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Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: {Specify virtual queue to be used by strategy}
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Virtual queue (alias) to which the service request will be added.


Section: URS Queueing
Default Value: {Specify virtual queue to be used by strategy}
Valid Values: string
Changes Take Effect: Immediately

Virtual queue (alias) to which the service request will be added.

Stat Service API

Modified in 8.5.114

This API retrieves statistics from the Genesys Statistics Server (Stat Server) and URS.

You need an Authentication header for this service.

Stat Request APIs

Sequence Diagrams

[+] Show Peek Stat Sequence (Statistic is not already opened)

[+] Show Peek Stat Sequence (Statistic already exists)

[+] Show Peek Stat Sequence (Update Cache)

Accessing the APIs

The Stat Server API exposes two interfaces:

  • "genesys/1/internal_statistic" — for internal access with no authentication control.
  • "genesys/1/statistic" — for external use, which uses Basic Access Authentication (BA) to authenticate users.

As a standard protocol, the username and password for BA can be passed in the URL, as shown here:


This API provides the following queries:

See the Extended API to query multiple statistics.

PeekStat Request

This request fetches one statistic value.


Method POST
URL /genesys/1/statistic
Parameter   Type   Mandatory Description
Header Parameters
Cache-Control : max-age=XX A number of seconds no The max-age value used to check if GMS has to recalculate the statistic. If the peek statistic time window is greater than max-age, GMS recalculates the statistic value. If the value is not present, it returns the latest value in cache.
objectId, objectType, tenant, metric (or statisticType), filter, notificationMode, timeProfile, timeRange, timeRange2 yes The body can be either a MultiPart form or an x-www-form-urlencoded form consisting of different items representing the key/value pairs associated with the statistic (objectId, objectType, tenant, tenantPassword, metric, notificationMode, filter, timeProfile, timeRange, timeRange2).
  • NotificationMode can be NoNotification, Reset, or Immediate.
  • filter is the business attribute value to use to filter the results.


HTTP code 200
HTTP Message OK
HTTP Header Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Body A JSON object representing a structure with value

If a problem occurs during operation, the following status codes are returned:

HTTP code HTTP Message HTTP Body
400 Bad Request message: {"message":"Notification Mode is unknown","exception":"com.genesyslab.gsg.services.statistic.StatServerEventErrorException"}
401 Unauthorized Access to API refused
403 Forbidden message: {"message":"Object type not valid","exception":"com.genesyslab.gsg.services.statistic.StatServerConnectionException"}
403 Forbidden message: {"message":"Agent 'Kippola' (Tenant 'Environment') not found","exception":"com.genesyslab.gsg.services.statistic.StatServerConnectionException"}
403 Forbidden message: {"message":"Wrong parameter","exception":null}
500 Server Error message: {"message":"Metric (TotalLoginTime;) not found on running StatServer","exception":"com.genesyslab.gsg.services.statistic.StatServerException"}
500 Server Error message: {"message":"Statistic Service bad parameter for tenant","exception":"com.genesyslab.gsg.services.statistic.StatServerException"}

You can make this request without using authentication by replacing /genesys/1/statistic with /genesys/1/internal_statistic.



$ curl -v -u default:password -X POST --data "metric=TotalLoginTime&objectType=Agent&objectId=KSippola&tenant=Environment" http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/statistic
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

URS Stat Request

This API allows you to query URS statistics with GMS.

To use this request, you must add the following configuration information:

  • URS version must be 8.1.400.12 or higher.
  • In your URS application, allow HTTP requests:
    1. Open your URS application in Genesys Administrator or Configuration Manager.
    2. In the Server Info tab, create an HTTP listening port.
  • In the reporting section of your GMS application, create the _urs_url option and set it to the URL of URS.

You can also create a builtin service to retrieve URS statistics with the urs-stat template. When you create your service, select the "urs-stat" type in the Admin UI service panel. See the Admin UI Help for further details. Then, to retrieve the statistics, you can make the following request:

GET http://<gms_home>:<gms_port>/genesys/1/service/<urs_service>


Method GET


Parameter   Type   Mandatory Description
Header Parameters
Cache-Control : max-age=XX A number of seconds no The max-age value used to check if GMS has to recalculate the statistic. If the peek statistic time window is greater than max-age, GMS recalculates the statistic value. If the value is not present, it returns the latest value in cache.
URL Parameters
parameters no For information on these parameters, either refer to the URS documentation or send the following HTTP request to URS: http://URS_host:URS_HTTP_port/urs/help/


HTTP code 200
HTTP Message OK
HTTP Header Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Body A JSON object representing a structure with value

If a problem occurs during operation, the following status codes are returned:

HTTP code HTTP Message HTTP Body
401 Unauthorized message: "Authentication failed: username and/or password is incorrect"
500 Server error message: {"message":"Wrong request","exception":"org.apache.http.HttpException"}
500 Server error message: {"message":"Call not found","exception":"org.apache.http.HttpException"}

Note: You can make this request without using authentication by replacing /genesys/1/statistic/urs/ with /genesys/1/internal_statistic/urs/.



$ curl -v -u default:password "http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/statistic/urs/stat/targetstate?tenant=Environment&target=KSippola.A&json=&ext="


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

Extended Stat Request API

PeekStat Request: Retrieve configured statistics

Starting with 8.5.101, you can provision statistics in the stat section of your configuration options instead of passing properties as parameters of the statistics requests.

For instance, you can define stat1 in your configuration as follows:


Then, you can retrieve the statistics for stat1 with a simple statistics query:

POST http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/statistic/stat1




Method POST
URL /genesys/1/statistic/stat_name
Parameter   Type   Mandatory Description
Cache-Control: max-age Integer no The max-age value in seconds of the statistic. If the peek statistic time window is greater than max-age, GMS recalculates the statistic value. If max-age is not specified, GMS returns the latest value in the cache.
URL parameters
stat_name String yes Name of the statistic defined in the stat section of your configuration.
objectId, objectType, tenant, metric (or statisticType), filter, notificationMode, timeProfile, timeRange, timeRange2 yes The body can be either a MultiPart form or an x-www-form-urlencoded form consisting of different items representing the key/value pairs associated with the statistic (objectId, objectType, tenant, tenantPassword, metric, notificationMode, filter, timeProfile, timeRange, timeRange2).
  • NotificationMode can be NoNotification, Reset, or Immediate.
  • filter is the business attribute value to use to filter the results.


HTTP code 200
HTTP Message OK
HTTP Header Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Body A JSON object representing the statistic.

If a problem occurs during operation the following status codes are returned:

HTTP code HTTP message Body
400 Bad request
message: {"message":"stat.total-time not found","exception":"com.genesyslab.gsg.services.contextservices.exceptions.NotFoundException"}, check GMS options
401 Unauthorized Access to API refused

PeekStat Request: Querying Multiple Statistic Values in a Single Request

This request gets the current values of several peek statistic objects.


Method POST
URL /genesys/1/statistics
Parameter   Type   Mandatory Description
objectId, objectType, tenant, metric (or statisticType), filter, notificationMode, timeProfile, timeRange, timeRange2 yes The body can be either a MultiPart form, an x-www-form-urlencoded form, or a JSON object consisting of different items representing the key/value pairs associated with the statistic (objectId, objectType, tenant, tenantPassword, metric, notificationMode, filter, timeProfile, timeRange, timeRange2).
  • NotificationMode can be NoNotification, Reset, or Immediate.
  • filter is the business attribute value to use to filter the results.


HTTP code 200
HTTP Message OK
HTTP Header Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Body A JSON object representing a structure with value

If a problem occurs during operation the following status codes are returned:

HTTP code HTTP message Body
200 OK

You get an error message instead of one of the expected values if the requested statistic is incorrect; for example:
message: {"stat1":8940,"stat2":"do not have 5 semicolon delimiters"}

This means that, instead of getting a 400 Bad request response, you are able to retrieve statistics, even if one of them is incorrect.

400 Bad request
message: message: {"message":"Error for stat1: Agent ‘Kippola’ (Tenant ‘Environment’) not found","exception":"com.genesyslab.gsg.services.statistic.StatServerEventErrorException"}
401 Unauthorized Access to API refused
403 Forbidden message: {"message":"Wrong parameter","exception":null}
500 Server Error message: {"message":"Metric (CurrentGrouargetState) not found on running StatServer","exception":"com.genesyslab.gsg.services.statistic.StatServerException"}
You can make this request without using authentication by replacing /genesys/1/statistics with /genesys/1/internal_statistics.

Examples with Multiple Statistics

The following example uses application/x-www-form-urlencoded:


$ curl -v -u default:password -X POST --data "stat1=TotalLoginTime;Agent;KSippola;Environment;Immediate;&stat2=CurrentGroupTargetState;GroupAgents;Billing;Environment;Immediate;Silver" http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/statistics

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8

The following example uses JSON:


$ curl -v -u default:password -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST --data '{"stat1":{"objectId":"KSippola","objectType":"Agent","tenant":"Environment","tenantPassword":"","metric":"TotalLoginTime","filter":"","notificationMode":"Immediate","timeProfile":"","timeRange":"","timeRange2":""},"stat3":{"objectId":"Billing","objectType":"GroupAgents","tenant":"Environment","tenantPassword":"","metric":"CurrentGroupTargetState","filter":"Silver","notificationMode":"Immediate"}}' http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/statistics

Content-Type: application/json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8


PeekStat Request: Filtering Multiple Statistic Values in a Single Request

This is a JSON query. This JSON query is available since


Method POST
URL /genesys/1/statistics
Parameter   Type   Mandatory Description

 Body: A JSON item representing the key/value pairs associated with statistics (objectId, objectType, tenant, tenantPassword, metric, notificationMode, filter).

  • filter is the business attribute value to use to filter the results.
  • notificationMode can be set to NoNotification, Reset, or Immediate.


HTTP code 200
HTTP Message OK
HTTP Header Age: containing the age (in seconds) of the statistic value.
Body A JSON array of key/value pairs where key is the key stat (see request) and value is the statistic value.

If a problem occurs during subscription, the following status codes are returned:

HTTP code HTTP Message HTTP Body
400 Bad Request
The provided filter is incorrect; for example:
{"message":"Filter name is not found","exception":"com.genesyslab.gsg.services.statistic.StatServerConnectionException"}

403 Forbidden
Part of the submitted data is incorrect, for example:
{"message":"Place 'SIP_Server_Place' (Tenant 'Environment') not found","exception":"com.genesyslab.gsg.services.statistic.StatServerException"}

500 Internal server error
If Stat Server is not connected, it returns, for example,
{"message":"Statistic Service unavailable","exception":"com.genesyslab.gsg.services.statistic.StatServerException"}

Example with Filter



Input: JSON File

"stat1": {
 "stat2": {


 HTTP/1.1 200 OK
 Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2014 09:06:43 GMT
 Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
 Content-Type: application/json
 Content-Length: 25



Starting in 8.5.112, new Estimated Waiting Time (EWT) APIs are available to query EWT. They use different calculation types to provide the Estimated Waiting Time. These APIs return either a JSON object presentation that describes the information in the virtual queue or a collection of such objects (one per every matched virtual queue the call is in). GMS retrieves all of the results from URS.

In your GMS configuration, add a connection to an active URS to enable this service.

To provide Estimated Waiting Time, three methods are available:

  • ewt—URS checks how fast interactions go through the virtual queue and how many interactions are still pending. URS ignores the current agent availability and does not immediately adjust the EWT if, for example, all of the agents handling the queue suddenly logout.
  • ewt2—Similarly to the first method, URS checks how fast interactions go through the virtual queue and how many interactions are pending. Additionally, URS takes into account the agents who have historically been handling interactions of the Virtual Queue. If all of these agents logout, URS notices and adjust the EWT value to a very high number like 10000 for example.
  • ewt3—Query EWT from Stat Server.

Query-EWT for a Virtual Queue

Introduced in: 8.5.109
Modified in: 8.5.112

You can query Estimated Wait Time statistics if you have configured a Virtual Queue for your Callback service by using the _urs_virtual_queue option. Three calculation types are available and use a URS query to retrieve the Estimated Wait Time in seconds.

  • ewt
  • ewt2 (added in 8.5.112)
  • ewt3 (added in 8.5.112)


  • GET /genesys/1/ewt/{VQ-Name}
  • GET /genesys/1/ewt2/{VQ-Name}
  • GET /genesys/1/ewt3/{VQ-Name}
Name Type Mandatory Description
URI Parameters
{VQ-Name} string Yes Alias name of a virtual queue configured in a service.
If you are using a version older than 8.5.114, the VQ alias name must not include spaces. If your VQ alias name includes spaces, you should replace spaces with underscores, which renames the alias. For example, GMS Chat VQ Multimedia Switch should be renamed GMS_Chat_VQ_Multimedia_Switch.


HTTP code 200
HTTP message OK
Response Body (JSON content)
Name Description
See object description below. JSON-formatted string of information per virtual queue. The ewt parameter provides the Estimated Waiting Time in seconds. If you did

The JSON objects describing information in the virtual queue have the following properties:

Attribute Description
time UTC timestamp when the call entered in the virtual queue.
wt Time in seconds that the call is in the virtual queue (effectively CurrentTime-time).
calls Current number of all calls in the virtual queue.
wcalls Number of waiting calls in the virtual queue.
pos Position of the call in the virtual queue.
priority Calls priority in the virtual queue. Absent if scaling is used.
aqt Average quitting rate of calls from the virtual queue. May be skipped if unknown.
ewt Expected waiting time for the call.
hit Percentage of calls distributed into the virtual queue. Its value is -1 if no calls were distributed yet.

In case of error, you will receive:

HTTP code 400
HTTP message Not found
HTTP code 204
HTTP message OK, but the record is empty.


GET http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/ewt/VQ_GMS_Callback

200 OK
    "hit": 0,
    "ewt": 28.4,
    "calls": 9,
    "pos": 1,
    "aqt": 10000,
    "wpos": 10,
    "time": 1506021690,
    "wt": 0,
    "wcalls": 9

GET http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/ewt2/VQ_GMS_Callback

200 OK
    "hit": 0,
    "ewt": 126.8,
    "calls": 9,
    "pos": 3,
    "aqt": 10000,
    "wpos": 10,
    "time": 1506021690,
    "wt": 0,
    "wcalls": 9

GET http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/ewt3/VQ_GMS_Callback

200 OK
    "hit": 0,
    "ewt": 35.2,
    "calls": 9,
    "pos": 10,
    "aqt": 10000,
    "wpos": 10,
    "time": 1506021690,
    "wt": 0,
    "wcalls": 9

Query-EWT for All Virtual Queues

Introduced in: 8.5.112

You can query Estimated Wait Time statistics if you have configured at least a Virtual Queue for one of your Callback service by using the _urs_virtual_queue option. Three calculation types are available and use a URS query to retrieve the Estimated Waiting Time in seconds.

  • ewt
  • ewt2 (added in 8.5.112)
  • ewt3 (added in 8.5.112)


  • GET /genesys/2/ewt
  • GET /genesys/2/ewt2
  • GET /genesys/2/ewt3


HTTP code 200
HTTP message OK
Response Body (JSON content)
Name Description
JSON array JSON array of objects. Each object describes the information per virtual queue. See below for details.

The JSON objects describing information in the virtual queue have the following properties:

Attribute Description
time UTC timestamp when the call entered in the virtual queue.
wt Time in seconds that the call is in the virtual queue (effectively CurrentTime-time).
calls Current number of all calls in the virtual queue.
wcalls Number of waiting calls in the virtual queue.
pos Position of the call in the virtual queue.
priority Calls priority in the virtual queue. Absent if scaling is used.
aqt Average quitting rate of calls from the virtual queue. May be skipped if unknown.
ewt Expected waiting time.
hit Percentage of calls distributed into the virtual queue. Its value is -1 if no calls were distributed yet.

In case of error, you will receive:

HTTP code 400
HTTP message Not found
HTTP code 204
HTTP message OK, but the record is empty.


GET http://localhost:8080/genesys/2/ewt

200 OK
    "VQ_GMS_Callback_Out": {
        "time": 1506021728,
        "wt": 0,
        "calls": 0,
        "wcalls": 0,
        "pos": 1,
        "wpos": 1,
        "aqt": 9.999,
        "ewt": 9.999,
        "hit": 0
    "VQ_GMS_Callback": {
        "time": 1506021728,
        "wt": 0,
        "calls": 9,
        "wcalls": 9,
        "pos": 10,
        "wpos": 10,
        "aqt": 10000,
        "ewt": 100000,
        "hit": 0
    "VQ_CB": {
        "time": 1506021728,
        "wt": 0,
        "calls": 5,
        "wcalls": 5,
        "pos": 6,
        "wpos": 6,
        "aqt": 10000,
        "ewt": 60000,
        "hit": 0

GET http://localhost:8080/genesys/2/ewt2

200 OK
    "VQ_GMS_Callback_Out": {
        "time": 1506021728,
        "wt": 0,
        "calls": 0,
        "wcalls": 0,
        "pos": 1,
        "wpos": 1,
        "aqt": 9.999,
        "ewt": 9.999,
        "hit": 0
    "VQ_GMS_Callback": {
        "time": 1506021728,
        "wt": 0,
        "calls": 9,
        "wcalls": 9,
        "pos": 10,
        "wpos": 10,
        "aqt": 10000,
        "ewt": 100000,
        "hit": 0
    "VQ_CB": {
        "time": 1506021728,
        "wt": 0,
        "calls": 5,
        "wcalls": 5,
        "pos": 6,
        "wpos": 6,
        "aqt": 10000,
        "ewt": 60000,
        "hit": 0

GET http://localhost:8080/genesys/2/ewt3

200 OK
    "VQ_GMS_Callback_Out": {
        "time": 1506021728,
        "wt": 0,
        "calls": 0,
        "wcalls": 0,
        "pos": 1,
        "wpos": 1,
        "aqt": 9.999,
        "ewt": 9.999,
        "hit": 0
    "VQ_GMS_Callback": {
        "time": 1506021728,
        "wt": 0,
        "calls": 9,
        "wcalls": 9,
        "pos": 10,
        "wpos": 10,
        "aqt": 10000,
        "ewt": 100000,
        "hit": 0
    "VQ_CB": {
        "time": 1506021728,
        "wt": 0,
        "calls": 5,
        "wcalls": 5,
        "pos": 6,
        "wpos": 6,
        "aqt": 10000,
        "ewt": 60000,
        "hit": 0


Stat Server Connection

In order to use the Stat Server API, there must be a connection to Stat Server in the GMS Application. You can create the connection in Configuration Manager on the Connections tab. See Creating and Configuring the GMS Application Cluster Object.

You can add several Stat Servers in the Connection tab; this feature is used in case of different statistic definitions in the Stat Servers. GMS will open the statistic on the Stat Server to which the statistic belongs to. In the case of the same statistic definition in Stat Servers, GMS will take the first Stat Server that contains the statistic definition.

ADDP Setting

Open Stat Server in the GMS Connection tab and set the connection protocol to addp. Set the values for the Local Timeout and Remote Timeout, and then select the Trace mode. See Implementing ADDP for more information.

The ADDP traces are only visible on the Stat Server side.

The following example shows an ADDPtrace in Stat Server logs:

-AP[10]-<-2168 @15:37:30.4540

-Ap[10]->-2168 @15:37:30.4560

High Availability

If Stat Servers (defined in GMS connections) are configured to use High Availability (HA) (Primary/Backup Stat Server), in the case of a lost connection with the primary Stat Server, the Stat Server API will switch to the backup Stat Server.

Subscribe to Statistic Server Event Notifications

You can receive event notifications sent by the Statistics Server by using the CometD channel. To do so:

  1. Register for GMS CometD channel.
  2. Subscribe for a list of statistics through the new API: POST /genesys/2/statistics.
This Statistics API currently supports polling mode.

Register for GMS CometD Channel

Create a client that will listen to CometD events sent by GMS, as shown in the following Node JS example:

var faye = require("faye");
var request = require('request');
// subscribe GMS comet
var referenceId;
var client = new faye.Client("http://localhost:8080/genesys/cometd");
client.setHeader("gms_user", "123456");
var subscr = client.subscribe("/_genesys", function (message) {
    var stats = message["message"]
    var statReferenceId = stats["statReferenceId"]

Subscribe to Statistics through the Statistics API

Use the API to subscribe to a list of statistics and retrieve for each of them the reference ID of the Stat Server. Then, you will receive CometD event notifications associated with these reference IDs.

You must subscribe with the same gms_user ID as the one used for the CometD client.


POST /genesys/2/statistics
Parameter Type Mandatory Description
Header Parameters
Content-type Yes application/json;charset=UTF-8
gms_user String (UUID) Yes The user ID that has been used in CometD at registration time.
Body: The body is a JSON structure that lists the statistics to get notifications for.

For example:

    "stat1": {
        "objectId": "kmilburn",
        "objectType": "Agent",
        "tenant": "Environment",
        "tenantPassword": "",
        "metric": "TotalLoginTime",
        "filter": ""
    "stat2": {
        "objectId": "KSippola",
        "objectType": "Agent",
        "tenant": "Environment",
        "tenantPassword": "",
        "metric": "TotalLoginTime",
        "filter": "Bronze"


The response contains the reference IDs from the Stat Server subscribed statistics.

HTTP code 200
HTTP Message OK
Body A JSON array of key/value pairs, where:
  • The key is the name of the subscribed statistics.
  • The value is the reference ID of the Stat Server subscribed statistics.

For example:

200 OK 


HTTP Code 500
HTTP Message Server Error
  • {"message":"Could not read JSON: Unexpected character ('\"' (code 34)): [...]"}.
  • {"message":"Error for stat1: Supplied Object type does not belong to specified Stat Type.","exception":"com.genesyslab.gsg.services.statistic.StatServerEventErrorException"}.


The following node JS sample shows how to subscribe statistics with this API.

var request = require('request');
// send request to subscribe stat using gms_user of comet subscription
    url: 'http://localhost:8080/genesys/2/statistics', //URL to hit
    headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/json',
        'gms_user': '123456'
    method: 'POST',
    json: true, // output data is JSON
    json: {  // input data is JSON too
        "stat2": {
            "objectId": "KSippola",
            "objectType": "Agent",
            "tenant": "Environment",
            "tenantPassword": "",
            "metric": "TotalLoginTime",
            "filter": ""
}, function (error, response, body) {
    if (error) {
    } else {
        referenceId = body["stat2"];

As a result of the subscription, you would receive the following reference IDs:

200 OK

As a result, CometD Polling responses include these reference IDs too:



  • CometD requests TTL is 120 seconds (by default).
  • The statistics filter subscription is set to 10000 seconds, then the subscription is removed and you must send back the same stat request before the end of TTL subscription.
  • You cannot define a statistic in Configuration Server for the GMS application that will be automatically subscribed at GMS startup. You must subscribe to the statistics as detailed above.
This page was last edited on December 2, 2019, at 13:43.
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