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Monitoring Hierarchy

The Hierarchy pane contains the groups that aggregate metric values for agents in your monitoring hierarchy. The groups may represent divisions, groups reporting to a manager or supervisor, and teams. You can see only those groups or nodes to which you have permissions set by the administrator. An agent team is found only at the lowest level of the monitoring hierarchy.

The count of alerts (that is, triggered rules) rolls up through all levels of the monitoring hierarchy.

You can search for a team or supervisor node by entering a name in the Search field. The search is limited to the hierarchy nodes that are visible. If the matched name is a team, the team's agents are displayed on the Team pane. If the matched name is a group reporting to a specific supervisor, the Team pane is cleared.

Tooltips provide descriptions and channels (Voice, Email, or Web Chat) for the metrics that you are monitoring on the Hierarchy pane.

  • To display tooltips, move your cursor over any metric column header in the Hierarchy pane.

The tooltip contains the metric display name, as well as a description of that metric.

See the Welcome page for more information about hierarchy access.

This page was last edited on March 28, 2015, at 00:22.
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