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gim-etl-populate Section


Use this configuration section to specify optional population of certain Info Mart tables and how certain interaction flows are reported.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.004

Enables or disables reporting on Active Switching Matrix (ASM) engage duration (for voice interactions only). Applies only to deployments with Outbound Contact in a VoIP environment where campaigns are running in an ASM dialing mode.

  • false—Genesys Info Mart does not differentiate between ASM engage duration and regular talk time.
  • true—Genesys Info Mart populates the ASM_COUNT and ASM_ENGAGE_DURATION columns in the INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT (IRF) table as follows:
    • ASM_COUNT is set to 1 to indicate that an attempt was made to engage an agent. If no attempt was made, then the column shows a value of 0.
    • ASM_ENGAGE_DURATION indicates the amount of time that a successfully-engaged agent waited to be connected to a customer. This duration will be excluded from regular talk time.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.002

Enables or disables population of the summarized resource states across all media (including voice, e-mail, chat, and 3rd Party Media media types) in the SM_MEDIA_NEUTRAL_STATE_FACT table. The value of the applicable populate-sm-*-resource-activity option must be set to true for agent states on those media to be reflected in the media-neutral agent states. The media-neutral state is the highest-priority state in effect for any of the agent's media, where the priority is determined by the sm-resource-state-priority option.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None

Enables or disables the population of eServices/Multimedia Interaction Queue activity to the MSF table. Genesys Info Mart uses this value for all configured eServices/Multimedia Interaction Queues, unless you configure an option that has the same name on an individual Script object for a specific Interaction Queue in the interface you use for configuration.

  • false—The placement of an interaction in an Interaction Queue will not be represented in the MSF table.
  • true—The placement of an interaction in an Interaction Queue will be represented in the MSF table.

Starting with release 8.5.003, Genesys Info Mart always creates an MSF record for the first Interaction Queue that an inbound interaction enters, regardless of the setting of this option.

Strategy time is not included in the mediation duration, with the following exceptions:

  • Scenarios in which an interaction is bounced between an Interaction Queue and a strategy while an available agent is being identified
  • Between releases 8.5.002 and 8.5.006, when the expand-mediation-time-for-gapless option is true
  • Starting with release 8.5.007, when the show-non-queue-mediation-mm option is set to true

For more information, see Populating Mediation Segments in the Genesys Info Mart User’s Guide.

Ideally, populate-mm-ixnqueue-facts should be set to true only for Interaction Queues for which mediation reporting is desired, so that the MSF table does not become cluttered with unnecessary information. Some Interaction Queues are not useful for reporting, such as the Interaction Queues that are associated with Interaction Workbin objects only through a configured Interaction Queue View.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: populate-workbin-as-hold

Enables or disables the population of eServices/Multimedia Interaction Workbin activity to the MSF table. For workbins that are associated with handling resources of type Agent or Place, this option comes into effect only if Genesys Info Mart has not been configured to consider workbin time as hold (populate-workbin-as-hold=false). For the circumstances under which Genesys Info Mart considers workbin time as hold, see the description of the populate-workbin-as-hold option.

Genesys Info Mart uses this value for all configured eServices/Multimedia Interaction Workbins, unless you configure an option that has the same name on an individual Script object for a specific Interaction Workbin in the interface you use for configuration.

  • false—The placement of an interaction in an Interaction Workbin will not be represented in the MSF table.
  • true—Provided that Genesys Info Mart does not consider the workbin time as hold, the placement of an interaction in an Interaction Workbin will be represented in the MSF table. The MSF record references a WORKBIN dimension that identifies the type of resource that is associated with the workbin and the specific resource that is associated with the mediation. Strategy time is not included in the mediation duration, except for scenarios in which an interaction is bounced between an Interaction Workbin and a strategy, as the strategy retries busy agents repeatedly. For more information, see the description of the MEDIATION_DURATION field in the section about populating MSFs in the Genesys Info Mart User’s Guide.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle

Enables or disables the population of both interaction data and agent activity data from SIP Instant Messaging (IM) interactions. The default value of this option is false, indicating that Genesys Info Mart will not transform SIP IM data.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None

Enables you to align reporting of agent states more correctly in multimedia deployments with Interaction Server Cluster where:

  • The Interaction Servers are configured as an Interaction Server Cluster, but each ICON connects directly to an individual Interaction Server in the cluster, instead of to the proxy.
  • Only one ICON (or ICON HA pair) is configured to write agent state information (the ICON role option value includes gls).

Genesys Info Mart introduced support for this scenario in release, to resolve reporting inconsistencies that would otherwise occur if more than one ICON (or ICON HA pair) recorded agent state information. However, when only one ICON (or ICON HA pair) is configured with the gls role, only that ICON (or ICON HA pair) will report a BUSY state for an agent when the agent is engaged in an interaction handled by the Interaction Server to which that ICON (or HA pair) is connected. Other ICONs in this configuration will write interaction data when the respective Interaction Server to which the ICON is connected handles an interaction, but these other ICONs will not provide BUSY states.

To enable Genesys Info Mart to support the scenario without losing any BUSY state information, set populate-sm-busy-from-mm-ixns to true. With this setting, Genesys Info Mart generates BUSY states for agents based on multimedia interaction data, resulting in more accurate agent state reporting.

However, be aware that state durations might still be affected if time is not synchronized among the Interaction Servers in the cluster—for example, a state’s duration might be reported as one second less than actual.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None for release 8.1.1 and later; in earlier releases, has an effect only on the tables that are populated when the values of the following options are set to true: populate-sm-resource-session-facts, populate-sm-resource-state-facts, and populate-sm-resource-state-reason-facts.

Enables or disables the population of Genesys eServices/Multimedia chat resource activity in the SM_RES_SESSION_FACT, SM_RES_STATE_FACT, and SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT tables.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None for release 8.1.1 and later; in earlier releases, has an effect only on the tables that are populated when the values of the following options are set to true: populate-sm-resource-session-facts, populate-sm-resource-state-facts, and populate-sm-resource-state-reason-facts.

Enables or disables the population of Genesys eServices/Multimedia e-mail resource activity in the SM_RES_SESSION_FACT, SM_RES_STATE_FACT, and SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT tables.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None
Discontinued: 8.1.1

In release 8.1.0 and earlier, enables or disables population of the SM_RES_SESSION_FACT table for voice, e-mail, or chat media types if the value of the applicable populate-sm-*-resource-activity option is set to true.

Starting with release 8.1.1, this option has been discontinued, and Genesys Info Mart always populates the SM_RES_SESSION_FACT table. Because of performance improvements in SM_* transformation, Genesys Info Mart no longer needs to control population of this table.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: populate-sm-resource-session-facts
Discontinued: 8.1.1

In release 8.1.0 and earlier, enables or disables population of the SM_RES_STATE_FACT table for voice, e-mail, or chat media types if the value of the applicable populate-sm-*-resource-activity option is set to true. Because state facts cannot be populated without corresponding session facts, you must set the value of the populate-sm-resource-session-facts option to true in order for the populate-sm-resource-state-facts option to have an effect.

Starting with release 8.1.1, this option has been discontinued, and Genesys Info Mart always populates the SM_RES_STATE_FACT table. Because of performance improvements in SM_* transformation, Genesys Info Mart no longer needs to control population of this table.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Discontinued: 8.1.1

In release 8.1.0 and earlier, enables or disables population of the SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT table for voice, e-mail, or chat media types if the value of the applicable populate-sm-*-resource-activity option is set to true. Because reason facts cannot be populated without corresponding session and state facts, you must set the values of the populate-sm-resource-session-facts and populate-sm-resource-state-facts options to true in order for the populate-sm-resource-state-reason-facts option to have an effect.

Starting with release 8.1.1, this option has been discontinued, and Genesys Info Mart always populates the SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT table. Because of performance improvements in SM_* transformation, Genesys Info Mart no longer needs to control population of this table.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle

Enables or disables the population of voice resource activity in the SM_RES_SESSION_FACT, SM_RES_STATE_FACT, and SM_RES_STATE_REASON_FACT tables. The option also affects population of INTERACTION_RESOURCE_FACT columns related to agent states—namely, AFTER_CALL_WORK_* and *_ACW_* metrics and RES_PREVIOUS_SM_STATE_* and RES_PREV_SM_STATE_* references.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: At the next run of Job_TransformGIM
Dependencies: None
Introduced: 8.5.001

Enables or disables the population of thread-related metrics in the ANCHOR_FLAGS dimension in multimedia deployments.

When populate-thread-facts = false (the default value):

  • The following fields in the ANCHOR_FLAG dimension will be ignored for the purposes of populating the IRF.ANCHOR_FLAGS_KEY metric:
  • In deployments that use Reporting and Analytics Aggregates (RAA) or Genesys CX Insights (GCXI), the following agent thread metrics are also not populated:

Before release 8.5.001, the behavior was not configurable, and Genesys Info Mart populated thread-related metrics by default. However, interaction thread processing can consume significant resources. Therefore, to improve performance in multimedia deployments that do not need to track interaction threads, Genesys Info Mart no longer populates thread-related metrics by default. The option was introduced to enable you to explicitly activate this functionality, if desired.

This option does not affect population of the chat thread tables and metrics introduced in release for Genesys Engage cloud deployments with Advanced Chat.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: On the next ETL cycle
Dependencies: None

Specifies whether the time that an interaction is in an Interaction Workbin is considered to be hold time or mediation.

  • false—Workbin time is considered to be mediation. Whether or not the workbin activity will be represented by an MSF record depends on the value of the populate-mm-workbin-facts option.
  • true—Workbin time is considered to be hold if the handling resource places the interaction into its own personal workbin. The hold ends when any resource takes the interaction out of the workbin. Various hold metrics are reported in the IRF record that is associated with that handling resource.

For time in an Interaction Workbin to be considered hold time, the Agent or Place resource must place the interaction into its own personal workbin. For example, if Agent1 places an e-mail interaction into its personal workbin, the workbin time is considered to be hold; however, if another resource, such as another agent or a strategy, places the interaction into the workbin for Agent1 to handle, the workbin time is not considered to be hold.

If a handling resource places an interaction into more than one of its own personal workbins, all of the personal workbin time is considered to be hold, and there is no distinction between the hold time in the various workbins. For example, if Agent1 places an e-mail interaction into a Drafts workbin, then pulls the interaction to continue handling it and subsequently places it into a FollowUp workbin, the hold duration that is reported in the IRF record for Agent1’s association with the interaction combines the time that is spent in both workbins.

The following table summarizes the results of different permutations of the populate-workbin-as-hold and populate-mm-workbin-facts options, in combination with the specifics of the interaction flow. If the values of the populate-workbin-as-hold and populate-mm-workbin-facts options are both set to false, the workbin activity is not represented in the dimensional model.

Workbin Reporting Results Matrix
Scenario Reporting Result for Workbin Activity






An Agent/Place resource places the interaction into its personal workbin. MSF record.*

This is the default behavior.

Hold metrics in the IRF record for the association of that Agent/Place with the interaction.
Another resource places the interaction into the personal workbin of an Agent/Place. MSF record.* Not represented in the dimensional model.
Any resource places the interaction into an AgentGroup or PlaceGroup workbin.
*Starting with release 8.1.1, the MSF record includes a WORKBIN_KEY value that identifies the workbin instance that is associated with the mediation.
This page was last edited on April 23, 2015, at 23:59.
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