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Installing Knowledge Center Server

Import the Knowledge Center Server Application Template


  1. Open Genesys Administrator and navigate to Provisioning > Environment > Application Templates.
  2. In the Tasks panel, click Upload Template.
  3. In the Click 'Add' and choose application template (APD) file to import window, click Add.
  4. Browse to the Knowledge_Center_Server_850.apd file available in the templates directory of your installation CD. The New Application Template panel opens.
The Knowledge Center Server Application Template
  1. Click Save and Close.


Create Server applications


  1. Open Genesys Administrator and navigate to Provisioning > Environment > Applications.
  2. In the Tasks panel, click Create New Application.
  3. In the Select Application Template panel, click Browse for Template and select the Genesys Knowledge Center Server application template that you imported earlier. Click OK.
Selecting the Knowledge Center Server Template
  1. The template is added to the Select Application Template panel. Click Next.
  2. In the Select Metadata file panel, click Browse and select the Knowledge_Center_Server_850.xml file. Click Open.
  3. The metadata file is added to the Select Metadata file panel. Click Next.
  4. In Specify Application parameters:
    1. Enter a name for your application. For instance, Knowledge Center Server' .
    2. Enable the State.
    3. Select the Host on which the Knowledge Center Server will reside.
    4. Click Create.
    5. Creating the Knowledge Center Server Application
  5. The Results panel opens.
  6. Enable Opens the Application details form after clicking Finish and click Finish.

The Knowledge Center Server application form opens and you can start configuring the Knowledge Center Server application.

Knowledge Center Server Application Details


Configuring the Knowledge Center Server Application


  1. If your Knowledge Center Server application form is not open in Genesys Administrator, navigate to Provisioning > Environment > Applications. Select the application defined for the Knowledge Center Server and click Edit....
  2. In the Connections section of the Configuration tab, click Add. The Browse for applications panel opens. Select the Knowledge Center Cluster application, then click OK.
  3. Expand the Server Info pane.
  4. If your Host is not defined, click the lookup icon to browse to the hostname of your application.
  5. In the Listening Ports section, create the default port by clicking Add. The Port Info dialog opens.
    1. Enter the Port. For instance, 9092. This should be the port number for the Knowledge Center Server instance.
    2. Click OK. The port with the default identifier appears in the list of Listening ports.
Knowledge Center Server Port Information
  1. Optionally, you can explicitly add Transport port for ElasticSearch engine. If you do not define transport port, port 9300 will be used. To specify the stop port, click the Add button. The Port Info dialog opens.
    1. Enter transport for the ID field.
    2. Enter the Port. For instance, 9001.
    3. Click OK.
    4. Knowledge Center Server Transport Port Information

  1. Optionally, you can explicitly add a port for access to ElasticSearch engine. If you do not define this port, port 9200 will be used. To specify the stop port, click the Add button. The Port Info dialog opens.
    1. Enter es for the ID field.
    2. Enter the Port. For instance, 7011
    3. Click OK.
    4. GKS es Port Information
    1. Optionally, you can add a secure listening port for authenticated users, secured connections, and secure chat. Click Add. The Port Info dialog opens.
      1. Enter https for the ID field
      2. Enter the port . For instance, 8553
      3. Enter https for the Connection Protocol.
      4. Choose Secured for the Listening Mode.
      5. Click OK.
      6. GKS https Port Information
    2. In the Tenants section, add a working tenant by clicking Add. Browse and choose the appropriate tenant in the pop-up dialog. Click Ok.
    3. Ensure the Working Directory and Command Line fields contain "." (period).
    4. Knowledge Center Server Application Information
    5. Click Save.
    6. The Confirmation dialog for changing the application's port opens. Click Yes.
    7. (Optional) Select the Options tab. In the [log] section, the all option is set to stdout by default. Enter a filename if you wish to enable logging to a file. For example, you can enter stdout, C:\Logs\Knowledge\Knowledge_server to force the system to write logs both to the console and to a file.
    8. Knowledge Center Server Application Logging Options


    Installing Knowledge Center Server

    Windows Installation Procedure


    1. In your installation package, locate and double-click the setup.exe file. The Install Shield opens the welcome screen.
    Knowledge Center Server Installation Window
    1. Click Next. The Connection Parameters to the Configuration Server screen appears.
    2. Knowledge Center Server Connection Parameters
    3. Under Host, specify the host name and port number where Configuration Server is running. (This is the main listening port entered in the Server Info tab for Configuration Server.)
    4. Under User, enter the user name and password for logging into Configuration Server.
    5. Click Next. The Select Application screen appears.
    6. Selecting the Knowledge Center Server Application
    7. Select the Knowledge Center Server application that you are installing. The Application Properties area shows the Type, Host, Working Directory, Command Line executable, and Command Line Arguments information previously entered in the Server Info and Start Info tabs of the selected Application object.
    8. Click Next. The Choose Destination Location screen appears.
    9. Choosing the Knowledge Center Server Installation Destination
    10. Under Destination Folder, keep the default value or browse to the desired installation location.
    11. Click Next. The Backup Configuration Server Parameters screen appears.
    12. Knowledge Center Backup Config Server Parameters
    13. If you have a backup Configuration Server, enter the Host name and Port.
    14. Click Next. Choose the appropriate version of the Java JDK.
    15. Selecting the Knowledge Center Server Java Version
    16. Click Next. The Ready to Install screen appears.
    17. Knowledge Center Server is Ready to Install
    18. Click Install. The Genesys Installation Wizard indicates it is performing the requested operation for Backend Server. When through, the Installation Complete screen appears.
    19. Click Finish to complete your installation.
    20. Inspect the directory tree of your system to make sure that the files have been installed in the location that you intended.
    The Windows service will not be automatically configured during installation. To configure the Windows service, start server.bat with the following parameters: server.bat install. To run the server as service, comment out the (REM) APP_TYPE property in senenv.bat before installing the service.


    Linux Installation Procedure

    Knowledge Center Server must have boost libraries installed on the Linux host for a successful installation. You must install boost.x86_64 library with dependencies (boost-filesystem.x86_64, boost-graph.x86_64, boost-program-options.x86_64, boost-regex.x86_64, boost-system.x86_64, boost-thread.x86_64, boost-wave.x86_64). For example using yum packet manager: yum install boost


    1. Open a terminal in the Genesys Knowledge Center Server CD/DVD or the Genesys Knowledge Center Server installation package and run the install.sh file. The Genesys installation starts.
    2. Enter the hostname of the host on which you are going to install.
    3. Enter the connection information required to log in to the Configuration Server:
      1. Hostname—For instance, demosrv.genesyslab.com
      2. Listening port—For instance, 2020
      3. User name—For instance, demo
      4. Password
    4. If you have a backup Configuration Server, enter the Host name and Port.
    5. If the connection settings are successful, a list of keys and Genesys Knowledge Center Server applications is displayed.
    6. Enter the key for the Genesys Knowledge Center Server application that you created previously on Configuration Server.
    7. Enter the full path to your installation directory and confirm that it is correct.

    If the installation is successful, the console displays the following message:
    Installation of Genesys Knowledge Center Server, version 8.5.x has completed successfully.


    Understanding the Knowledge Center Server Configuration Files

    Knowledge Center Server includes an embedded Jetty server and Lingua Tools in its installation folder. Product installation pre-configures all of the links between these resources, but there are cases in which they need to be changed. This section describes how to work with the configuration files stored in the Knowledge Center Server.

    Jetty Configuration

    After you complete these steps, Knowledge Center Server will be available as a web service on the following URLs:

  • http://host:jetty.port/gks-server—GKC Server
  • http://host:jetty.port/gks-sample-ui—Sample UI sandbox

ElasticSearch Engine Configuration

  1. Go to the ./server folder and open the gks.yml configuration file.
  2. Configure the following settings:
    1. index.number_of_shards: #—Number of ElasticSearch shards
    2. path.data : [PATH]—Path to the folder that contains index data for this node (default: /gks/data)
    3. path.similarwords.en: [PATH]—Path to dictionary compendium
    4. path.freeling : [PATH]—Path to Freeling data folder
    5. path.plugins : [PATH] – path to Pulse Plugins

Language Resources Configuration

  • Dictionary compendium
    • You can set the path to /linguatools/disco/enwiki-20130403-sim-lemma-mwl-lc inside the installation directory to path.similarwords.en in gks.yml
  • Freeling tokenizer:
    • In Windows
      • The path to /linguatools/freeling/data/ can be changed in the gks.yml file: path.freeling.
      • The following path will be added to the Windows PATH variable during installation: Path to installation directory/linguatools/freeling/bin.
    • In Linux
      • The path to /linguatools/freeling/data/ can be changed in the gks.yml file: path.freeling.
      • setenv.sh exports the following environment variables:
        • FREELINGSHARE—Path to Path to installation directory/linguatools/freeling/data
        • LD_LIBRARY_PATH—Path to Path to installation directory/linguatools/freeling/bin

Provide Knowledge Center Access to Agents

Genesys Knowledge Center supports the following privileges to restrict agent access:

  • Knowledge.ADMINISTER—Configure knowledge bases in the Knowledge Center Cluster application
  • Knowledge.AUTHOR—Create, populate, and manage knowledge bases
  • Knowledge.REPORTING—Extract data on the activities carried out by agents and customers while using the knowledge service

To configure the appropriate privileges for an Agent:


  1. Go to Provisioning > Accounts > Roles.
  2. In the taskbar, click New to create a new object.
  3. Set the name of the role in the General section.
Knowledge Center Server Access Roles
  1. Go to the Role Privileges tab and select the set of roles for Genesys Knowledge Center.
  2. Open the list of privileges for Knowledge Center Server.
  3. Set the appropriate privileges to Allowed.
  4. Setting Knowledge Center Server Access Privileges
  5. Go back to the Configuration tab.
  6. In the Members section, add the appropriate Agent by clicking the Add\ button.
  7. Knowledge Center Server Members Section
  8. Save and Close.


This page was last edited on May 27, 2015, at 12:27.
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