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Section: settings
Default Value: session-id, user-id
Valid Values: Any combination of: app-dbid, secure-key, session-id, user-id
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.311.06

Defines the content for flex-push notifications. It can include any combination of the following values: app-dbid, secure-key, session-id, user-id.


Section: settings
Default Value: session-id, user-id
Valid Values: Any combination of: app-dbid, secure-key, session-id, user-id
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.311.06

Defines the content for flex-push notifications. It can include any combination of the following values: app-dbid, secure-key, session-id, user-id.


Section: settings
Default Value: session-id, user-id
Valid Values: Any combination of: app-dbid, secure-key, session-id, user-id
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.311.06

Defines the content for flex-push notifications. It can include any combination of the following values: app-dbid, secure-key, session-id, user-id.


Section: settings
Default Value: session-id, user-id
Valid Values: Any combination of: app-dbid, secure-key, session-id, user-id
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.311.06

Defines the content for flex-push notifications. It can include any combination of the following values: app-dbid, secure-key, session-id, user-id.


Section: settings
Default Value: session-id, user-id
Valid Values: Any combination of: app-dbid, secure-key, session-id, user-id
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.311.06

Defines the content for flex-push notifications. It can include any combination of the following values: app-dbid, secure-key, session-id, user-id.


Section: settings
Default Value: 15
Valid Values: Any integer from 1-86400
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.308.06

Specifies how long, in seconds, Chat Server waits before resending flex-push notification when resend functionality is requested by a chat participant. Chat Server continues to resend flex-push notification until it reaches the total specified number of times, specified by flex-push-resend-attempts.


Section: settings
Default Value: session-id, user-id
Valid Values: Any combination of: app-dbid, secure-key, session-id, user-id
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.311.06

Defines the content for flex-push notifications. It can include any combination of the following values: app-dbid, secure-key, session-id, user-id.


Section: settings
Default Value: 15
Valid Values: Any integer from 1-86400
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.308.06

Specifies how long, in seconds, Chat Server waits before resending flex-push notification when resend functionality is requested by a chat participant. Chat Server continues to resend flex-push notification until it reaches the total specified number of times, specified by flex-push-resend-attempts.


Section: settings
Default Value: 10
Valid Values: Any integer from 0-1000000
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.308.06

Specifies how many times Chat Server tries to resend a flex-push notification when the resend functionality is requested by a chat participant. Chat Server stops resending flex-push notification when either a delivery confirmation is being received or the total specified number of attempts is reached. Setting this option to "0" completely disables resending these flex-push notification (except for the first notice).


Section: settings
Default Value: 300
Valid Values: Any integer from 1-1728000
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: (Restricted); 8.5.301.06 (Generally Available)
Modified: 8.5.310.09

Specifies timeout (in seconds) after which Chat Server sends ping notification for push-flex connected client. If no request from the client is submitted within the next "flex-push-timeout", Chat Server activates flex-disconnect-timeout. Inactivity is defined as the absence of protocol requests, not the absence of messages


Section: settings
Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Modified: 8.5.308.06

Enables or disables new connection registrations for push-flex notifications. Push-flex notifications are used by the web API for CometD and push messaging on either mobile devices or HTTP server.


Section: settings
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately
Introduced: 8.5.315.05

Prohibits or allows a push-flex notification subscription during the chat session creation (via REST "Chat API Version 2").


Section: chat.service-name
Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

If true, the chat event payload is included in customhttp notifications the same as with CometD notifications. Note: Applicable to Chat V2 with CometD and customhttp only. Not applicable to FCM and iOS push events.

Push notifications via GMS to HTTP server

Starting with version 8.5.311.06, the Chat solution allows you to request push (in other words, unsolicited) notifications through Genesys Mobile Server (GMS) to an HTTP server even when a customer-facing chat web application (Chat Widget) communicates with GMS via "Chat API Version 2". Previously, this was only possible with "Chat API Version 2 with CometD".

To enable this functionality, do the following:

Application Instructions
  1. Deploy GMS using Cluster Application
  2. Configure GMS for Custom HTTP notification
  3. Configure GMS with push_notification_include_payload (optional)
Chat Server
  1. Add new configuration option flex-push-on-join in the settings section with value true. This forces Chat Server to acknowledge the push notification subscription during the creation of a chat session.
  2. Ensure that option flex-push-enabled is set to true, and option flex-push-timeout is set with a larger value (for example, "86400 seconds"). For more information, see Async Requirements.
  3. Review the schedule for resending push notifications, when using GCTI_GMS_PushResend, defined by the configuration options, flex-push-resend-attempts and flex-push-resend-delay.
  4. Adjust, if needed, the value for configuration option flex-push-content. In addition to session-id and user-id, it is now possible to receive app-dbid and secure-key in push notifications.
Customer-facing chat web application
  1. The web application must supply a set of mandatory key-value pairs in the userdata for the "Request Chat" HTTP method (using a userData[key-name] notation):
    • GCTI_Chat_PushSubscribe with the value true. This enables push notifications in Chat Server when “Chat API Version 2” is used .
    • GCTI_GMS_NodeGroup with the GMS cluster name. If the GMS version is or greater, this key-value pair is not required, as it is automatically provided by GMS to Chat Server.
    • GCTI_GMS_PushDeviceId with a unique device ID. This ID is returned in the push notifications as deviceId.
    • GCTI_GMS_PushDeviceType with the value customhttp. This defines the type of push notification used.
    • GCTI_GMS_NotifyRequestor with value true. This forces Chat Server to send push notifications to GMS about the customer's own activity.
    • GCTI_GMS_PushIncludePayload with value true. This forces GMS to include the payload (in other words, the chat transcript event content) with a custom-http push notification. Without providing this key-value pair, GMS sends only the deviceId (provided in GCTI_GMS_PushDeviceId) in the push notification, which can prevent the distribution of sensitive content. When reliable delivery is requested by GCTI_GMS_PushResend, this key-value pair must be provided however, in this case, no event-specific payload is provided in the push notification (it only contains some ad hoc data that can be used to send a “Refresh” request).
  2. Chat Server provides the ability to request a reliable delivery of push notifications. For that, the web application must additionally supply the GCTI_GMS_PushResend key-value pair with value true in the userdata. This forces Chat Server to activate the mechanism of resending push notifications according to a schedule defined in the configuration. Chat Server will start resending push notifications if no "refresh" (in other words "pull transcript update") request is being received within the amount of time specified by option flex-push-resend-delay. See below for more information about reliable push notifications delivery.
  3. The web application can additionally supply a set of key-value pairs in the userdata:
    • GCTI_GMS_PushProvider
      Must be provided if you specified the configuration for the non-default provider in GMS.
    • GCTI_GMS_PushDebug
      Must be provided if you specified the debug mode for the provider configured in GMS.
    • GCTI_GMS_ClientChannel
      Must be provided if you want to include the GMS service name in obfuscated secure-key in the push notification.

Additional notes

  • It is important to provide adequate throughput of the Web Server which processes the customhttp notification. The latency (in other words, the processing time for a single HTTP POST request) must be as low as possible as GMS sends all notifications sequentially. The next request is only sent after a reply from the previous one. For example, if the latency is 5 milliseconds on average, then a single GMS node is able to send 200 notifications per second. Enabling GCTI_GMS_PushResend could increase the volume of notifications, so it must be taken into account.
  • If push notifications are enabled, Chat Server tries to find the GMS node in the GMS cluster (specified by GCTI_GMS_NodeGroup) and to associate that found node for further notifications (until the node is disconnected). Starting with version 8.5.311.06, if no GMS node is available (in other words, registered in Chat Server) in a given cluster, Chat Server selects another GMS cluster to seek for an available GMS node. Otherwise, if no other cluster and/or node is available, Chat Server attempts to find an available node the next time an activity is generated in the chat session or upon chat session restoration in HA mode.
  • If reliable delivery of a push notification is not requested by sending GCTI_GMS_PushResend, no attempts to resubmit the same push notification will be made in case of a delivery failure between the GMS and HTTP server, and between Chat Server and GMS. The following log messages are logged in the event of this error condition:
    • In GMS: "Dbg 09900 [com.genesyslab.PCT.invoker.default] DC Chat Server Persistent Listener: Event 17 was not (GMS is not running in full mode or incompatible Chat Server version) pushed for delivery to customhttp for device..."
    • In Chat Server: "Trc 59758 push-flex: could not send notification - no gms node found in group=..."

Sample configuration for custom HTTP notifications in GMS

customhttp.message=dummy message
debug.customhttp.message=dummy message

Reliable push notifications delivery

When requesting reliable delivery for a push notification (in other words, when GCTI_GMS_PushResend=true):

  • All push notifications are of type:PushUrl and participantId: 0 (which is not a valid participant ID).
  • No payload is provided in the push notification. Instead, each push notification must be considered a trigger to send a “Refresh” request to GMS in order to obtain the newly published events in the chat session.

The following is the sample JSON which is delivered in the HTTP request for a push notification.


Important field descriptions

Field Description
participantId Always 0 and must be ignored.
notify-position Contains the starting position of content not retrieved. It can have a value of -1 meaning that chat participant has been removed from the chat session.
notify-attempt Contains the number of attempts to deliver the push notification.
secure-key Secure key to be used with GMS REST API. The presence depends on flex-push-content.
app-dbid App DBID (or alias) to be used with GMS REST API. The presence depends on flex-push-content.
user-id User ID to be used with GMS REST API. The presence depends on flex-push-content.
session-id Session ID to be used with GMS REST API. The presence depends on flex-push-content.
chatEnded If the value is true it means the chat session is finished.
Starting with version 8.5.311.06, the secure-key for REST API requests is provided in the userData based on the value of the configuration option flex-push-content. The secureKey provided in message must be ignored by the REST API client, and only used for the CometD API.
This page was last edited on January 31, 2022, at 17:20.
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