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Working with the iWD Business Process in Interaction Routing Designer (IRD)

This Document

These topics describe how to:

  • Work with and adapt the Interaction Routing Designer (IRD) iWD Business Process (IWDBP) that is supplied out-of-box with intelligent Workload Distribution.
  • Clone the IWDBP to create new business processes under a single Tenant

Working with and Adapting the iWDBP

The iWD Business Process is made up of a set of Interaction Queues that map to the iWD state model. [+] SHOW THE SET

Within this Business Process, from within a routing strategy, External Service Protocol (ESP) blocks are used to invoke Genesys Rules Engine (GRE) functions. This approach is used to apply classification and prioritization rules to the interaction. When a user goes to the Global Task List (GTL) view in iWD Manager, to monitor the interactions that are in various states, this component communicates with Interaction Server to retrieve the list of interactions and their attributes.

This out-of-the-box Genesys iWD Business Process maps to the iWD state model, allowing you to use iWD-based reporting for other interaction types (for example, you might want to track Genesys e-mails along with other task types, under the same Department or Process).

This Genesys iWD Business Process is completely optional for iWD customers who are using Genesys E-mail, Genesys Chat, Genesys SMS, or even third-party e-mail, SMS, or chat. If the Genesys iWD Business Process is not used, iWD Runtime Node/Data Mart and iWD Global Task List functionality may be limited.

For Genesys eServices customers, the Genesys iWD Business Process can be left unchanged if you want to use business rules only. In this scenario, what would change would be the routing strategies. The strategies would use ESP blocks to invoke the Genesys Rules Engine. This means that existing Genesys E-mail, Chat or SMS/MMS customers can use the business rules within iWD without having to change their Genesys Business Processes; or, to access some additional functionality, changes can be made to the Business Processes.

Cloning the iWDBP to Create New Business Processes

Before 8.5.1 the out-of-box iWDBP required you to use just one business process and one set of queues to handle every work item that you are processing. In the event of your organisation's business structures and processes becoming very large and complex, this flexibility can at some point become a hindrance because every work item must be handled by the same set of queues.

From release 8.5.1 you can create new business processes (under the same Tenant) that can support clear logical distinctions between processes and departments For example, interactions from different media types (e-mail, chat, SMS and so on) can be handled by separate business processes with their own customized queue names, and this in turn can provide clear logical distinctions in reporting, because the queue name is the basis for handling reporting requirements.

This is achieved by by cloning and editing the iWDBP, and making the interaction queues (supplied out-of-box with iWD) configurable for your needs, together with some additional configuration changes.

If you configure more than one business process, customized queues must be configured for each Solution in the iWD GAX Plug-in. Only the existing queues may be used. The custom queue names will then be used by both iWD Manager and iWD Data Mart instead of the default ones.

See the Deployment Guide for more information.  

This page was last edited on May 5, 2016, at 08:08.
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