install the GRE or the GRAT on UNIX systems:

  1. Create the Application objects in Configuration Manager or Genesys Administrator. For reference, see:
  2. Locate and run the install.sh scripts for each component (found in their respective directories on the CD).

Example of the command terminal from an installation of the GRE on a Linux host

This example includes the script’s prompts, as well as the user’s input (in bold).

bash-3.2$ ./install.sh
 Welcome to the Genesys 8.1 Installation Script 

Installing Genesys Rules Engine, version 8.1.xxx.xx

Please enter the hostname or press enter for “rh5x64-vm1” => <ENTER> was selected

Unable to find configuration information.
Either you have not used configuration wizards and the
GCTISetup.ini file was not created or the file is corrupted.

Please enter the following information about your Configuration Server:

Configuration Server Hostname =>host1
Network port =>2020
User name =>default
Password => the password was entered

Client Side Port Configuration
Select the option below to use a Client Side Port. If you select
this option, the application can use Client Side Port number for initial connection to Configuration Server.
Do you want to use Client Side Port option (y/n)?y
Client Side Port port =>8888
Client Side IP Address (optional), the following values can be used
=><ENTER> was selected
Backup Configuration Server Hostname =>host2
Backup Network port =>2020

Please choose which application to install:
1 : GRE8100025_rh5x64-vm1

Press ENTER to confirm “0” as
the Number of attempts to reconnect to primary Configuration Server or enter a new one =>6

Press ENTER to confirm “0” as
the Delay in seconds between reconnect attempts or enter a new one =>3

Please enter full path of the destination directory for installation =>/home/GRS/GRE/8100025/linux

The target install directory /home/GRS/GRE/8.1.xxx.xx/linux
has files in it. Please select an action to perform:
1. Back up all files in the directory
2. Overwrite only the files contained in this package
3. Wipe the directory clean
1, 2, or 3 =>2

Extracting tarfile: data.tar.gz to directory: /home/user/GRS/GRE/8.1.xxx.xx/linux

Installation of Genesys Rules Engine, version 8.1.xxx.xx has completed successfully.

Example of the command terminal from an installation of the GRAT on a Linux host

This example includes the script’s prompts, as well as the user’s input (in bold).

bash-3.2$ ./install.sh
 Welcome to the Genesys 8.1 Installation Script 

Installing Genesys Rules Authoring Tool, version 8.1.xxx.xx

Please enter the hostname or press enter for “rh5x64-vm1” =><ENTER> was selected

Unable to find configuration information.
Either you have not used configuration wizards and the
GCTISetup.ini file was not created or the file is corrupted.

Please enter the following information about your Configuration Server:

Configuration Server Hostname =>host1
Network port =>2020
User name =>default
Password => the password was entered

Client Side Port Configuration
Select the option below to use a Client Side Port. If you select this option,
the application can use Client Side Port number for initial connection to
Configuration Server.

Do you want to use Client Side Port option (y/n)?y
Client Side Port port =>9999
Client Side IP Address (optional), the following values can be used
 =><ENTER> was selected
Backup Configuration Server Hostname =>host2
Backup Network port =>2020

Please choose which application to install:
1 : GRAT8100037_rh5x64-vm1
2 : GRE8100025_rh5x64-vm1

Press ENTER to confirm “0” as
the Number of attempts to reconnect to primary Configuration Server or enter a new one =>3

Press ENTER to confirm “0” as
the Delay in seconds between reconnect attempts or enter a new one =>6

Client connection application =>GRSRuleClient

Please specify the database type for:
1) Oracle
2) DB2

JDBC Connector Class =>oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
Database URL =>jdbc:oracle:thin:@//hostname:1521/orcl
Database user =>SA
Database user password => the database user password was entered

Please enter full path of the destination directory for installation =>/home/GRS/GRAT/8.1.xxx.xx/linux

The target install directory /home/GRS/GRAT/8.1.xxx.xx/linux
has files in it. Please select an action to perform:
1. Back up all files in the directory
2. Overwrite only the files contained in this package
3. Wipe the directory clean
1, 2, or 3 =>2

Extracting tarfile: data.tar.gz to directory: /home/user/GRS/GRAT/8.1.xxx.xx/linux

Installation of Genesys Rules Authoring Tool, version 8.1.xxx.xx has completed successfully.
This page was last edited on June 25, 2013, at 08:32.
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