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Setting up the UCS Database

CSAPIProxyUCS.png Purpose: To set up the database or databases that UCS will use.


RDBMS, either Oracle or Microsoft SQL. See also the eServices 8.0 Deployment Guide. See the Deployment category page for overall prerequisites for deploying UCS.


  1. Create a database in your RDBMS.
  2. Locate scripts in \Universal Contact Server\<application-name>\sql_scripts\<RDBMS-type>.
  3. Run ucs-<RDBMS-type>.sql for a new installation or choose the proper upgrade script for your RDBMS type.
    For an existing UCS database, run all scripts that cover your existing version, the current version, and all versions in between. For example, to upgrade from 7.6.1 to 8.0.2, you must run
    1. upgrade_<RDBMS-type>_7.6.1_to_8.0.0.sql
    2. upgrade_<RDBMS-type>_8.0.0_to_8.0.1.sql
    3. upgrade_<RDBMS-type>_8.0.1_to_8.0.2.sql

    Genesys supplies upgrade scripts for all releases starting with 7.0.1.

Special Information for Oracle RAC

DAP Configuration

To connect UCS to an Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC), configure a DAP for UCS as follows:

  • Use the first node's host and port settings on the Server info tab.
  • For the host, port, and ONS settings of each additional node, create options in the settings section, as follows. Note that the ONS settings are optional.
    • Name: ONSConfiguration
      Value: nodes=node1:node1port,node2:node2port, ... where port is the ONS port, usually 6251
    • Name: hostx, where x is a positive integer
      Value: host of RAC
    • Name: portx, where x is a positive integer matching one of the hostx options
      Value: DB port of RAC, usually 1521

Here is an example configuration for three nodes, named rac1, rac2, and rac3. The DB port is 1521 and the ONS port is 6251 for all nodes.

host: rac1
ports: default, 1521
[Options > settings]
ONSConfiguration: nodes=rac1:6251,rac2:6251,rac3:6251
host1: rac2
port1: 1521
host2: rac3
port2: 1521

UCP Library

Starting with the 8.1 release, support of Oracle RAC also requires that you deploy the Universal Connection Pool library, which Genesys is not able to deliver with the installation package. To deploy the UCP library:

  1. Download the ucp.jar file, version or higher, from the Oracle web site: [1]
  2. Copy the jar file to the UCS home folder in ./lib/db/oracle

When connected to an Oracle RAC configuration, the UCS database layer uses this jar file for connection handling. If UCS is started against an Oracle RAC without ucp.jar, it will fail to start.

Next Steps

Configure a Database Access Point (DAP).

This page was last edited on July 17, 2020, at 15:52.
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