Interaction Notifications
The following is a list of CometD notifications that are not tied to a specific interaction operation.
To begin receiving e-mail or chat channel-related notifications from the System through the Cometd topics (also known as CometD channels), an agent needs to set his or her status for the email or chat channel to Ready. The agent then needs to subscribe to to the /me/interactions cometd topic and listen. To prevent the System from sending more e-mail or chat interaction notifications, the agent needs to set his or her e-mail or chat channel state to NotReady.
Email Interactions
When an agent sets his or her status for the email channel to Ready, the following notifications may occur:
Email Invite
This notification invites an Agent to either Accept or Reject an incoming email Interaction.
[ { 'data': { 'interaction': { 'userData': { 'FirstName': 'qwerty', 'Header_Content-Type': 'multipart/mixed;boundary="===============0346841814=="', 'RTargetTypeSelected': '2', 'RTargetObjectSelected': '?: 2>1', '_ContainsAttachment': 'false', 'CBR-actual_volume': '', 'RVQID': '', 'To': 'support@ci-vm106', 'Header_Date': 'Mon, 28Oct201314: 08: 44-0700', '_AttachmentsSize': '0', '_AutoReplyCount': 0, 'RTargetObjSelDBID': '', 'Header_MIME-Version': '1.0', 'Mailbox': 'support', 'CBR-Interaction_cost': '', 'CBR-contract_DBIDs': '', 'ContactId': '0000Ha8S2A7X000N', 'RTargetAgentSelected': '1', 'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs': '', 'RTargetAgentGroup': '?: 2>1', 'RTargetRuleSelected': '', 'FromPersonal': '', 'RTargetPlaceSelected': 'Agent1', '_AttachmentFileNames': '', 'RTenant': 'Environment', 'RRequestedSkills': None, 'Origination_Source': 'Email', 'RRequestedSkillCombination': '', 'RVQDBID': '', 'RStrategyDBID': '134', 'CustomerSegment': 'default', 'PegAG?: 2>1': 1, 'ServiceType': 'default', 'FromAddress': 'Customer1@ci-vm106', 'ServiceObjective': 0, 'Header_Message-ID': '<6h34v7hbfot8h0h.281020131408@ci-vm106>', 'RTargetRequested': '?: 2>1', 'EmailAddress': 'Customer1@ci-vm106', 'RStrategyName': 'SimpleEmailInStrategy', 'Subject': 'Rendering_response_category' }, 'currentQueue': 'SimpleEmailInQueue', 'subType': 'InboundNew', 'inQueues': { '__STOP__': '' }, 'capabilities': [ 'Accept', 'Reject' ], 'content': { 'interactionId': '0000Ka8WP8G94H9A' }, 'outQueues': { 'SimpleEmailOutQueue': '' }, 'state': 'Invited', 'type': 'Inbound', 'id': '0000Ka8WP8G94H9A', 'channel': 'email' }, 'messageType': 'InteractionStateMessage' }, 'channel': '/v2/me/interactions' } ]
Email Revoked
After a predetermined period of agent inactivity, this notifies the agent that the System has removed an e-mail interaction from him or her.
[ { 'data': { 'userData': { 'Header_Content-Type': 'multipart/mixed;boundary="===============1840393583=="', 'RTargetTypeSelected': '2', 'RTargetObjectSelected': '?: 2>1', '_ContainsAttachment': 'false', 'CBR-actual_volume': '', 'RVQID': '', 'To': 'support@ci-vm106', 'Header_Date': 'Fri, 28Jun201313: 30: 34-0700', '_AttachmentsSize': '0', '_AutoReplyCount': 0, 'RTargetObjSelDBID': '', 'Header_MIME-Version': '1.0', 'Mailbox': 'support', 'CBR-Interaction_cost': '', 'CBR-contract_DBIDs': '', 'ContactId': '0000Ha8S2A7X000N', 'RTargetAgentSelected': 'Agent1', 'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs': '', 'RTargetAgentGroup': '?: 2>1', 'RTargetRuleSelected': '', 'FromPersonal': '', 'RTargetPlaceSelected': 'Agent1', '_AttachmentFileNames': '', 'RTenant': 'Environment', 'RRequestedSkills': None, 'Origination_Source': 'Email', 'RRequestedSkillCombination': '', 'RVQDBID': '', 'RStrategyDBID': '134', 'CustomerSegment': 'default', 'PegAG?: 2>1': 1, 'ServiceType': 'default', 'FromAddress': 'Customer1@ci-vm106', 'ServiceObjective': 0, 'Header_Message-ID': '<4fdz6n7aiqcqyw3.280620131330@ci-vm106>', 'RTargetRequested': '?: 2>1', 'EmailAddress': 'Customer1@ci-vm106', 'RStrategyName': 'SimpleEmailInStrategy', 'Subject': 'test_reply' }, 'email_object': { 'interactionId': '0000Ja8V814907JM' }, 'currentQueue': 'SimpleEmailInQueue', 'interactionSubType': 'InboundNew', 'capabilities': [], 'state': 'Revoked', 'messageType': 'InteractionStateMessage', 'id': '0000Ja8V814907JM', 'channel': 'email', 'interactionType': 'Inbound' }, 'channel': '/v2/me/interactions' }, { 'successful': True, 'advice': { 'interval': 0, 'timeout': 30000, 'reconnect': 'retry' }, 'id': '25', 'channel': '/meta/connect' } ]
Email Accepted
[ { 'data': { 'interaction': { 'userData': { 'FirstName': 'qwerty', 'Header_Content-Type': 'multipart/mixed;boundary="===============0346841814=="', 'RTargetTypeSelected': '2', 'RTargetObjectSelected': '?: 2>1', '_ContainsAttachment': 'false', 'CBR-actual_volume': '', 'RVQID': '', 'To': 'support@ci-vm106', 'Header_Date': 'Mon, 28Oct201314: 08: 44-0700', '_AttachmentsSize': '0', '_AutoReplyCount': 0, 'RTargetObjSelDBID': '', 'Header_MIME-Version': '1.0', 'Mailbox': 'support', 'CBR-Interaction_cost': '', 'CBR-contract_DBIDs': '', 'ContactId': '0000Ha8S2A7X000N', 'RTargetAgentSelected': '1', 'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs': '', 'RTargetAgentGroup': '?: 2>1', 'RTargetRuleSelected': '', 'FromPersonal': '', 'RTargetPlaceSelected': 'Agent1', '_AttachmentFileNames': '', 'RTenant': 'Environment', 'RRequestedSkills': None, 'Origination_Source': 'Email', 'RRequestedSkillCombination': '', 'RVQDBID': '', 'RStrategyDBID': '134', 'CustomerSegment': 'default', 'PegAG?: 2>1': 1, 'ServiceType': 'default', 'FromAddress': 'Customer1@ci-vm106', 'ServiceObjective': 0, 'Header_Message-ID': '<6h34v7hbfot8h0h.281020131408@ci-vm106>', 'RTargetRequested': '?: 2>1', 'EmailAddress': 'Customer1@ci-vm106', 'RStrategyName': 'SimpleEmailInStrategy', 'Subject': 'Rendering_response_category' }, 'currentQueue': 'SimpleEmailInQueue', 'startDate': 1382994529967L, 'inQueues': { '__STOP__': '' }, 'capabilities': [ 'StopProcessing', 'UpdateUserData', 'AttachUserData', 'DeleteUserData', 'PlaceInWorkbin', 'SingleStepTransfer', 'Reply', 'ReplyAll' ], 'content': { 'text': 'Thisisemailbody.\r\nTesting, hopefullythiswillwork', 'interactionId': '0000Ka8WP8G94H9A', 'fromAddress': 'Customer1@ci-vm106', 'toAddress': 'support@ci-vm106', 'subject': 'Rendering_response_category' }, 'outQueues': { 'SimpleEmailOutQueue': '' }, 'state': 'Accepted', 'subType': 'InboundNew', 'threadId': '0000Ka8WP8G94H99', 'type': 'Inbound', 'id': '0000Ka8WP8G94H9A', 'channel': 'email' }, 'messageType': 'InteractionStateMessage' }, 'channel': '/v2/me/interactions' } ]
Chat Interactions
When an agent sets his or her status for the chat channel to Ready, the following notifications may occur:
Chat Invited
[ { 'data': { 'userData': { 'IdentifyCreateContact': '3', 'RTargetTypeSelected': '2', 'RTargetObjectSelected': '?: 2>1', 'RVQID': '', 'ChatServerAppName': 'es_chat', 'ChatServerHost': '', 'RTargetObjSelDBID': '', 'ChatServerPort': '7160', 'CBR-Interaction_cost': '', 'CBR-contract_DBIDs': '', 'RTargetAgentSelected': 'Agent1', 'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs': '', 'RTargetRuleSelected': '', 'RTargetPlaceSelected': 'Agent1', 'CBR-actual_volume': '', 'RTenant': 'Environment', 'ChatServerDBID': '155', 'RRequestedSkills': None, 'RRequestedSkillCombination': '', 'RVQDBID': '', 'RStrategyDBID': '125', 'CustomerSegment': 'default', 'PegAG?: 2>1': 1, 'ServiceType': 'default', 'ServiceObjective': 0, 'RTargetRequested': '?: 2>1', 'RTargetAgentGroup': '?: 2>1', 'RStrategyName': 'SimpleChatInStrategy', 'Subject': 'Customersupport' }, 'currentQueue': 'SimpleChatInQueue', 'interactionSubType': 'InboundNew', 'capabilities': [ 'Accept', 'Reject' ], 'state': 'Invited', 'messageType': 'InteractionStateMessage', 'id': '0000Ja8V814907KS', 'channel': 'chat', 'interactionType': 'Inbound' }, 'channel': '/v2/me/interactions' }, { 'successful': True, 'advice': { 'interval': 0, 'timeout': 30000, 'reconnect': 'retry' }, 'id': '15', 'channel': '/meta/connect' } ]
Chat Revoked
[ { 'data': { 'userData': { 'IdentifyCreateContact': '3', 'RTargetTypeSelected': '2', 'RTargetObjectSelected': '?: 2>1', 'RVQID': '', 'ChatServerAppName': 'es_chat', 'ChatServerHost': '', 'RTargetObjSelDBID': '', 'ChatServerPort': '7160', 'CBR-Interaction_cost': '', 'CBR-contract_DBIDs': '', 'RTargetAgentSelected': 'Agent1', 'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs': '', 'RTargetRuleSelected': '', 'RTargetPlaceSelected': 'Agent1', 'CBR-actual_volume': '', 'RTenant': 'Environment', 'ChatServerDBID': '155', 'RRequestedSkills': None, 'RRequestedSkillCombination': '', 'RVQDBID': '', 'RStrategyDBID': '125', 'CustomerSegment': 'default', 'PegAG?: 2>1': 1, 'ServiceType': 'default', 'ServiceObjective': 0, 'RTargetRequested': '?: 2>1', 'RTargetAgentGroup': '?: 2>1', 'RStrategyName': 'SimpleChatInStrategy', 'Subject': 'Customersupport' }, 'currentQueue': 'SimpleChatInQueue', 'interactionSubType': 'InboundNew', 'capabilities': [], 'state': 'Revoked', 'messageType': 'InteractionStateMessage', 'id': '0000Ja8V814907KS', 'channel': 'chat', 'interactionType': 'Inbound' }, 'channel': '/v2/me/interactions' }, { 'successful': True, 'advice': { 'interval': 0, 'timeout': 30000, 'reconnect': 'retry' }, 'id': '15', 'channel': '/meta/connect' } ]
Chat Accepted
[ { 'data': { 'interaction': { 'userData': { 'IdentifyCreateContact': '3', 'RTargetTypeSelected': '2', 'RTargetObjectSelected': '?: 2>1', 'RVQID': '', 'ChatServerAppName': 'esv_cht', 'ChatServerHost': '', 'RTargetObjSelDBID': '', 'ChatServerPort': '7160', 'CBR-Interaction_cost': '', 'CBR-contract_DBIDs': '', 'RTargetAgentSelected': 'Agent1', 'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs': '', 'RTargetRuleSelected': '', 'RTargetPlaceSelected': 'Agent1', 'CBR-actual_volume': '', 'RTenant': 'Environment', 'ChatServerDBID': '145', 'RRequestedSkills': None, 'RRequestedSkillCombination': '', 'RVQDBID': '', 'RStrategyDBID': '110', 'CustomerSegment': 'default', 'PegAG?: 2>1': 1, 'ServiceType': 'default', 'ServiceObjective': 0, 'RTargetRequested': '?: 2>1', 'RTargetAgentGroup': '?: 2>1', 'RStrategyName': 'SimpleChatInStrategy', 'Subject': 'Customersupport' }, 'currentQueue': 'SimpleChatInQueue', 'startDate': 1382984933000L, 'inQueues': { 'SimpleChatTranscriptQueue': u'' }, 'capabilities': [ 'StopProcessing', 'UpdateUserData', 'AttachUserData', 'DeleteUserData', 'PlaceInWorkbin', 'SingleStepTransfer', 'LeaveChat', 'EndChatSession', 'SingleStepConference', 'RequestChatHistory', 'Send' ], 'content': { 'latestEventId': 3, 'sessionId': '00002a94345B0MXX', 'events': [ { 'userId': '0091526EACE5E036', 'messageType': 'PARTY_JOINED', 'userType': 'Client', 'visibility': 'All', 'nickName': 'test_agent_notificationL', 'id': 1 }, { 'userId': '0091526EACF0E038', 'messageType': 'PARTY_JOINED', 'userType': 'Agent', 'visibility': 'All', 'nickName': 'TestName', 'id': 2 }, { 'messageType': 'NOTICE', 'userId': '0091526EACF0E038', 'visibility': 'All', 'noticeType': 'TypingStarted', 'id': 3 } ] }, 'subType': 'InboundNew', 'state': 'Accepted', 'threadId': '00002a94345B0MXY', 'type': 'Inbound', 'id': '00002a94345B0MXX', 'channel': 'chat' }, 'messageType': 'InteractionStateMessage' } ]
Chat Notifications
[ { 'data': { 'interaction': { 'userData': { 'IdentifyCreateContact': '3', 'RTargetTypeSelected': '2', 'RTargetObjectSelected': '?: 2>1', 'RVQID': '', 'ChatServerAppName': 'esv_cht', 'ChatServerHost': '', 'RTargetObjSelDBID': '', 'ChatServerPort': '7160', 'CBR-Interaction_cost': '', 'CBR-contract_DBIDs': '', 'RTargetAgentSelected': 'Agent1', 'CBR-IT-path_DBIDs': '', 'RTargetRuleSelected': '', 'RTargetPlaceSelected': 'Agent1', 'CBR-actual_volume': '', 'RTenant': 'Environment', 'ChatServerDBID': '145', 'RRequestedSkills': None, 'RRequestedSkillCombination': '', 'RVQDBID': '', 'RStrategyDBID': '110', 'CustomerSegment': 'default', 'PegAG?: 2>1': 1, 'ServiceType': 'default', 'ServiceObjective': 0, 'RTargetRequested': '?: 2>1', 'RTargetAgentGroup': '?: 2>1', 'RStrategyName': 'SimpleChatInStrategy', 'Subject': 'Customersupport' }, 'currentQueue': 'SimpleChatInQueue', 'startDate': 1382984933000L, 'inQueues': { 'SimpleChatTranscriptQueue': '' }, 'content': { 'latestEventId': 5, 'sessionId': '00002a94345B0MXX', 'events': [ { 'messageType': 'NOTICE', 'userId': '0091526EACF0E038', 'visibility': 'All', 'noticeType': 'TypingStopped', 'id': 4 }, { 'messageType': 'NOTICE', 'userId': '0091526EACF0E038', 'visibility': 'All', 'noticeType': 'TypingStarted', 'id': 3 }, { 'userId': '0091526EACE5E036', 'messageType': 'PARTY_JOINED', 'userType': 'Client', 'visibility': 'All', 'nickName': 'test_agent_notificationL', 'id': 1 }, { 'userId': '0091526EACF0E038', 'messageType': 'PARTY_JOINED', 'userType': 'Agent', 'visibility': 'All', 'nickName': 'TestName', 'id': 2 }, { 'userId': '0091526EACF0E038', 'messageType': 'PARTY_LEFT', 'visibility': 'All', 'id': 5 } ] }, 'subType': 'InboundNew', 'state': 'PropertiesChanged', 'threadId': '00002a94345B0MXY', 'type': 'Inbound', 'id': '00002a94345B0MXX', 'channel': 'chat' }, 'messageType': 'InteractionStateMessage' }, 'channel': '/v2/me/interactions' } ]