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Web Services configuration options

You can set the configuration options below in the corresponding sections of the application.yaml file on your Web Services nodes (server-settings.yaml if you are installing Web Services and Applications version or earlier). For details, see Configuring Web Services.


Settings in this section are listed under "logging".


Default Value: logback.xml
Valid Values: A valid path
Mandatory: No
Specifies the path to the logback.xml file. You created this file (or Web Services created it for you) as part of Deploying the web application.


Default Value: cloud.log
Valid Values: A valid file name
Mandatory: No
Specifies the name of the log file. This value is stored in ${LOG_FILE} which may be used in logback.xml.


Default Value: /var/log/jetty9
Valid Values: A valid path
Mandatory: No
Specifies the path to the log file. This value is stored in ${LOG_PATH} which may be used in logback.xml.


Settings in this section are listed under "jetty".


Default Value: None
Valid Values:

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
httpOnly No true If true, it sets an HTTP-only flag for session cookies.
secure No false If true, it sets the secure cookie flag for session cookies.
sameSite Yes None Specifies what should be returned as SameSite cookie attribute value in response for Jetty's session cookie. Valid values are None, Lax, or Strict.
partitioned No false If true, it sets the Partitioned flag for session cookies.

Mandatory: No
Specifies how Jetty should handle cookies. For example:

    httpOnly: true
    secure: true
    sameSite: None

These options only take effect if enableSsl is set to true.


Default Value:
Valid Values: A host name or IP address
Mandatory: No
Specifies the host name or IP address of the Jetty host. In versions and later, this value should be the same as GWS_HOST you defined as part of Deploying the web application.


Default Value: 8090
Valid Values: A valid port
Mandatory: No
Specifies the port of the Jetty host. In versions and later, this value should be the same as GWS_PORT you defined as part of Deploying the web application.


Default Value: 30000
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No
Specifies the maximum idle time, in milliseconds, for a connection.


Default Value: -1
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0, or -1 to disable
Mandatory: No
Specifies the socket linger time.


Default Value: 1800
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No
Specifies the period, in seconds, after which a session is deemed idle and saved to session memory.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies whether to add the WorkerName parameter into the JSESSIONID cookie.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Enables request logging. If you set the value to true, you must also set values for the requestLog option.


Default Value: 8192
Valid Values: Any positive integer value greater than the default value

Specifies the allowed request header size for the Jetty servlet container.


Default Value: 8192
Valid Values: Any positive integer value greater than the default value

Specifies the allowed response header size for the Jetty servlet container.


Default Value: None
Valid Values:

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
filename No yyyy_mm_dd.cloud-request.log Specifies the log file name format.
filenameDateFormat No yyyy_MM_dd Specifies the log file name date format.
logTimeZone No GMT Specifies the timestamp time zone used in the log.
retainDays No 90 Specifies the time interval, in days, for which Jetty should retain logs.
append No true Specifies whether Jetty appends to the request log file or starts a new file.
extended No true Specifies whether Jetty logs extended data.
logCookies No true Specifies whether Jetty logs request cookies.
logLatency No true Specifies whether Jetty logs the request latency.
preferProxiedForAddress No true Specifies whether Jetty logs IP address or the IP address from the X-Forwarded-For request header.

Mandatory: No
Specifies how Jetty should handle request logging. For example:

enableRequestLog: true
    filename: yyyy_mm_dd.cloud-request.log
    filenameDateFormat: yyyy_MM_dd
    logTimeZone: GMT
    retainDays: 90
    append: true
    extended: true
    logCookies: false
    logLatency: true
    preferProxiedForAddress: true

These options only take effect if enableRequestLog is set to true.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Enables Secure Sockets Layer support. If you set the value to true, you must also set values for the ssl option.


Default Value: None
Valid Values:

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
port No 443 The SSL port. This option is the equivalent of the Jetty "https.port" variable.
securePort No 8443 The port to which integral or confidential security constraints are redirected. This option is the equivalent of the Jetty "jetty.secure.port" variable.
idleTimeout No 30000 The maximum idle time, in milliseconds, for a connection.
soLingerTime No -1 The socket linger time. A value of -1 disables this option.
keyStorePath No None The keystore path.
keyStorePassword No None The keystore password.
keyManagerPassword No None The key manager password.
keyStoreProvider No None The keystore provider.
keyStoreType No JKS The key store type.
trustStorePath No None The truststore path.
trustStorePassword No None The truststore password.
trustStoreProvider No None The truststore provider.
trustStoreType No JKS The truststore type.
needClientAuth No None Set this option to true if SSL needs client authentication.
wantClientAuth No None Set this option to true if SSL wants client authentication.
certAlias No None The alias of the SSL certificate for the connector.
validateCerts No None Set this option to true if the SSL certificate has to be validated.
validatePeerCerts No None Set this option to true if SSL certificates of the peer have to be validated.
trustAll No None Set this option to true if all certificates should be trusted if there is no keySstore or truststore.
renegotiationAllowed No None Set this option to true if TLS renegotiation is allowed.
excludeCipherSuites No None Specifies the array of cipher suite names to exclude from enabled cipher suites.
includeCipherSuites No None Specifies the array of cipher suite names to include in enabled cipher suites.
endpointIdentificationAlgorithm No None Specifies the endpoint identification algorithm. Set this option to "HTTPS" to enable hostname verification.
includeProtocols No None The array of protocol names (protocol versions) to include for use on this engine.
excludeProtocols No None The array of protocol names (protocol versions) to exclude from use on this engine.
enableHsts No false If set to true, Genesys Web Services (GWS) provides support for HTTP Strict Transport Security (HSTS) protocol. HSTS prevents Man-in-the-Middle attacks that can occur in unsecure (HTTP) browser sessions.

The following string is inserted in the response header:

Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31536000 ; includeSubDomains

This string tells the browser to not accept any untrusted, expired, or revoked TLS certificates from the domain.

enableNonSecureToSecureRedirect No false Redirects HTTP requests to HTTPS.

When enabled, the following string is sent in the response header:

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Location: https://...

Mandatory: No
Specifies how Jetty should handle support for Secure Sockets Layer. For example:

 enableSsl: true
    port: 443
    securePort: 8443
    idleTimeout: 30000
    soLingerTime: -1

These options only take effect if enableSsl is set to true.


Default Value: None
Valid Values:

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
httpOnly No true If true, it sets an HTTP-only flag for session cookies.
secure No false If true, it sets the secure cookie flag for session cookies.

Mandatory: No
Specifies how Jetty should handle cookies. For example:

    httpOnly: true
    secure: true

These options only take effect if enableSsl is set to true.


Default Value: JSESSIONID
Valid Values: Any string which can be used as a cookie name as per RFC 6265
Mandatory: No
Defines the name of the session cookie used by Web Services.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Enables XSS Protection and the following header is added to the response.

X-XSS-Protection: 1


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
When enabled, blocks the page from being rendered by sending the following header in the response:

X-XSS-Protection: 1; mode=block


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
When enabled, content sniffing is disabled by sending the following header in the response:

X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff


The X-Frame-Options HTTP response header can be used to indicate whether a browser should be allowed to render a page in a <frame>, <iframe>, or <object>. Sites can use this to avoid clickjacking attacks, by ensuring that their content is not embedded into other sites.

Default Value: None
Mandatory: No
When enabled, the following header is added to the response.

X-Frame-Options: DENY


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A valid URI
Mandatory: No
When enabled, xFrameOptions is set to ALLOW-FROM, and only iframes from the specified URI are allowed. The following header is added to the response.

X-Frame-Options: ALLOW-FROM https://example.com/

This header is not supported by all browsers. For the list of browser types and versions that support the X-Frame-Options header, please refer to Clickjacking Defense Cheat Sheet.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: List of URIs
Mandatory: No
Responses for requests from the specified URIs will not contain the X-Frame-Options header. The URIs must be relative and start with a slash (/) symbol. They must not contain the hostname and the port information. This is a workaround for browsers that do not support xFrameOptions.

If you are using a browser that does not fully support xFrameOptions, it is highly recommended to list the URIs in the xFrameOptionsExcludedUris option to exclude these pages from the Clickjacking prevention:
    - /ui/crm-adapter/index.html
    - /ui/crm-workspace/index.html
    - /ui/dashboard/index.html
    - /ui/ad/v1/disaster-recovery.html


Settings in this section are listed under "cassandraCluster".


Default Value: 9160
Valid Values: A valid port
Mandatory: No
Specifies the port for Thrift to listen for clients. It should be the same as the rpc_port you set in the cassandra.yaml file as part of the Configuring Cassandra procedure.


Default Value: 7199
Valid Values: A valid port
Mandatory: No
Specifies the port Cassandra uses for Java Manage Extension (JMX).


Default Value: sipfs
Valid Values: A valid keyspace name
Mandatory: No
Specifies the name of the Cassandra keyspace. This name should be the same as the keyspace name you set while Creating the Cassandra keyspace. If you used the keyspace creation scripts that come with Web Services and Applications, then you can leave this value as sipfs.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of IP addresses or host names
Mandatory: No
Specifies the Cassandra node IPs or host names.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A comma-separated list of IP addresses or host names
Mandatory: No
Specifies the backup Cassandra node IPs or host names. This option is intended for deployments that have two separate Cassandra data centers — Web Services switches from primary to backup if the primary nodes are unavailable. If your deployment is small with only one data center, you can ignore this option.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: An integer less than the number of nodes in the cluster
Mandatory: No
Specifies a replication factor appropriate for your Cassandra topology. This value should be the same as the replication factor you set in Step 2 of the Creating the Cassandra keyspace procedure.


Default Value: None
Mandatory: No
Specifies the read consistency level appropriate for your Cassandra topology:

(1 Cassandra node)
Single Data Center
(1 data center with a minimum of three Cassandra nodes)
Two Data Centers
(data centers with a minimum of three Cassandra nodes in each data center)


Default Value: None
Mandatory: No
Specifies the write consistency level appropriate for your Cassandra topology:

(1 Cassandra node)
Single Data Center
(1 data center with a minimum of three Cassandra nodes)
Two Data Centers
(data centers with a minimum of three Cassandra nodes in each data center)


Default Value: 16
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No
Specifies the maximum number of connections to allocate for a single host's pool.


Default Value: 48
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No
Specifies the maximum number of connections in the pool.


Default Value: 80
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No
Specifies the maximum number of pending connection attempts per host.


Default Value: 160
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No
Specifies the maximum number of blocked clients for a host.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: 1.1 or 1.2
Mandatory: No
Specifies the Cassandra version for your Web Services and Applications deployment.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies whether Cassandra should use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). This option is only valid for Cassandra 1.2.x.


Settings in this section are listed under "serverSettings".



Default Value: None
Valid Values: A public schema-based URL ending with /api/v2.
Mandatory: Yes
Specifies the prefix used for resources in the public API. In a development environment, the host and port should be set to the host name or IP address of the Web Services node. In a production environment, the host and port should be set to the host name or IP address of the load balancer in a production environment. For example,


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A public schema-based URL ending with /internal-api.
Mandatory: Yes
Specifies the prefix used for internal resources. In a development environment, the host and port should be set to the host name or IP address of the Web Services node. In a production environment, the host and port should be set to the host name or IP address of the load balancer in a production environment. For example,

Platform API Settings


Default Value: -
Valid Values: A list of strings.
Mandatory: No
Enables filtering of specified fields from the Platform Configuration API responses.


The following setting will filter out the password field from the response.

      - password



Default Value:
Valid Values: A valid prefix
Mandatory: No
Specifies a prefix that Web Services adds to the relative URIs it includes in responses. For example, if you set pathPrefix to /api/v2 and make the following request:

GET http://localhost:8080/api/v2/devices

Web Services returns the following response:


Notice that paths includes relative URIs with the /api/v2 prefix.



Default Value: 5
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Mandatory: No
Specifies the number of join attempts to a chat session.


Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Mandatory: No
Specifies the delay, in milliseconds, between join attempts to a chat session.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies whether Web Services RequestUpdateInteraction instead of RequestAssignInteractionToContact when the SetContact request is called. Using RequestUpdateInteraction prevents UCS from updating the ThreadId interaction attribute. In some scenarios, updates to this attribute can cause an interaction to become orphaned in the UCS database.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies the order in which GWS sends ParticipantsUpdated and StatusChange notifications. To make sure that after reconnecting to Chat Server GWS send the ParticipantsUpdated notification first and then the StatusChange notification, set the value of this option to true.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Preserves the original CreatorAppId of an interaction in UCS. Set the value of this option to true to make sure that the CreatorAppId is not changed after reconnecting to Chat Server.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Turns on synchronization of the users_index_employee_id table, which improves the performance of the RequestStats operation. It is necessary to perform a force synchronization of Cassandra with Configuration Server after enabling this option.

Applicable only for environments with a large number of agents and only when delay is observed on the GWS side.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies how the nickname of a participant in the chat message of the application CometD notification is displayed. By default (the false value of the option), the latest nickname of a participant is displayed for all messages in the chat transcript. When this option is set to true, messages of the participant who changed the nickname are displayed with the actual nickname at the time when messages were sent.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Enables sending of a notification with interaction properties while pulling chat interaction from a workbin. By default, the same notification is sent to other media types.

Add the following notification to the application.yaml file:

  enableNotificationOnPullChat: true


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Enables joining to the chat session of the chat interaction that is being pulled from a workbin. Following notification is a chat transcript similar to the one which is sent for the Accept operation.

Add the following notification to the application.yaml file:

  enableJoinOnPullChat: true


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Enables GWS to save the UserData of the parent email interaction to the child email interaction for Reply and ReplyAll operations. When set to true, GWS sends the AttachedData filled with the UserData of the parent interaction to UCS and UCS can render the corresponding field codes in Standard Responses.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
When enabled, Web Services cleans up the orphan "Scrolls" from Universal Contact Server (UCS) that consume memory. When Web Services gets a list of interactions from UCS that has more than 1000 results, it creates a "Scroll" that must be released by Web Services when it is no longer needed.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
When enabled, Web Services searches for a call in memory, if the call is not found in Cassandra.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
When enabled, Web Services waits for a configured amount of time for the Interaction Server connection to open before trying to send requests. You can use the syncConnectionToIxnServerTimeout option to adjust the wait time.


Default Value: 3000
Valid Values: positive integer
Mandatory: No
Defines the wait time for opening the connection to Interaction Server when the enableSyncConnectionToIxnServer option is enabled.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
When enabled, Web Services changes an agent's state when the agent does not answer an invite to Consult or Conference by a queue (routing-based). You can configure the status, which will be set using the statusNameOnConferenceInviteExpiration option.


Default Value: NotReady
Valid Values: name of the agent's status
Mandatory: No
Defines the status which will be set when the agent does not answer an invite to Consult or Conference by a queue (routing-based), and the enableNotReadyOnConferenceInviteExpiration is enabled.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Enables enforcing case-insensitive comparison of email addresses to remove the sender's address from recipients lists ("To", "Cc", "Bcc") while replying all in an email interaction.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
When enabled, Web Services gets the current interaction from Interaction Server if an agent is disconnected from one Web Services node and is reconnected to another. This feature is only applicable if the agent reconnects using the same Workspace Web Edition instance. It does not apply to any active consultations or supervisors associated with the interaction. Previously, it was possible to have more than one agent in the same chat session when an agent switched connections to a new node while handling an interaction.


Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: positive integer
Mandatory: No
Enables Web Services to synchronize disposition codes with Workspace Web Edition. To turn on this feature, set iwsDispositionCodeSync to true on all nodes (this is done by default), and set the syncNode option to true on one node.


Default Value: 300
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No
Specifies the time to live, in seconds, for the temporary authentication token.


Default Value:
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Enables cross site request forgery protection. If you set the value to true, make sure you use the default values for exposedHeaders in the crossOriginSettings option. If you have already updated the exposedHeaders, just make sure the values include the defaults.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies whether Web Services uses OAuth 2.0 authentication.


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies whether Web Services should run its StaleSessionsMonitor process to periodically poll Cassandra for expired CometD sessions. This process releases any devices that might not have been released as part of EndContactCenterSession if CometD session information was lost.


Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: positive integer
Mandatory: No
Defines the timeout for the GetContent operation. This API request leads to sending RequestTakeSnapshot to Interaction Server. In some cases, when there are lots of interactions in a queue, this request could take a long time.


Default Value: None
Valid Values:

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
monitoringInterval No 60 Specifies, in seconds, how often Web Services scans for expired CometD sessions.
expiredSessionAge No 180 Specifies the age, in seconds, at which Web Services considers the CometD session to be expired.

Mandatory: No
Specifies the configuration for monitoring expired CometD sessions. For example:

    monitoringInterval: 60
    expiredSessionAge: 180


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies whether to include the original message type of a chat message in the MessageLogUpdated CometD notification when you make a SendMessage request with the Chat API.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies whether Web Services uses the interaction properties from Interaction Server to render standard responses instead of using the interaction attributes from Universal Contact Server.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
When set to true, Web Services enables agents to complete a call transfer to a consultation target while the consultation call is on hold.

This option is used for Avaya switch environments only.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
When set to true, if an offline chat interaction is restored for an agent on a different node, the interaction has the 'LeftChat' status along with the list of corresponding capabilities.
To ensure that interactions are recovered as well as having the status set, Genesys recommends that when using this feature, you also set the value of the enableSyncConnectionToIxnServer to enabled.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies whether or not chat interactions can be put on hold in a workbin and then reopened later to continue the chat.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Enable this option so that Web Services and Applications will display all chat messages for the current chat session. Previously, few messages could be lost if they were sent closely after an agent joined the chat session.



Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: Any integer greater than 0
Mandatory: Yes
Determines fast-fail period length after a failure. Any attempt to reconnect to a Genesys server within the time specified by the activationFailFastPeriod option results in an immediate failure. To understand how this option works, consider this scenario:

  • Agent A logs in to a GWS node. Note that connection to tserver is not active yet. GWS attempts to connect to tserver and the connection attempt fails.
  • Agent B attempts to login within the activationFailFastPeriod. GWS does not attempt to connect to tserver. The agent is authenticated, but is not logged into the voice channel.
  • After activationFailFastPeriod expires, Agent C attempts to login. GWS connects to TServer if the authentication is successful. Note that if the connection attempt fails, the activationFailFastPeriod is restarted again.


Default Value: 12000
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No
Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, for connecting to any Genesys server (except Configuration Server). This may include several individual attempts if the initial attempt to connect is unsuccessful.

The activation timeout for Configuration Server is specified with the configServerActivationTimeout option.


Default Value: 7000
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Mandatory: No
Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, after which the attempt to connect to the Chat Server fails.


Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Mandatory: No
Specifies the delay, in milliseconds, between attempts to connect to the Chat Server.


Default Value: 35000
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No
Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, for connecting to Configuration Server. This may include several individual attempts if the initial attempt to connect is unsuccessful.


Default Value: 15000
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No
Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, for an individual connection attempt to Configuration Server.


Default Value: 4000
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No
Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, for an individual connection attempt to any Genesys server (except Configuration Server).

The connection timeout for Configuration Server is specified with the configServerConnectionTimeout option.


Default Value: 60000
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No
Specifies how often the syncNode looks for newly created contact centers.


Default Value: 60
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No
Specifies the interval, in seconds, at which the inactive user cleanup process is run by the server. This process is run to invalidate HTTP sessions for users who have been deleted or whose user roles have changed.


Default Value: 1
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: Yes
Specifies the number of attempts Web Services makes to connect to any Genesys server before attempting to connect to the backup.


Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: Yes
Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, between the reconnect attempts.


Default Value: 60000 (ms)
Valid Values: Any positive integer.
Mandatory: No
Specify the timeout in milliseconds before the agent session cleanup procedure is initiated.


Default value: 10000
Valid values: Any positive integer.
Specify the timeout (in milliseconds) for platform configuration read requests. If an invalid or a negative value is provided, a warning message will be logged and the default value would be applied.

OPS account


Default Value: None
Valid Values: Any alphanumeric value that can include special characters
Mandatory: Yes
Specifies the name of the Web Services super user. Web Services creates this user at startup.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: Any alphanumeric value, including special characters
Mandatory: Yes
Specifies the password for the Web Services super user. Web Services creates this user at startup.

Configuration Server credentials


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A valid application name
Mandatory: Yes
The name of the Web Services node application object in Configuration Server. For example, WS_Node.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A valid application type
Mandatory: Yes
The type of the Web Services node application object in Configuration Server. This value should be CFGGenericClient.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A valid Configuration Server user
Mandatory: Yes
The username that the Web Services server uses to connect to Configuration Server.

Genesys recommends that you use the provided "default" account in Configuration Server. It is possible to use a different account, but you must take care in configuring the user's account permissions. Outside of a lab setting, this is best done in consultation with Genesys.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A valid password
Mandatory: Yes
The password for the Configuration Server user Web Services uses to connect to Configuration Server.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies whether the node is the synchronization node. This node is responsible for importing objects from Configuration Server into Cassandra, subscribing to changes notifications with Configuration Server, and processing updates.

In each Web Services cluster, one node must be configured as the synchronization node: syncNode = true. All other nodes in the cluster must have syncNode = false.


This option is deprecated in 8.5.2.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies whether the syncNode imports virtual queues from the Configuration Layer.



Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No

Enables you to configure additional connections to different StatServers. GWS chooses the one that is "visible" from the GWS node (based on the location specified in the connection).

Set this option to true on all nodes only when deploying multiple data centers.

  • This option applies only to multi-data center environments.
  • The statistics collected in a multi-data center environment will not be displayed properly without both this option and the enableMultipleDataCenterMonitoring option set to true.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No

Enables statistics collection for each data center in a multiple data center configuration.

Set this option to true on all nodes only when deploying multiple data centers.

  • This option applies only to multi-data center environments.
  • The statistics collected in a multi-data center environment will not be displayed properly without both this option and the locationAwareMonitoringDistribution option set to true.


Default Value: 5000
Valid Values: A positive integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No
Specifies the connection timeout, in milliseconds, for connecting to Stat Server.


Default Value: 1
Valid Values: A positive integer
Mandatory: No
Specifies the number of reconnect attempts before switching to the backup Stat Server, if the connection to the primary Stat Server is lost.


Default Value: 10000
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No
Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, before reconnecting to Stat Server.


Default Value: 60000
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No
Specifies the timeout, in milliseconds, between when a request is sent to Stat Server to open a statistic and when Web Services server determines the statistic has not been opened. If the timeout expires, the Web Services server discards the request and sends a new one.


This option is no longer applicable as of release


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies whether to monitor user states on non-voice channels.


Default Value: 30
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No
Specifies the interval, in seconds, for the reporting services to poll the database for information about the activities of other monitoring nodes and for the current state of the contact center configuration. If you set this option to a larger value, it decreases the load on the database, but also increases the timeout for detecting nodes that are down and objects that are added or updated in contact centers.

The value of this option specifies the rate of scheduling, not the delay between when the previous polling finishes and the new polling starts.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies whether the configuration information and statistics should be indexed to Elasticsearch. If set to true, you must set the crClusterName option.


Default Value: 60 (1 hour)
Valid Values: An integer greater than 0
Mandatory: No
Specifies the interval, in minutes, for trying to reopen failed statistics. For example, if a statistic cannot be opened on Stat Server, it is marked as failed and then the server attempts to reopen the stat once every hour (the default value of statisticsOpenRetryInterval).

Multi regional supporting


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A location and node ID, separated by a "/" — for example, /US/node1
Mandatory: Yes
Specifies the location and ID of the Web Services node within the deployment topology. This value must be unique across the deployment. For example, a value of /US/node1 means that the node is located in the US region and has an ID of "node1". The node ID can be the hostname, the IP address, or any other unique identifier.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: Any unique identifier, such as the node host name or IP
Mandatory: No
Specifies the unique identifier for the Web Services node. Each node in a cluster must have a unique nodeId.

SSL and CA


Default Value: None
Valid Values: Path to a signed certificate
Mandatory: No
Specifies the path to a certificate signed by a Certificate Authority. The file must be in the .pem or .jks format (if .jks, you can also set jksPassword). The certificate can be used if the WS_Cluster application uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) to connect to Genesys servers. This option is also mandatory to enable SAML authentication.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: Password for the key storage
Mandatory: No
Specifies the password for the key storage set in caCertificate, when the certificate is in .jks format. This option is mandatory to enable SAML authentication.



Default Value: None
Valid Values:

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
serviceProviderEntityId No If omitted, Web Services uses the value of the externalApiUrlV2 option. Specifies the service provider entity ID to be used in the metadata.
encryptionKeyName Yes None Specifies the Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) encryption key name. This key has to be present in the JKS key storage specified in the caCertificate option.
encryptionKeyPassword No If omitted, Web Services uses the value of the jksPassword option. Specifies the password used to extract the SAML encryption key from JKS storage.
signMetadata No true Specifies whether generated metadata is signed with an XML signature that uses the certificate with the alias of signingKeyName.
signingKeyName Yes None Specifies the SAML signing key name. This key has to be present in the JKS key storage specified in the caCertificate option.
signingKeyPassword No If omitted, Web Services uses the value of the jksPassword option. Specifies the password used to extract the SAML signing key from JKS storage.
tlsKeyName No None Specifies the TLS key name. This key has to be present in the JKS key storage specified in the caCertificate option.
tlsKeyPassword No If omitted, Web Services uses the value of the jksPassword option. Specifies the password used to extract the SAML TLS key from JKS storage.
responseSkewTime No 60 Specifies the maximum difference, in seconds, between the local time and time of the assertion creation which still allows message to be processed. Determines the maximum difference between clocks of the IDP and SP servers.
defaultBinding No SSO_ARTIFACT Specifies the default SAML binding Web Services uses. The valid values are: SSO_POST, SSO_PAOS, SSO_ARTIFACT, HOKSSO_POST, or HOKSSO_ARTIFACT.
requestSigned No true Specifies whether this service signs authentication requests.
wantAssertionSigned No true Specifies whether this service requires signed assertions.
identityProviderMetadata Yes None Specifies the path or URL for the identity provider XML metadata file. You can set this option to the path to a physical location or, if the metadata file is exposed by the remote server over HTTP, you can specify the URL (in this case, Web Services applies a 5-second default request timeout).
secureRelayState No false If false, the RelayState attribute Web Services passes to the Identity Provider during SAML authentication contains the original URL (from the "referer" header) requested by the client. If true, Web Services instead saves the original RelayState in Cassandra and uses an alphanumeric token that can identify the RelayState.
secureRelayStateTTL No 3600 (1 hour) Specifies, in seconds, the time-to-live for the RelayState record in Cassandra. This setting is only used if secureRelayState is set to true.
useExternalUserId No false Specifies whether Web Services should use the external user ID, a property of the CfgPerson object in the Configuration Database , for SAML authentication. If false, Web Services uses the username. If true, Web Service uses the external user ID.
maxAuthenticationAge No 7200 (2 hours) Specifies the maximum time, in seconds, between a user's authentication and when the authentication statement is processed.

Mandatory: No
Specifies the configuration for Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) authentication for Web Services. For example:

    encryptionKeyName: client
    signingKeyName: client
    identityProviderMetadata: http://ipd.company.host/saml/metadata/idp-metadata.xml
    responseSkewTime: 120
    defaultBinding: SSO_POST



Default Value: None
Valid Values:

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
allowedOrigins No None Specifies a comma-separated list of allowed origins supported by this Web Services node. For example, http://*.genesys.com, http://*.genesyslab.com
allowedMethods No GET,POST,PUT,DELETE,OPTIONS Specifies a comma-separated list of HTTP methods supported by the server.
allowedHeaders No X-Requested-With,Content-Type,Accept,Origin,Cookie,authorization,ssid,surl,ContactCenterId Specifies whether to include the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header as part of the response to a pre-flight request. This specifies which header field names can be used during the actual request.
allowCredentials No true Specifies the value of the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header. This should typically be left at the default value.
corsFilterCacheTimeToLive No 120 Specifies the delay after the contact center allowDomain updating takes effect.
exposedHeaders No X-CSRF-HEADER,X-CSRF-TOKEN Specifies which custom headers are allowed in cross-origin HTTP responses. This should typically be left at the default value. If you do modify the value and you enable the enableCsrfProtection option, make sure the value for exposedHeaders includes X-CSRF-HEADER,X-CSRF-TOKEN.

Mandatory: No
Specifies the configuration for cross-origin resource sharing in Web Services. For example:

    corsFilterCacheTimeToLive: 120
    allowedOrigins: http://*.genesys.com, http://*.genesyslab.com 
    allowedHeaders: "X-Requested-With,Content-Type,Accept,​Origin,Cookie,authorization,ssid,surl,​ContactCenterId"
    allowCredentials: true
    exposedHeaders: "X-CSRF-HEADER,X-CSRF-TOKEN"



Default Value: None
Valid Values:

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
clientNode No false Specifies whether the current Web Services node acts as an Elasticsearch client or server.
crClusterName No None Specifies the name of the cluster to enable search functionality in Elasticsearch. If this option is not present, search functionality is not enabled.

indexPerContactCenter No false Enables indexing on a per-contact center basis. If false, there is only one index for all current statistics.
enableScheduledIndexVerification No false Enables scheduled index verification on the Web Services node. This means that the node goes through all objects handled by Elasticsearch and makes sure they still exist in Cassandra and vice versa.
indexVerificationInterval No 720 minutes (12 hours) Specifies an interval, in minutes, between index verifications for this Web Services node.
enableIndexVerificationAtStartUp No true Enables index verification at start-up on this node. This means that, at start-up, the node goes through all objects handled by Elasticsearch and makes sure they still exist in Cassandra and vice versa.
retriesOnConflict No 3 Controls how many times to retry if there is a version conflict when updating a document.
useTransportClient No false Specifies whether Web Services should use a transport client for Elasticsearch. If true, then Web Services ignores the clientNode setting.
transportClient Yes, if useTransportClient is true. Values specified in TransportClientSettings TransportClientSettings]] in the next table.
Name Mandatory Default Value Description
nodes Yes, if useTransportClient is true. null Specifies the list of Elasticsearch nodes the transport client should connect to.
useSniff no false Specifies if the transport client should us sniffing functionality and perform auto-discovery of Elasticsearch nodes in the cluster.
ignoreClusterName no false Specifies if Web Services should ignore the name of the cluster when connecting to the cluster.
pingTimeout no 5000 Specifies, in milliseconds, the ping timeout for Elasticsearch nodes.
nodesSamplerInterval no 5000 Specifies, in milliseconds, how often Web Services should sample/ping the Elasticsearch nodes listed and connected.

Mandatory: No
Specifies the configuration for Elasticsearch in Web Services. For example:

    clientNode: true
    indexPerContactCenter: false
    enableScheduledIndexVerification: true
    indexVerificationInterval: 60
    retriesOnConflict: 2
    useTransportClient: true
             - {host:, port: 9300}
        useSniff: true
        ignoreClusterName: true
        pingTimeout: 10000
        nodesSamplerInterval: 10000

Screen Recording


Default Value: None
Valid Values:

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
screenRecordingVoiceEnabled No false Specifies whether the current Web Services node supports screen recording for voice interactions. If false, the node rejects CometD requests from the ScreenRecording Client for agents with the voice channel.
screenRecordingEServicesEnabled No false Specifies whether the current Web Services node supports screen recording for non-voice interactions. If false, the node rejects CometD requests from the ScreenRecording Client for agents with the eServices channel.
recordingInteractionEventsTTL No 172800 Specifies the time to live (TTL) for Cassandra to cache a screen recording interaction event.
clientSessionManagerCacheTTL No 60 Specifies the TTL for the Web Services node to cache agent information (such as the agent's name) so that the node doesn't have to read the information from Web Services on each request.
contactCenterInfoManagerCacheTTL No 90 Specifies the TTL for the Web Services node to cache contact center information so that the node doesn't have to read the information from Web Services on each request.

Mandatory: No
Specifies the screen recording configuration parameters. For example:

   screenRecordingVoiceEnabled: false
   screenRecordingEServicesEnabled: false
   recordingInteractionEventsTTL: 172800
   clientSessionManagerCacheTTL: 60
   contactCenterInfoManagerCacheTTL: 90



Default Value: None
Valid Values:

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
agentStatesTTL No 30 The time to live (TTL), in seconds, for contact-center agent states in cache.
businessAttributesTTL No 30 The time to live (TTL), in seconds, for contact-center business attributes in cache.
businessUnitsWithSubresourcesTTL No 30 The time, in seconds, when cache is re-read and updated from Cassandra.
cleanupPeriod No 1800 The interval, in seconds, between caches cleanup (eviction of expired elements).
contactCenterFeaturesTTL No 30 The time to live (TTL), in seconds, for contact-center feature IDs in cache.
contactCenterSettingsTTL No 30 The time to live (TTL), in seconds, for contact-center custom settings in cache.
enableBlockingStrategyForBusinessUnitsWithSubresourcesCache No false Specifies whether business units with subresources cache should utilize blocking approach or not.
enableBlockingStrategyForContactCenterSettingsCache No false Specifies whether ContactCenter settings cache should utilize blocking approach or not.
enableBusinessUnitsWithSubresourcesCaching No false Specifies whether business units with subresources should be served via cache or via direct Cassandra reads.
enableSystemWideBlockingStrategy No false Specifies whether all caches should utilize blocking approach or not.
enableSystemWideCaching No false Specifies if caching is used system-wide (true) or only during statistics evaluation (false).
skillsTTL No 30 The time to live (TTL), in seconds, for contact-center skills in cache.
transactionsTTL No 30 The time to live (TTL), in seconds, for contact-center transactions in cache.
virtualAgentGroupsTTL No 30 The time to live (TTL), in seconds, for contact-center virtual agent groups in cache.
voiceContextCaching No false Specifies whether to use in-memory cached context for processing voice events. Using caching reduces the processing time, but you can expect delays in configuration information propagation.
voiceContextRefreshInterval No 30 The interval, in seconds, between refreshes of the context caches for voice event processing. The service reads configuration information from the database and then refreshes the corresponding caches.

Mandatory: No
Specifies how Web Services should handle various caching scenarios. For example:

   enableSystemWideCaching: true
   agentStatesTTL: 30
   contactCenterFeaturesTTL: 30
   contactCenterSettingsTTL: 30
   voiceContextCaching: true
   voiceContextRefreshInterval: 60

DoS Filter


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Enables the denial of service filter. If you set the value to true, you must also set values for the dosFilterSettings option.


Default Value: None
Valid Values:

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
maxRequestsPerSec No 25 Specifies the maximum number of requests from a connection per second. Requests that exceed this are first delayed, then throttled.
delayMs No 100 Specifies the delay, in milliseconds, imposed on all requests over the rate limit, before they are considered at all. Valid values:
  • -1 = reject request
  • 0 = no delay
  • Any other number = delay in milliseconds
maxWaitMs No 50 Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, to blocking wait for the throttle semaphore.
throttledRequests No 5 Specifies the number of requests over the rate limit that are able to be considered at once.
throttleMs No 30000 Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, to asynchronously wait for semaphore.
maxRequestMs No 30000 Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, to allow the request to run.
maxIdleTrackerMs No 30000 Specifies the length of time, in milliseconds, to keep track of request rates for a connection, before deciding that the user has gone away, and discarding the connection.
insertHeaders No true If true, DoSFilter headers are inserted into the response.
trackSessions No true If true, the usage rate is tracked by session if a session exists.
remotePort No false If true and session tracking is not used, then the rate is tracked by IP + port (effectively connection).
ipWhitelist No "" A comma-separated list of IP addresses that is not rate limited.

Mandatory: No
Specifies how Web Services should handle denial of service. For example:

enableDosFilter: true
   maxRequestsPerSec: 30

These options only take effect if enableDosFilter is set to true.

Account management


Default Value: None
Valid Values:

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
forgotPasswordEmailTemplate No None The template to use for an email that is sent to a user who forgets his or her password.
             from: <from address>
             subject: <Subject line>
             body: <Email body>
accountCreatedEmailTemplate No None The template to use for a email that is sent to a user who creates a new account.
             from: <from address>
             subject: <Subject line>
             body: <Email body>
smtpServer No None The SMTP server configuration information.
             host: <smtp host name>
             port: <smtp port>
             userName: <user name for the account>
             password: <password in plain text>
             timeout: <optional SMTP timeout>

Mandatory: No
Specifies the configuration for the email notification and email server used when creating a new user. This option accepts the email server's login configuration, as well as email templates for resetting and creating user passwords. For example:

             from: <from address>
             subject: <Subject line>
             body: <Email body>
             from: <from address>
             subject: <Subject line>
             body: <Email body>
             host: <smtp host name>
             port: <smtp port>
             userName: <user name for the account>
             password: <password in plain text>
             timeout: <optional SMTP timeout>



Default Value: None
Valid Values:

Name Mandatory Default Value Description
cometdSessionExpirationTimeout No 60 Specifies the timeout for the CometD session to expire on disconnect. It might take an additional minute for the session to be closed after it expires. If you set this option to -1, the session never expires. An agent can login again before the end of this timeout to disable session expiration.
closeHttpSessionOnCometDExpiration No true Enables or disables HTTP session invalidation when CometD times out.
cookieHttpOnly No true If true, it sets an HTTP-only flag for CometD's session cookies.
cookieSecure No false If true, it sets the secure cookie flag for CometD's session cookies.
cookieSameSite Yes None Specifies what should be returned as SameSite cookie attribute value in response for CometD's session cookie. Valid values are: None, Lax, or Strict.
maxSessionsPerBrowser No 1 The maximum number of sessions (tabs/frames) allowed to long poll from the same browser; a negative value allows unlimited sessions.
multiSessionInterval No 2000 Specifies the period of time, in milliseconds, for the client normal polling period, in case the server detects more sessions (tabs/frames) connected from the same browser than allowed by the maxSessionsPerBrowser parameter. A non-positive value means that additional sessions will be disconnected.

Mandatory: No
Specifies the configuration for the CometD-specific transport server embedded into the Web Services application. For example:

    cometdSessionExpirationTimeout: 60
    closeHttpSessionOnCometDExpiration: true
    maxSessionsPerBrowser: 2
    multiSessionInterval: 4000

And specifies how CometD's session cookie should be handled. For example:

    cookieHttpOnly: true
    cookieSecure: true
    cookieSameSite: None

Cookie options take effect only if enableSsl is set to true.

Log header


Default Value: true
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies whether Web Services includes a header in its main log file. This header contains key information about the Web Services installation, including the version, start time, libraries, and any applicable settings from the applications.yaml file.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies if application setting should be excluded from the Log Header functionality.

Routing Point Monitoring


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies whether Web Services will support call supervision for monitoring routing points.

Switch Prefixes


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
When enabled, Web Services will compare participant numbers with and without prefixes on outbound calls to avoid rendering redundant participants.


Default Value: 9
Valid Values: Any positive integer
Mandatory: No
Specifies the outbound call prefix used on Avaya switches.


In previous releases, a GWS server restart automatically updated global information. Now the updates are set to false by default. If you want to configure the GWS to update all global information, use the following configuration sample:
        statistics: true
        opsCredentials: true
        features: true


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies whether to update the global ops credentials to the values specified in configuration file.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies whether to update statistic definitions to the values specified in corresponding configuration file. This option is taken into consideration only on StatNodes.


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies whether to update feature definitions to the values specified in corresponding configuration file.

SIP Cluster Support


Default Value: false
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies if Web Services has to use the employee ID of the agent as the login ID.

This option is used in SIP Cluster environments only.


Settings in this section are listed under "onPremiseSettings".


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A valid IP address or host name
Mandatory: No
Specifies the Configuration Server host name (FQDN) or IP.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A valid port
Mandatory: No
Specifies the Configuration Server port.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A valid IP address or host name
Mandatory: No
Specifies the backup Configuration Server host name (FQDN) or IP. You should only configure this option if there is a backup Configuration Server in the Genesys environment and you want high-availability support.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A valid port
Mandatory: No
Specifies the backup Configuration Server port. You should only configure this option if there is a backup Configuration Server in the Genesys environment and you want high-availability support.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: A two-letter country code
Mandatory: No
The premise contact center's country code. For example, US.


Default Value: None
Valid Values: true, false
Mandatory: No
Specifies whether Web Services should create a secured connection to Configuration Server the first time it starts.

StandardResponse Caching


Default cache setting is one hour. However, the tree is not cached, only request to UCS is cached.

Default timeToLiveSeconds = 3600; maxEntriesLocalHeap = 10000.


Request to GetRootCategories – it will be cached for 1 hour.
Request to GetCategory(x) – it will be cached for 1 hour.
You make any changes to Category x – you will not receive it for 1 hour.
You make a change to Category y.
You make a request to GetCategory(y) – you will receive the latest from the server and it will be cached for 1 hour.

Cache Managing

You must provide the following settings in the application.yaml file to change default parameters for caching:

      - cacheName: ContactServerCategoriesCache
        timeToLiveSeconds: <TTL>
        maxEntriesLocalHeap: <Heap size>
      - cacheName: ContactServerStandardResponsesCache
        timeToLiveSeconds: <TTL>
        maxEntriesLocalHeap: <Heap size
This page was last edited on November 23, 2023, at 05:27.
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