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This page provides solutions to common problems in Web Services.

The following log for Web Services is saved to the /var/log/jetty directory on the Web Services node:

  • cloud.log — Stores WARN level messages about Web Services.

To modify the log message levels, you can edit the $JETTY_HOME/resources/logback.xml file and change the level to DEBUG or TRACE (instead of WARN):

<logger name="com.genesyslab" level="DEBUG" />

404 Error


You receive a 404 Error on a diagnostic API request. For example,


The Web Services web application uses the Jetty root context. If other web applications served by the same instance of Jetty also use the root context, this can prevent the Web Services web application from getting routed requests. If you are working with a fresh install of Jetty, you should remove the default Jetty files from the $JETTY_HOME/webapps and $JETTY_HOME/contexts folders.

Retrieve Metrics

GWS offers a method to retrieve system data including Java Virtual Machine (JVM) information and other metrics using the API. This information is useful in troubleshooting and running diagnostics.

To get runtime information, you should be either a Contact Center administrator or an OPS user. Runtime information can be retrieved for a single node.


GET ../api/v2/service/runtime

HTTP Response

    "information": {
        "jvmMetrics": {
            "gc": {
                "jvm.gc.PS-MarkSweep.count": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.gc.PS-MarkSweep.time": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.gc.PS-Scavenge.count": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.gc.PS-Scavenge.time": {
                    "value": <int>
            "memory": {
                "jvm.memory.heap.committed": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.memory.heap.init": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.memory.heap.max": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.memory.heap.usage": {
                    "value": <double>
                "jvm.memory.heap.used": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.memory.non-heap.committed": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.memory.non-heap.init": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.memory.non-heap.max": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.memory.non-heap.usage": {
                    "value": <double>
                "jvm.memory.non-heap.used": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.memory.pools.Code-Cache.usage": {
                    "value": <double>
                "jvm.memory.pools.Compressed-Class-Space.usage": {
                    "value": <double>
                "jvm.memory.pools.Metaspace.usage": {
                    "value": <double>
                "jvm.memory.pools.PS-Eden-Space.usage": {
                    "value": <double>
                "jvm.memory.pools.PS-Old-Gen.usage": {
                    "value": <double>
                "jvm.memory.pools.PS-Survivor-Space.usage": {
                    "value": <double>
                "jvm.memory.total.committed": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.memory.total.init": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.memory.total.max": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.memory.total.used": {
                    "value": <int>
            "threads": {
                "jvm.threads.blocked.count": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.threads.count": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.threads.daemon.count": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.threads.deadlock.count": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.threads.deadlocks": {
                    "value": []
                "jvm.threads.new.count": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.threads.runnable.count": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.threads.terminated.count": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.threads.timed_waiting.count": {
                    "value": <int>
                "jvm.threads.waiting.count": {
                    "value": <int>
        "jvmParameters": {
            "inputArguments": [
            "name": "...",
            "specName": "...",
            "specVendor": "...",
            "specVersion": "...",
            "startTime": <long>,
            "systemProperties": {
                "LOG_FILE": "...",
                "LOG_PATH": "...",
                "PID": "...",
                "archaius.configurationSource.additionalUrls": "...",
                "awt.toolkit": "...",
                "file.encoding": "...",
                "file.encoding.pkg": "...",
                "file.separator": "...",
                "gopherProxySet": "...",
                "java.awt.graphicsenv": "...",
                "java.awt.headless": "...",
                "java.awt.printerjob": "...",
                "java.class.version": "...",
                "java.endorsed.dirs": "...",
                "java.ext.dirs": "...",
                "java.home": "...",
                "java.io.tmpdir": "...",
                "java.library.path": "...",
                "java.runtime.name": "...",
                "java.runtime.version": "...",
                "java.specification.name": "...",
                "java.specification.vendor": "...",
                "java.specification.version": "...",
                "java.vendor": "...",
                "java.vendor.url": "...",
                "java.vendor.url.bug": "...",
                "java.version": "...",
                "java.vm.info": "...",
                "java.vm.name": "...",
                "java.vm.specification.name": "...",
                "java.vm.specification.vendor": "Oracle Corporation",
                "java.vm.specification.version": "...",
                "java.vm.vendor": "...",
                "java.vm.version": "...",
                "line.separator": "...",
                "org.apache.xml.security.ignoreLineBreaks": "...",
                "org.jboss.logging.provider": "...",
                "org.owasp.esapi.SecurityConfiguration": "...",
                "os.arch": "...",
                "os.name": "...",
                "os.version": "...",
                "path.separator": ":",
                "spring.beaninfo.ignore": "...",
                "sun.arch.data.model": "...",
                "sun.boot.library.path": "...",
                "sun.cpu.endian": "...",
                "sun.cpu.isalist": "...",
                "sun.io.unicode.encoding": "....",
                "sun.java.command": "...",
                "sun.java.launcher": "...",
                "sun.jnu.encoding": "...",
                "sun.management.compiler": "...",
                "sun.nio.ch.bugLevel": "...",
                "sun.os.patch.level": "...",
                "user.country": "...",
                "user.country.format": "...",
                "user.dir": "...",
                "user.home": "...",
                "user.language": "...",
                "user.name": "...",
                "user.timezone": "..."
            "uptime": <long>,
            "vmName": "...",
            "vmVendor": "...",
            "vmVersion": "..."
    "statusCode": 0
This page was last edited on October 31, 2023, at 13:33.
Comments or questions about this documentation? Contact us for support!