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All tasks are associated with a department that is configured in iWD GAX Plug-in.

The DEPARTMENT Dimension
Field Data Type Description
DEPARTMENT_KEY int Primary key of this table.
DEPARTMENT_CONFIG_ID int iWD GAX Plug-in ID for the department.
DEPARTMENT_CONFIG_EVENT_ID int ID of the event that created or updated this department record.
DEPARTMENT_RUNTIME_ID varchar(255) iWD GAX Plug-in runtime ID for the department.
TENANT_KEY int Key to the TENANT dimension, identifying the tenant with whom the process is associated.
SOLUTION_KEY int Key to the SOLUTION dimension, identifying the solution with which the process is associated.
DEPARTMENT_NAME varchar(255) Name of the department.
CUSTOM_DIM_KEY int Key to the CUSTOM_DIM dimension, identifying custom attributes that apply to the department.
CREATED_ETL_AUDIT_KEY int Key to the ETL_AUDIT dimension, identifying the ETL job that created this record.
UPDATED_ETL_AUDIT_KEY int Key to the ETL_AUDIT dimension, identifying the ETL job that last updated this record.
VALID_FROM_DATE_KEY int Date key for the “valid from” process attribute.
VALID_FROM_TIME_KEY int Time key for the “valid from” process attribute.
VALID_TO_DATE_KEY int Date key for the “valid to” process attribute.
VALID_TO_TIME_KEY int Time key for the “valid to” process attribute.
VALID_FROM datetime For the version of the record, the date from which it is valid.
VALID_TO datetime For the version of the record, the date to which it is valid.
VERSION int Version of the record.
This page was last edited on November 28, 2017, at 10:40.
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