Statistics API
REST API for Gathering Statistics
The name of the statistic is used for statistic definition in the statistics.yaml file. See the list of statistics to be monitored.
Query for Most Recent Statistic Values
The following request can be used to retrieve the most recent statistic values. For example:
HTTP Operation: GET
Here is an example showing the results of a query with a specific object ID:
{ "objectId": "{objectId}", "statusCode":0, "statistics": [ { "statistic": "numAnsweredCalls", "value": 222, "time": 1345144080379 }, { "statistic": "numCalls", "value": 500, "time": 1345143997464 }, { "statistic": "numDroppedCalls", "value": 200, "time": 1345144064936 } ] }
Query for Range of Statistic Values
The following request can be used to retrieve the range of values for a given object and statistic:
HTTP Operation: GET
There are some optional request parameters that can be added as follows:
Parameter | Description |
numValues | The default is '1' if this parameter is not provided. This can be set to a larger number in order to retrieve multiple statistic values. For example, if set to "100", it would return the last 100 values, if there are that many. |
from | This can be used to set the start of time range that you are interested in. |
to | This can be used to set the end of time range that you are interested in. |
Example requests:
Request: | /stats/{objectId}/numCalls?numValues=10 |
Description: | This will return the 10 most recent values for the numCalls statistic |
Request: | /stats/{objectId}/numCalls?from=1343779200000&to=1346457599999 |
Description: | This will return all statistic values for the statistic numCalls for the month of August 2012 |
Request: | /stats/{objectId}/numCalls?from=1343779200000&to=1346457599999&numValues=3 |
Description: | This will return the 3 most recent (last) statistic values for the statistic numCalls within the month of August 2012 |
The format response to the GET request is the same regardless of the parameters supplied. For example:
{ "statusCode":0, "objectId": "888d13ad-e8aa-4532-a99a-eb8c6590e65a", "statistics": [ { "statistic": "numCalls", "values": [ { "value": 300, "time": 1344866399143 }, { "value": 200, "time": 1344866389143 } ] } ] }
Getting Service level statistic
To get the service level statistic the following entries must be present in statistics.yaml file:
--- #service level name: ServiceLevel notificationFrequency: 10 notificationMode: PERIODICAL objectType: QUEUE statisticDefinitionEx: category: TotalNumberInTimeRangePercentage dynamicTimeProfile: "0:00" intervalType: GrowingWindow mainMask: CallAnswered subject: DNAction timeRangeLeft: 0 timeRangeRight: 60 --- name: ServiceLevel notificationFrequency: 10 notificationMode: PERIODICAL objectType: SKILL_Q statisticDefinitionEx: category: TotalNumberInTimeRangePercentage dynamicTimeProfile: "0:00" intervalType: GrowingWindow mainMask: CallAnswered subject: DNAction timeRangeLeft: 0 timeRangeRight: 60
They are already in the statistics.yaml file shipped. To get the list of the 100 most recent service level statistic values, use range query:
GET .../api/v1/stats/{objectId}/ServiceLevel?numValues=100
where {objectId} should be substituted with id of skill or queue.
Skills should be provisioned using our provisioning UI/API or, if configured manually in Configuration Manager or Genesys Administrator, must satisfy restrictions specified in the Web Services Configuration Options.