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In the Column List:

  • P = Primary key
  • M = Mandatory field
  • F = Foreign key


This table contains information regarding the latest state of the party involved in an interaction according to information received from T-Server or Interaction Server. Whether ICON writes to this table is determined by the setting of one or more configuration options in the [filter-data] section.

To assist you in preparing supplementary documentation, click the following link to download a comma-separated text file containing information such as the data types and descriptions for all columns in this table: Download a CSV file.

Hint: For easiest viewing, open the downloaded CSV file in Excel and adjust settings for column widths, text wrapping, and so on as desired. Depending on your browser and other system settings, you might need to save the file to your desktop first.

Column List


Column Data Type P M F Description
ID bigserial X X The unique, autonumbered ID of the party record. This is the primary key.
PartyID varchar(50) X The unique ID of the association between the party and the call, generated by ICON. This is changed when the party moves from one call to a different call.
PartyGUID varchar(50) X The unique ID of the party instance, generated by ICON. This ID remains unchanged during the lifetime of the party.
Type integer X The party type. One of the following values:
  • 0—Unknown–Reserved.
  • 1—Internal–Party is associated with a device defined in the switch configuration.
  • 2—External–Party is associated with a device not defined in the switch configuration.
  • 3—MULTIMEDIA Place–Place associated with the party.
  • 4—MULTIMEDIA Interaction Queue–Party is associated with a script of type "Interaction Queue".
  • 5—MULTIMEDIA Interaction Workbin–Party is associated with a script of type "Interaction Workbin".
  • 6—MULTIMEDIA Routing Strategy–Party is associated with a script of type "Simple Routing" or "Enhanced Routing".


PRole integer X Party role. One of the following values:
  • 0—Unknown–Reserved for future use.
  • 1—Observer–Indicates that the supervisor was observing service.


ParentPartyID varchar(50) The ID of the associated party.
ParentLinkType integer The type of association with the other party (identified by ParentPartyID) established as result of different call scenarios. One of the following values:
  • 0—Unknown–Reserved.
  • 1—Consultation–The ParentPartyID refers to the held party from the primary call.
  • 2—Transfer–The ParentPartyID refers to the party record of the call from which the party was transferred.
  • 3—Conference–The ParentPartyID refers to the party record of the call from which the party was conferenced.
  • 4—Divert–The ParentPartyID refers to the party record of the call that was diverted to this party.


CallID varchar(50) X X The current ID as inherited from T-Server or Interaction Server.
State integer X The current state of party. (The previous party state is recorded in the PREVSTATE column.) One of the following values:
  • 0—Unknown–State in which there is no relationship between the call and the device.
  • 1—Initiated–Reserved.
  • 2—Alerting–State in which an attempt is being made to connect an interaction to a device. Typically, the call is being presented for the purpose of having the device connect to the interaction and the user is made aware that the interaction is being delivered at the device.
  • 3—Connected–State in which the device is actively participating in the interaction.
  • 4—Hold–State in which the device is inactively participating in the call. This state includes logical participation in a call while physical participation is suspended.
  • 5—Queued–State in which interaction progression is suspended or made inactive while awaiting some form of action. Examples include: a call is parked at a device, a call is queued at a distribution mechanism, waiting for an agent to become available, and so on.
  • 6—Fail–State in which call progression has been aborted.


EndPointDN varchar(255) X The name of the endpoint.

In a multi-site deployment that uses ISCC, ICON stores the EndpointDN related to the external party as reported by T-Server. The endpoint name might be reported either as the DN on the remote site, or else as "Access Code + External Routing Point".

EndPointID integer X X The DBID of the endpoint. For DNs, this DBID is equivalent to GC_ENDPOINT.ID. For script objects of type Interaction Queues, Interaction Workbins, and Routing Strategies, this is equivalent to GC_SCRIPT.ID. For Place objects, this is equivalent to GC_PLACE.ID.

If the endpoint is not configured in the Configuration Layer (it is an external DN or an endpoint in a SIP Cluster environment), the value for this field is 0.

EndPointType integer X The type of the endpoint. For a listing of permissible values, refer to G_Dictionary Values (for DB2Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or PostgreSQL, respectively).

This value is the same that is stored in GC_ENDPOINT.TYPE, if the endpoint is a voice DN. If the endpoint is one of the following, the value of this field is the same as that stored in GC_SCRIPT.TYPE:

  • Interaction Queue
  • Interaction Workbin
  • Routing Strategy
  • Agent Place

In a SIP Cluster environment, if the endpoint is not configured in Configuration Layer, the value for this field is 1.

TenantID integer The DBID of the Tenant configuration object that is associated with either the T-Server Switch or the Interaction Server Switch.
AgentID integer X The DBID of the agent that is associated with the party.
CCEvent integer A call control event that is associated with the party state change. In the G_PARTY table, stored the party termination event. For a listing of permissible values, refer to G_Dictionary Values (for DB2Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or PostgreSQL, respectively).


CCEventCause integer The cause that is associated with the party state change and the call control event. In the G_PARTY table, stored the party termination event. For a listing of permissible values, refer to G_Dictionary Values (for DB2Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or PostgreSQL, respectively).


Created timestamp X The GMT-equivalent date and time when the party was associated with the call.
Created_ts integer The UTC-equivalent value of the CREATED field.
Created_tcode integer A reference, derived from the value of the CREATED_TS field, to the G_TIMECODE table.
Terminated timestamp The GMT-equivalent date and time when the party was released from the call.
Terminated_ts integer The UTC-equivalent value of the TERMINATED field.
Terminated_tcode integer A reference, derived from the value of the TERMINATED_TS field, to the G_TIMECODE table.
LastChange timestamp X The GMT-equivalent date and time of the last state change of the party.
LastChange_ts integer The UTC-equivalent value of the LASTCHANGED field.
LastChange_tcode integer A reference, derived from the value of the LASTCHANGED_TS field, to the G_TIMECODE table.
GSYS_DOMAIN integer Contains the data source session ID (DSS_ID) for the session that was active when the data was processed by ICON. For more information, see the description in System Fields (for DB2Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, or PostgreSQL, respectively).
GSYS_PARTITION integer A key that is used for partitioning.
GSYS_SYS_ID integer System ID. Reserved for future use.
GSYS_SEQ bigint Insert Sequence. Not unique.
GSYS_USEQ bigint Update Sequence. Not unique.
GSYS_TS timestamp Reserved
GSYS_TC integer Reserved
GSYS_EXT_VCH1 varchar(255) The value of the LastTransferHomeLocation TEvent attribute.
GSYS_EXT_VCH2 varchar(255) The value of the LastTransferOrigDN TEvent attribute.
GSYS_EXT_INT1 integer The sequence number of the call (CSEQ) in party creation.
GSYS_EXT_INT2 integer For third party media interactions, stores a special party index in scope of the interaction lifecycle. This value can be 0 or greater.
This page was last edited on January 10, 2020, at 15:27.
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