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Q: Is Genesys Subscription available to all customers and prospects?

A: Currently, only new logos and current customers with a separate deployment opportunity can purchase Genesys Engage and PureConnect through a subscription model. We have begun renewal discussions, however, with current PureConnect customers.

Q: Genesys Cloud is a subscription model – does the Genesys Effect apply to Genesys Cloud?

A: At this time, the Genesys Effect is only for Genesys Engage and PureConnect.

Q: What is happening to Genesys Care?

A: Genesys Care for on-premise including Business Care, Business Care Plus and Premium Care are still available to current customers that have purchased these offers. New logos that purchase on-premise solutions can only purchase Business Care. For existing cloud customers (except Genesys Cloud), they will finish their subscription on their current support and maintenance plan. At renewal time, they must renew the subscription and select a PureSuccess offer.

New logos that purchase Genesys Engage or PureConnect Cloud will automatically be on subscription with PureSuccess.

Q: The Genesys Effect includes use cases, PureSuccess and subscription. Can a prospect select which of these they want; for example, consume via subscription, but not deploy use cases or not be on PureSuccess?

A: The three Genesys Effect components should be considered “inseparable elements,” however, here are the guiding principles:

  • Genesys Engage and PureConnect Cloud customers have the option of implementing use cases, must select a PureSuccess offer, and must consume via subscription.
  • Genesys Engage and PureConnect On-Premise customers must implement use cases, must select a PureSuccess offer, and must consume via subscription.

Q: What if prospects are interested in PureSuccess, but prefer to be on a perpetual license model. Can they purchase PureSuccess separately?

A: No – PureSuccess is only available to customers on subscription. Customers and prospects on a perpetual license model receive Genesys Business Care.

Q: Who delivers PureSuccess?

A: PureSuccess is delivered by our Customer Success organization including Strategic Business Consulting, Professional Services, Genesys University and Customer Care.

Q: What should I do if prospects want to know which PureSuccess offer is best for them?

A: PureSuccess is not designed to be good, better and best where a prospect selects based on price and number of benefits received. Selecting the right PureSuccess offer is a prescriptive process based on the prospect’s needs and business objectives. If a prospect wants to engage at the next level, please qualify the lead and forward it to an AE.

Q: PureSuccess is included with Subscription – what does that mean?

A: This means that a prospect must purchase a base Genesys Engage or PureConnect subscription package that includes PureSuccess Equip in the price. PureSuccess Guide and Drive are also available for an additional cost, but again, the PureSuccess package should be selected based on what the prospect needs.

Q: Should I mentioned Subscription every time I speak to a prospect?

A: Please use your discretion on when to mention the availability of subscription. Some prospects may be too early in the buying cycle to think about a consumption model; some might be intrigued to know that on-premise deployments have the option to choose subscription or perpetual licensing. Two scenarios you can consider include:

  • Prospect expresses interest in on-premise deployment. This is an ideal situation to mention that Genesys now offers the choice of subscription or perpetual licensing to on-premise customers.
  • Prospect expresses interest in cloud. Depending on the focus of the call, mention that Genesys Engage and PureConnect cloud now includes PureSuccess with three options to choose from plus the ability to add-on select service elements from the PureSuccess catalog.

Q: Why would an on-premise prospect or customer want to move to a subscription model?

A: There are several benefits to moving to a subscription model including:

  • Reduced upfront cost with lower cost of entry. Typically, a perpetual license model is offered with on-premise and this requires CAPEX (capital expenditures) or a large, upfront investment to "purchase" the software. Subscription uses an OPEX (operating expenditures) model which allows the customer to pay significantly less to get started, thus a reduced upfront cost and lower cost of entry.
  • Ability to burst. Our subscription model accommodates customers that experience seasonal bursts; thus they can purchase at their average instead of purchasing to their peak capacity.
  • Flexibility to remix the solutions in the subscription. Remix allows customers to change the solution mix in their subscription to better adapt and meet their business needs. Essentially, they have the opportunity to apply those licenses toward new products and use cases and reduce usage towards solutions they have matured away from. Note: there are certain rules of engagement around remixing and it is only available to on-premise customers on subscription.
  • Assist with migration to cloud. Many prospects and customers have aspirations to move to a cloud-based CX platform, but may not be ready yet. Subscription offers a stepping stone to migrate to the cloud more simply without the up-front investment of buying licenses to own.
This page was last edited on September 18, 2020, at 13:45.
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