This page describes how to install and deploy Genesys Administrator Extension. Before beginning your installation, ensure that you have met the prerequisites listed in Prerequisites. If you plan to install any of the modules in Genesys Administrator Extension, refer to Prerequisites for Genesys Administrator Extension Modules before using them.
Although Configuration Server might support more database types, GAX only supports the following database types: Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL. Refer to the Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference Guide for information on which operating environments are supported by GAX.
Do not connect GAX to a Configuration Server Proxy; connect it to Configuration Server only. Configuration Server Proxy does not support some functionality that is required by GAX.
Although Management Framework supports various operating systems, GAX can only be deployed on an Operating System that is also supported by Configuration Server and DB Server. For more information, see Genesys Administrator Extension and Framework pages of Genesys Supported Operating Environment Reference.
Deploying Genesys Administrator Extension via Setup Mode
Setup Mode can set up new instances of GAX to connect to an existing Management Framework deployment. You can also use Setup Mode to install and configure new Genesys deployments. In the latter scenario, Setup Mode will install GAX, Configuration Server, and DB Server (where applicable). After these components are installed, you can use the installation package (IP) management features of GAX to deploy other installation packages.
If you are using Setup Mode to install GAX for the first time, you must be a local user on the machine on which GAX will be installed. You are considered a local user if you are using this machine in person or via a remote desktop connection. After the set up is completed, the local user account is no longer used for subsequent installations.
Any interruption in the Setup Mode process might result in only partial and incomplete configuration of your environment. A complete restart of the setup process is needed. If you encounter an interruption while deploying GAX using Setup Mode, first reset Configuration Server (for example, stop any running Configuration Server processes) and your environment (for example, reset the Configuration Database) to their initial values. Then restart Setup Mode from scratch.
To deploy GAX via Setup Mode
To deploy GAX using Setup Mode, you must do the following:
In Setup mode, results of executing SQL statements that contain the drop keyword are ignored, although they are still logged by GAX. This is because some databases return errors when dropping tables or views; you can ignore these errors. If required, you can find the errors in the logs of the GAX server.
To set up the Genesys Administrator Extension database for Oracle:
Refer to the Oracle documentation to install the Oracle Database Management System on the host machine.
Use the following SQL commands to create the users and ensure that they do not have excessive permissions:
create user <username> identified by <password>;
grant connect, resource to <username>;
alter user <username> quota <guota> on USERS;
If you are setting up a new Configuration Server, perform the following steps on the Configuration Server host:
Run the Oracle Net Configuration Assistant.
Select Local Net Service Name Configuration to create an entry in the tnsnames.ora file to map the Local Net Service Name to the host, port, and SID (System ID) used by the database.
The Local Net Service Name must be the same as the SID in order for Setup Mode in GAX to work properly.
The ORACLE_HOME environment variable must be set to the installation directory of the Oracle database client.
Refer to Oracle documentation for additional details on completing this step.
To enable UTF-8 character encoding for Oracle databases (Optional):
Character-set migration is a non-reversible process. Incorrect data conversion can lead to data corruption, so always perform a full backup of the database before attempting to migrate the data to a new character set.
In most cases, a full export and import is recommended to properly convert all data to a new character set.
To enable UTF-8 character encoding for Oracle databases in Genesys Administrator Extension, note the following:
You must ensure that:
Configuration Server 8.1.2 or higher is installed.
UTF-8 string encoding is enabled on Configuration Server 8.1.2 or higher.
The database character set must be set to AL32UTF8 to support the use of UTF-8 character encoding. To verify the character set, use the following SQL command:
It is recommended to use PostgreSQL version 9.1 or higher and to set compatible as true under the [GAX] section of the postgres Database Access Point (DAP). If you are using custom_jdbc_url , append ?compatible=7.1 to the custom JDBC URL.
Refer to the PostgreSQL documentation to create the PostgreSQL Database for GAX.
Start pgAdmin.
Select the PostgreSQL 9.1 connection and connect to the PostgreSQL database with the following user name: postgres.
If a PostgreSQL 9.1 connection is not available, you can create it by clicking Add Server.
Create a login and password for the GAX database. For example: login gax850admin with the password password. You can also create a query to create the credentials using the Query Tool. For example:
Create the GAX database (for example, gax850) by using the login created in the previous step to make this login the owner of the database.
create database gax850 owner gax;
Connect to the database with the login that you created in Step 4.
If you are setting up a new Configuration Server, you must do the following:
Update the DBMS configuration file pg_hba.conf to allow the client to connect to the database.
Issue the command pg_ctl reload to complete the update of the DBMS configuration file.
The PostgreSQL driver LIBPQ.dll must be installed on the host where Database Server is installed.
The PATH environment variable must be set to the bin directory of PostgreSQL.
Database Access Points
After you have set up the GAX database, you must configure a Database Access Point (DAP) through which GAX can access the GAX Database. Normally, a basic DAP is all you need. Follow the instructions here.
Starting in GAX 8.5.25x, you can create a custom JDBC URL to connect to the GAX Database. This URL is specified in the Database Access Point (DAP), and is an alternative to using a connection based on the DAP object that enables access to the GAX Database.
To configure a custom JDBC URL, use the jdbc_url option in the [GAX] section of the DAP object. If this option is not configured, GAX will use the DAP object values for establishing the connection.
Option Name: jdbc_url
Valid Values: Any valid URL to an existing configured database.
Changes take effect: After restart of GAX
A sample URL for an MSSQL database is:
In this URL, username and password are optional for security reasons, and may not be specified. If specified, GAX will consider them to be the access credentials to the GAX Database, and make the connection. If not specified, GAX will use the username and password values from the General tab of the DAP object.
Each DBMS configures URL in different ways. You must provide the URL in the correct format and syntax as required for your DBMS. GAX cannot establish a connection to the Database if the URL is incorrect or not improperly formed.
Step 2 -- Set Up the Host
To set up the host on which GAX will be installed:
Support for JDK 1.6 is withdrawn starting from release and JDK 1.7 is mandatory to install GAX However, JDK 1.6 is still supported for releases prior to GAX
Refer to the Oracle documentation for more information on how to install the tar.gz package.
GAX only supports the 64-bit version of Oracle Java HotSpot Server VM.
Set the following environment variables for your host, as follows:
Insert the following lines into the /etc/profile file:
export JRE_HOME=/usr/lib/java/jre-<version of Java downloaded>/jre
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/java/jre-<version of Java downloaded>/jre/bin
Log out and log in again to activate the new environment variables in the current session.
Create a new System Variable named JRE_HOME and use the path that was used during installation as the value. For example, C:\Programs\Java\jre1.6.0_23.
Edit the Path variable and append C:\Programs\Java\jre1.6.0_23\bin to the existing value.
Install Local Control Agent on this host. For detailed instructions, refer to the Framework Deployment Guide.
Step 3 -- Install the GAX server on a host
To install the GAX Server, follow the instructions for the type of Operating System you are using.
Navigate to the folder to which you copied the IP, and change the permissions of the installation file by entering the following command:
chmod 755
Run the installation file to extract and copy the necessary files by entering the following command:
When you install Genesys Administrator Extension, you might receive the following error message that indicates that installation was unsuccessful:
Unable to find configuration information. Either you have not used configuration wizards and the GCTISetup.ini file was not created or the file is corrupted.
Ignore this message; Genesys Administrator Extension was installed successfully.
Navigate to the folder in which you installed GAX and run the file.
Install the Genesys Deployment Agent on port 5000 of this Host. Follow the instructions in the Framework Deployment Guide, but when asked to provide installation information for Local Control Agent, provide dummy values for now. After Configuration Server is installed, you can go back and install LCA with the correct values.
The GAX installer creates a file that enables you to adjust the memory settings for GAX. The file defines the memory (RAM) settings for GAX to 1024 MB. You can change the memory setting in the file to a different value.
If you enable TLS encryption, you must do the following:
Update the file. This file contains the following lines:
# Uncomment the following lines only if you are going to use TLS. Don't forget to set the correct path and password.
# This line defines the memory (RAM) settings for GAX. If you have more RAM available for GAX, adjust both values accordingly
export JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Xms1024m -Xmx1024M"
# Uncomment the following line to activate psdk.logs, Genesys recommends that you keep this this option deactivated.
#export JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Dcom.genesyslab.platform.commons.log.loggerFactory=com.genesyslab.platform.commons.log.Log4JLoggerFactoryImpl
# Enable this option for SSL Debugging
Follow the instructions in the first line by uncommenting the two lines following it, and setting the actual path and password.
You must create a trust store and set the trust store path accordingly. See Transport Layer Security for more information.
Run the setup.exe installation file to extract and copy the necessary files.
If there is an existing installation of GAX on the host, the installer will display a dialog box that prompts you to confirm whether or not you want to maintain the existing installation.
Follow the installation wizard to complete the installation.
The GAX installer creates a setenv.bat file that enables you to adjust the memory settings for GAX. The setenv.bat file defines the memory (RAM) settings for GAX to 1024 MB. You can change the memory setting in the setnev.bat file to a different value.
If you enable TLS encryption, you must do the following:
The setenv.bat file contains the following lines:
REM Uncomment the following lines only if you are going to use TLS. Don't forget to set the correct path and password.
REM set JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS%"C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\security\cacerts"
Follow the instructions in the first line by uncommenting the two lines following it and setting the the correct path and password.
You must create a trust store and set the trust store path accordingly. See Transport Layer Security for more information.
Step 4 -- Deploy GAX
The deployment procedure for GAX depends on the installation environment. Follow the steps that corresponds to your situation.
The host property of the Configuration Server application is set.
Connect to GAX locally by opening a supported web browser and navigating to the location of your GAX host (for example: http://localhost:8080/gax/).
Ensure to run the gax_startup batch file before accessing the GAX Setup Mode.
Setup Mode is accessible only through a local connection. You cannot use Setup Mode if you connect remotely to the GAX host.
Ensure that the port 8080 is accessible in the GAX host as GAX uses the port 8080.
Select the Username field and enter root. By default, there is no password.
Click Log In.
Choose Connect to an Existing Deployment.
You must provide configuration information about the existing Management Framework deployment. This screen pre-populates with existing details about the deployment, such as:
Primary Configuration Server Host
Port number
Default Client Application Name
If there are any errors, GAX prompts you to re-enter the configuration information.
Click Next.
Associate this instance of GAX with an Application object. Do one of the following:
When you are first installing GAX, be sure to use an Application object that is based on the template from the GAX IP.
To use an existing Application object, select the Application object from the list. If the Host object on which the object is configured has the same Host name or IP address as the current GAX instance, the Application object is highlighted as recommended.
To create a new Application object, provide the following information in the corresponding fields:
Administrator Extension Application Object Name—The name of the Application object to create.
Template—The application template to use.
This creates an application of type Genesys Administrator. If the Host object does not exist, it is automatically created.
Click Next.
GAX prompts you to enter configuration information for the GAX database. This screen pre-populates with existing details that might be stored in Configuration Server. You must provide the following configuration information:
Database Server Type
Database Host
Port (numeric only)
Database Name
Click Next.
GAX verifies the database version and creates (or updates) the database access configuration. If an error occurs, an error message displays and you can either cancel or restart the deployment process.
Click Finish.
GAX restarts to finish the setup operation. When it is done, GAX displays the login screen and you can login to GAX.
If you start or stop GAX from GA or SCI when GAX is using gax_starup.bat, then GAX status appears incorrectly in Windows Services. To view the synchronized status in Windows Services, GA and GAX, you must manually edit the GAX application in Configuration Server and update the command line to gaxservice.exe and the command line arguments to, for example, -service GAX64 -immediate - appGAX application name.
Genesys Deployment Agent (GDA) must be installed on port 5000 on the server that will run Configuration Server and Database Server.
The installation packages for Configuration Server and Database Server (required for Management Framework 8.1.x only) are in a location accessible to the GAX host machine.
You are familiar with the prerequisites for deploying Management Framework. Refer to the Management Framework documentation for more information.
Connect to GAX locally by opening a supported web browser and navigating to the location of your GAX host (for example: http://localhost:8080/gax/).
Setup Mode is accessible only through a local connection. You cannot use Setup Mode if you connect remotely to the GAX host.
Select the Username field and enter root. By default, there is no password.
Click Log In.
Choose Install a New Deployment.
In the Configuration Server Installation Package Path field, enter the path to the Configuration Server installation package .zip file (Windows) or tar.gz file (Linux). The file must contain the ip and Templates directories.
Click Next.
(This step appears only if you are using an installation package for Configuration Server 8.1.x or lower.)
In the Database Server Installation Package Path field, enter the path to the Database Server installation package .zip file (Windows) or tar.gz file (Linux). The file must contain the ip and Templates directories. When you are done, click Next.
In the Configuration Server Details section, provide the following information. Some fields are populated by default values.
Installation Path on Target Host—The installation path to which Configuration Server will be installed.
Primary Configuration Server Host—Enter the name of the Primary Configuration Server host.
Port—Enter the port number for the Primary Configuration Server.
Target Host OS Type—Select the operating system used by the target host.
Although Management Framework supports various operating systems, GAX can only deploy Configuration Server and Database Server on Windows Server 2003/2008/2012 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5/6.x. See Prerequisites for more information on operating systems that are supported by GAX.
Management Port—Enter the port number for the Management Port.
Click Next.
(This step appears only if you are using an installation package for Configuration Server 8.5.x or higher.)
In the Configuration Server License Path field, enter the path to the Configuration Server license file and then click Next.
(Optional) Click the Install Backup Configuration Server check box to install a Backup Configuration Server. You must provide the following information:
Backup Configuration Server Host—Enter the name of the Backup Configuration Server host.
Port—Enter the port number for the Backup Configuration Server.
Management Port—Enter the port number for the Backup Management Port.
Click Next.
(This step appears only if you are using an installation package for Configuration Server 8.1.x or earlier.)
In the Database Server Details section, provide the following information. Some fields are populated by default values.
Installation Path on Target Host—The installation path to which Database Server will be installed.
Port—Enter the port number for the database.
When you are done, click Next.
In the Configuration Server Database section, provide the following information. Some fields are pre-populated by default values.
Database Server Type—Select the database type to be used by GAX: Oracle, PostgreSQL, or MS SQL Server.
Database Host—Enter the name of the database host.
Port—Enter the port number for the database.
Database Name—Enter the name of the database.
Username—Enter the user name to use when accessing the database.
Password—Enter the password to use when accessing the database.
GAX uses default values for some deployment parameters. These default values are not presented to the user. If you want to override these default values, you must edit the following file in the \conf directory:, asd_silentini_<IP Nick Name>.properties
Click Next.
A progress indicator displays while GAX performs the deployment. If an error occurs, an error message displays and you can either cancel or restart the deployment process.
Click Next.
In the Application Object Details section, enter the name of the GAX Application object in the Administrator Extension Application Object Namefield.
Click Next.
In the Administrator Extension Database Details section, provide the following information. Some fields are pre-populated by default values.
Database Server Type—Select the database type to be used by the GAX database: Oracle, PostgreSQL, or MS SQL Server.
Database Host—Enter the name of the GAX database host.
Port—Enter the port number for the GAX database.
Database Name—Enter the name of the GAX database.
Username—Enter the user name to use when accessing the GAX database.
Password—Enter the password to use when accessing the GAX database.
Click Next.
GAX verifies the database version and creates (or updates) the database access configuration. If an error occurs, an error message displays and you can either cancel or restart the deployment process.
Click Finish.
GAX restarts to finish the setup operation. When it is done, GAX displays the login screen and you can login to GAX.
Setup Mode reads SQL script files from IPs and executes them on the target database through a JDBC connection. SQL script files should follow these rules:
1. <Script> ::= {[<Statement>] | [<Delimiter>] | [<Comment>]}
A script consists of a sequence of statements or comments, with or without delimiters in between.
2. <Comment> ::= "/*"{ <any_character>} "*/"|//{ <any_character>}<Line Separator>|"--"{ <any_character>}<EOL>
A single-line comment starts with "//" or "--" and ends with the line.
A multi-line comment starts with "/*" and ends with "*/".
3. < Delimiter > ::= "go"|"/"|";"
An instance of go or / is a strong delimiter which delimits any statements.
An instance of ; is a weak delimiter which delimits all other statements except <CreateProcedure>.
4. <Quotations> ::= '{<any_character>}'|"{<any_character>}"
Quotations can appear inside a statement. Any characters inside quotations are not treated as a statement, delimiter, or comment.
5. <Statement> ::= <CreateProcedure>|<SimpleStatement>
<CreateProcedure>::="CREATE PROCEDURE"|"CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE"{<any_character>|<Quotations>}"go"|"/"|<EOF>
A create procedure statement must be specifically delimited by a strong delimiter.
A simple statement can be delimited by a delimiter, a comment, or another statement.
6. All keywords are case insensitive.
This procedure describes how to use Setup Mode to deploy GAX (or earlier) and Management Framework 8.1.x. If you want to deploy Management Framework 8.5.x, you must use GAX or later and refer to the section above - Deploy GAX or Later and Management Framework 8.5.x./8.1.x.
Genesys Deployment Agent (GDA) must be installed on port 5000 on the server that will run Configuration Server and Database Server.
The installation packages for Configuration Server and Database Server are in a location accessible to the GAX host machine.
You are familiar with the prerequisites for deploying Management Framework. Refer to Management Framework documentation for more information.
Connect to GAX locally by opening a supported web browser and navigating to the location of your GAX host (for example: http://localhost:8080/gax/).
Setup Mode is accessible only through a local connection. You cannot use Setup Mode if you connect remotely to the GAX host.
Select the Username field and enter root. By default, there is no password.
Click Log In.
Choose Install a New Deployment.
In the Installation Packages pane, provide the following information:
Configuration Server IP Path—Enter the path to the Configuration Server installation package .zip file (Windows) or tar.gz file (Linux). The file must contain the ip and Templates directories.
Database Server IP Path—Enter the path to the Database Server installation package .zip file (Windows) or tar.gz file (Linux). The file must contain the ip and Templates directories.
Click Next.
In the Configuration Server Details section, provide the following information. Some fields are populated by default values.
Installation Path on Target Host—The installation path to which Configuration Server will be installed.
Primary Configuration Server Host—Enter the name of the Primary Configuration Server host.
Port—Enter the port number for the Primary Configuration Server.
Target Host OS Type—Select the operating system used by the target host.
Although Management Framework supports various operating systems, GAX can only deploy Configuration Server and Database Server on Windows Server 2003/2008/2012 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5/6. See Prerequisites for more information on operating systems that are supported by GAX.
Management Port—Enter the port number for the Management Port.
Click Next.
(Optional) Click the Install Backup Configuration Server check box to install a Backup Configuration Server. You must provide the following information:
Backup Configuration Server Host—Enter the name of the Backup Configuration Server host.
Port—Enter the port number for the Backup Configuration Server.
Management Port—Enter the port number for the Backup Management Port.
Click Next.
In the Database Server Details section, provide the following information. Some fields are populated by default values.
Installation Path on Target Host—The installation path to which Database Server will be installed.
Port—Enter the port number for the database.
Click Next.
In the Configuration Server Database section, provide the following information. Some fields are populated by default values.
Database Server Type—Select the database type to be used by GAX: Oracle, PostgreSQL, or MS SQL Server.
Database Host—Enter the name of the database host.
Port—Enter the port number for the database.
Database Name—Enter the name of the database.
Username—Enter the user name to use when accessing the database.
Password—Enter the password to use when accessing the database.
GAX uses default values for some deployment parameters. These default values are not presented to the user. If you want to override these default values, you must edit the following file in the \conf directory:, asd_silentini_<IP Nick Name>.properties
A progress indicator displays while GAX performs the deployment. If an error occurs, an error message displays and you can either cancel or restart the deployment process.
Click Next.
In the Configuration Server Details section, enter the name of the GAX Application object in the Administrator Extension Application Object Namefield.
Click Next.
In the Administrator Extension Database Details section, provide the following information. Some fields are populated by default values.
Database Server Type—Select the database type to be used by the GAX database: Oracle, PostgreSQL, or MS SQL Server.
Database Host—Enter the name of the GAX database host.
Port—Enter the port number for the GAX database.
Database Name—Enter the name of the GAX database.
Username—Enter the user name to use when accessing the GAX database.
Password—Enter the password to use when accessing the GAX database.
Click Next.
GAX verifies the database version and creates (or updates) the database access configuration. If an error occurs, an error message displays and you can either cancel or restart the deployment process.
Click Finish.
GAX restarts to finish the setup operation. When it is done, GAX displays the login screen and you can login to GAX.
Setup Mode reads SQL script files from IPs and executes them on the target database through a JDBC connection. SQL script files should follow these rules:
1. <Script> ::= {[<Statement>] | [<Delimiter>] | [<Comment>]}
A script consists of a sequence of statements or comments, with or without delimiters in between.
2. <Comment> ::= "/*"{ <any_character>} "*/"|//{ <any_character>}<Line Separator>|"--"{ <any_character>}<EOL>
A single-line comment starts with "//" or "--" and ends with the line.
A multi-line comment starts with "/*" and ends with "*/".
3. < Delimiter > ::= "go"|"/"|";"
An instance of go or / is a strong delimiter which delimits any statements.
An instance of ; is a weak delimiter which delimits all other statements except <CreateProcedure>.
4. <Quotations> ::= '{<any_character>}'|"{<any_character>}"
Quotations can appear inside a statement. Any characters inside quotations are not treated as a statement, delimiter, or comment.
5. <Statement> ::= <CreateProcedure>|<SimpleStatement>
<CreateProcedure>::="CREATE PROCEDURE"|"CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE"{<any_character>|<Quotations>}"go"|"/"|<EOF>
A create procedure statement must be specifically delimited by a strong delimiter.
A simple statement can be delimited by a delimiter, a comment, or another statement.
6. All keywords are case insensitive.
Step 5 -- SCS Connection
GAX must have a connection to Solution Control Server (SCS) for the System Dashboard to function.
Hover over the Environment icon and select Applications in the pop-up list.
In the Applications list, open the Application object for GAX.
In the GAX Application object details window, click the Connections tab.
Click Add.
In the pop-up window, enter information about the connection to SCS. Refer to the procedure "Creating Application Objects" on the Applications page for more information.
Click OK.
Click Save. You might see an error in the system dashboard at this point but it is resolved in the next step when you restart GAX.
Restart GAX.
Deploying GAX via the Command Line
You can also deploy GAX (with or without Management Framework) via the command line by using a setup file to provide deployment instructions. This feature is useful for situations in which you cannot access the GAX host via a remote desktop connection.
To install GAX into an existing Management Framework Deployment, do the following:
Enter the following command in a command-line window, replacing <setup_file_name> with the name of the setup file you just created: java -jar gax.war -setup gax <setup_file_name>
To deploy GAX and Management Framework, do the following:
You can only deploy Management Framework 8.5.x if you are using GAX or later. GAX or earlier can deploy only Management Framework 8.1.x.
You are familiar with the prerequisites for deploying Management Framework. Refer to the Management Framework documentation for more information.
Now create the setup file, to provide deployment instructions for the command-line argument. The setup file must contain the following content:
#MF settings
Database_Server_IP=(Use this line only for Management Framework 8.1.x or lower)
Configuration_Server_Licence_File=(Use this line only for Management Framework 8.5.x or higher)
Database_Server_Port=(Use this line only for Management Framework 8.1.x or lower)
#GAX settings
You must provide a valid value for each parameter in the setup file, unless it is marked as optional.
You must ensure that there are no trailing whitespace characters at the end of each parameter value line.
If you are installing on Oracle, you need an Oracle JDBC driver, with a filename of ojdbc<number>.jar. You can download one from
For the Database_Host= parameter, enter the DNS address of the database.
For Database_Server_Type, only the following values are valid: oracle, mssql, or postgre.
For Configuration_Server_OS, only the following values are valid: CFGRedHatLinux, CFGWinNT, CFGWindows2000, CFGWindowsServer2003, CFGWindowsServer2008. If you are using Windows Server 2012, you must use the CFGWindowsServer2008 value to prevent compatibility issues.
For Configuration_Server_OS_Bit, only the following values are valid: 32 or 64.
Windows file paths should contain escaped backslashes. For example: C:\\GAX\\
The following are examples of completed setup files.
Enter the following command in a command-line window, replacing <setup_file_name> with the name of the file you just created above: java -jar gax.war -setup mf-install <setup_file_name>
Deploying GAX into an existing Tomcat installation
These steps are optional. GAX uses an embedded instance of Jetty for web-server functions, so this procedure only applies if you prefer to deploy GAX into an existing Tomcat installation.