This page was last edited on March 26, 2013, at 03:48.
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Unless otherwise noted, the common configuration options that this section describes are common to all Genesys server applications and are applicable to any Framework server component. This section includes the following topics:
Unless otherwise specified, set the common configuration options in the Options section of the Application object, using one of the following navigation paths:
Warning: Configuration sections names, configuration option names, and predefined option values are case-sensitive. Enter these option names and values in Genesys Administrator or Configuration Manager exactly as they are documented in the following topics.
You do not have to configure any common options to start any Server applications.
The Timeout Value Format describes the values to use for those T-Server common options that set various timeouts. The current format allows you to use fractional values and various time units for timeout settings.
For timeout-related options, you can specify any value that represents a time interval, provided that it is specified in one of the following formats:
[hours hr][minutes min][seconds sec][milliseconds msec]
A time unit name in italics (for example, hours) that is specified in the example above, should be replaced by an integer value for that time unit.
Integer values with no measuring units are still supported to keep compatibility with the previous releases of T-Server. If you do not specify any measuring units, the units of the default value apply. For example, if the default value equals 60 seconds, specifying the value of 30 sets the option to 30 seconds.
The following settings result in a value of 1 second, 250 milliseconds:
sync-reconnect-tout = 1.25sync-reconnect-tout = 1 sec 250 msec
The following settings result in a value of 1 minute, 30 seconds:
timeout = 1:30timeout = 1 min 30 sec