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Configuring Workspace Web Edition & Web Services

Configuration for the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services node is handled in three files:

  • server-settings.yaml
  • onpremise-settings.yaml
  • cassandra-cluster.yaml

You can find these files in the main Workspace Web Edition & Web Services config folder you created in Step 6 of the Deploying the Web Application procedure.

Modifying the Server Settings

Start of Procedure

  1. Open the server-settings.yaml and review the options. This file contains a number of core parameters that are used by the server.
  2. The following is an unmodified file:

    externalApiUrl: [ToBeChanged: "PUBLIC_SCHEMA_BASE_URL"]/api/v1
    internalApiUrl: [ToBeChanged: "INTERNAL_SCHEMA_BASE_URL"]/api/v1
    externalApiUrlV2: [ToBeChanged: "PUBLIC_SCHEMA_BASE_URL"]/api/v2
    internalApiUrlV2: [ToBeChanged: "INTERNAL_SCHEMA_BASE_URL"]/api/v2
    reconnectAttempts: [ToBeChanged: "RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS"]
    reconnectTimeout: [ToBeChanged: "RECONNECT_TIMEOUT"]
    activationTimeout: 12000
    connectionTimeout: 4000
    configServerActivationTimeout: 35000
    configServerConnectionTimeout: 15000
    contactCenterSynchronizationTimeout: 60000
    opsUserName: [ToBeChanged: "OPS_USER_NAME"]
    opsUserPassword: [ToBeChanged: "OPS_USER_PASSWORD"]
    applicationName: [ToBeChanged: "APPLICATION_NAME"]
    applicationType: [ToBeChanged: "APPLICATION_TYPE"]
    cmeUserName: [ToBeChanged: "CME_USER_NAME"]
    cmePassword: [ToBeChanged: "CME_PASSWORD"]
    syncNode: [ToBeChanged: true|false]
    inactiveUserTimeout: 60
  3. Review the General Configuration and Connectivity options to learn more about the default options included in the server-settings.yaml file, as well as the other options you can add to adjust Workspace Web Edition & Web Services for your solution. Make sure to update all the options marked [ToBeChanged].
    In each Workspace Web Edition & Web Services cluster, one node must be configured as the synchronization node: syncNode = true. All other nodes in the cluster must have syncNode = false.
  4. Save your changes and close the file.
  5. Open the onpremise-settings.yaml file and review the options. This file contains parameters that are used to connect to Configuration Server.
  6. The following is an unmodified file:

    cmeHost: localhost
    cmePort: 8888
    countryCode: US

    The following options are valid in this file:

  • cmeHost – The Configuration Server host name (FQDN) or IP
  • cmePort – The Configuration Server port
  • backupCmeHost – The backup Configuration Server host name (FQDN) or IP
  • backupCmePort – The backup Configuration Server port
  • countryCode – The premise contact center's country code
Configure the backupCmeHost and backupCmePort options if there is a backup Configuration Server in the Genesys environment and you want high-availability support.
  • Save your changes and close the file.
  • Open the cassandra-cluster.yaml file and review the options.
  • The following is an unmodified file:

    thrift_port: 9160
    jmx_port: 7199
    keyspace: sipfs
    nodes: [ToBeChanged: "CASSANDRA_PRIMARY_DC_NODES"]
    backup_nodes: [ToBeChanged: "CASSANDRA_BACKUP_DC_NODES"]
    replication_factor: [ToBeChanged: "REPLICATION_FACTOR"]
    write_consistency_level: [ToBeChanged: "CL_LOCAL_QUORUM" for multi-datacenters env, "CL_QUORUM" for single-DC env.]
    read_consistency_level: [ToBeChanged: "CL_LOCAL_QUORUM" for multi-datacenters env, "CL_QUORUM" for single-DC env.]
    max_conns_per_host: 16
    max_cons: 16
    max_pending_conns_per_host: 80
    max_blocked_threads_per_host: 160
  • Modify the settings as needed, making sure to update all the options marked [ToBeChanged]:
    • nodes — A comma-separated list of Cassandra node IPs or host names.
    • backup_nodes — A comma-separated list of backup Cassandra node IPs or host names.
    • replication_factor — A replication factor appropriate for your Cassandra topology. This value should be the same as the replication factor you set in Step 2 of the Creating the Cassandra Keyspace procedure.
    • write_consistency_level — Set this value according to your Cassandra topology:
    (1 Cassandra node)
    Single Datacenter
    (1 datacenter with a minimum of three Cassandra nodes)
    Two Datacenters
    (datacenters with a minimum of three Cassandra nodes in each datacenter)
    • read_consistency_level — Set this value according to your Cassandra topology:
    (1 Cassandra node)
    Single Datacenter
    (1 datacenter with a minimum of three Cassandra nodes)
    Two Datacenters
    (datacenters with a minimum of three Cassandra nodes in each datacenter)

    The following options tune the Cassandra database access. The default values were used by Genesys during internal load tests.

    • max_conns_per_host — Maximum number of connections to allocate for a single host's pool.
    • max_cons — Maximum number of connections in the pool.
    • max_pending_conns_per_host — Maximum number of pending connect attempts per host.
    • max_blocked_threads_per_host — Maximum number of blocked clients for a host.
  • Save your changes and close the file.
  • End of Procedure

    Tuning the Workspace Web Edition & Web Services Host Performance

    Complete the steps below on each Workspace Web Edition & Web Services node to tune the performance of the host environment.

    Start of Procedure

    1. Run the following commands:
    2. sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=16777216 
      sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=16777216 
      sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_rmem="4096 87380 16777216" 
      sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_wmem="4096 16384 16777216" 
      sudo sysctl -w net.core.somaxconn=4096 
      sudo sysctl -w net.core.netdev_max_backlog=16384
      sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_max_syn_backlog=8192 
      sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=1 
      sudo sysctl -w net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control=cubic
    3. Increase the file descriptors by adding the following to the /etc/security/limits.conf file:
    4. <user_name>		hard nofile	100000
      <user_name>		soft nofile	100000
    • <user_name> — The name of the user or group that is starting Jetty.

    End of Procedure

    This page was last edited on December 4, 2013, at 22:06.
    Comments or questions about this documentation? Contact us for support!