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Error Handling

Error Codes and Responses

HTTP status code



Body of the error message

400 Bad Request - URI not valid The received URI does not match the GRE's REST specification. <error code=610>URI needs to be of the form /knowledgebase/{packageName}"</error>
400 Bad Request - Package The deployment of the package failed, because of compilation errors.

<error code=622>"Deployment of rule package packageName failed due to rule compile errors"</error>

400 Bad Request - Package The deployment of the package failed, because of an exception. <error code=623> "Error in deploying rule package packageName. ErrorMsg." </error>
404 Not Found - Package not found The package for the received evaluation request was not found. <error code=620>"Rule package pkgName was not found"</error>
406 Not Acceptable - Unable to convert message The received evaluation request could not be converted to a valid knowledgebase-request message. <error code=602>"Unable to convert. Error: errorMsg"</error>
406 Not Acceptable - Unable to process request The received evaluation request could not be evaluated, because of an exception. <error code=602>"Unable to process request. Error: errorMsg"</error>
500 Internal Server Error - Package deployment failed The package could not be deployed, because of an internal error. <error code=621>"Error allocating resources for rule package packageName"</error>

If the content type is application/json, the body of the error message is formatted as follows:

         description:"error message" 
This page was last edited on June 25, 2013, at 09:33.
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