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Purge Services

CSAPIProxyGMS.png POST /maintenance/purge


Purge the services which received a started and/or a completed event prior to a limit date. Use this query if your application needs to remove old services from the database.

Your application needs a WRITE role to perform this request.


Method POST
URL /genesys/1/cs/maintenance/purge
Field Name   Type   Mandatory Description
URI Parameters
limit String yes Specifies the time limit for the service deletion.

Example : 2014-09-02T08:00:00.000Z

operation String yes Specifies the type of operation to be performed when the purging process runs.
  • purge.service.all to purge all the services which received a started event prior to the limit date.
  • purge.service.started.anonymous to purge the anonymous services which received a started event prior to the limit date and are not completed at the date of the purge.
  • purge.service.started to purge the services which received a started event prior to the limit date and are not completed at the date of the purge.
  • purge.service.completed to purge the services which received a started event prior to the limit date and are completed at the date of the purge.
  • purge.service.completed.anonymous to purge the anonymous services which received a started event prior to the limit date and are completed at the date of the purge.


The Context Management Service API answers with HTTP codes for every request. The following table shows the correct response for a successful request. See HTTP Response Codes and Errors for further details on the possible codes that this operation can return.

HTTP code 200
HTTP message OK

<references />


Operation The following operation deletes the given service with its active states and tasks.

POST http://localhost:8080/genesys/1/cs/maintenance/purge
"limit": "2014-09-26T16:50:00.000Z",


200 OK
This page was last edited on September 12, 2016, at 14:01.
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