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Genesys MIB File Changes

The Genesys 7 MIB (Management Information Base) file used for SNMP support is built into the latest release of Management Layer. This file is installed automatically, and resides in the root directory where Solution Control Server is installed.

This section lists the differences in Genesys MIB files between releases.

Changes in 8.5

There are no changes in the Genesys MIB file in release 8.5.

Changes in 8.1

There were no changes in the Genesys MIB file in release 8.1.

Changes in 8.0

In release 8.0, the Genesys MIB file was modified as follows:

  • apps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { genesys 200 } was added to provide an extension point for applications. This enables an application, such as Genesys Voice Platform, to register additional MIB regions that are controlled by the application itself (not by Solution Control Server).
  • The gServerStatus object was extended with the following new status levels:
    • statusSuspending(7)
    • statusSuspended(8)
  • The table tsLinkStatsTable was added to provide current statistics about the T-Server Link.

Changes in 7.6

There were no changes in the Genesys MIB file in release 7.6.

This page was last edited on December 22, 2015, at 19:33.
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