iWD Section
Default Value:
Valid Values: Comma separated list of attributes
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the (comma-separated) list of attributes to be shown in global task list history. For example, specific desired system-generated or strategy-generated attributes. You can specify _ALL_ keyword to allow all attributes.
Default Value: 1000
Valid Values: Valid number of events
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Maximum number of events which will be saved at once in history DB.
Note: one event may translate to multiple rows in the database.
Default Value:
Valid Values: Comma separated list of attributes
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Specifies the (comma-separated) list of attributes to be filtered out of global task list history. For example, unwanted system-generated or strategy-generated attributes. You can specify _ALL_ keyword to block all attributes except listed in the allow-listed-attributes list.
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true or false
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Determines whether database schema should be migrated (i.e. updated)
during application start.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true or false
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Determines whether datamart events should be processed and saved
in history DB.
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true or false
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Determines whether GTL history events should be processed and saved
in history DB.
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Valid number of processor threads
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Number of processor threads used for events processing.
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Valid number of miliseconds
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Number of miliseconds since last event received from JMS queue after
which cached events will be flushed to the history DB.
Default Value: remove
Valid Values: Keep or remove
Changes Take Effect: After restart
History Node behavior after receiving "Stop processing" event from
Interaction Server. If "keep", interaction history will be preserved; if "remove", interaction
history will be purged after specified timeout.
Default Value: 60
Valid Values: Valid number of seconds
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Number of seconds since stop processing event received from JMS queue
after which interaction history will be purged from database.
Default Value: 60
Valid Values: Valid number of seconds
Changes Take Effect: After restart
Frequency of history purge in seconds.
Default Value:
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Changes Take Effect: After restart
The maximum number of events that will be migrated from the Events Log database. If the parameter is not defined or it is set to 0 (zero) the migration process will try to process all existing events of Events Log database.