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Create Profile Extension Schema

CSAPIProxyUCS.png POST /metadata/profiles/extensions


Creates a profile extension schema resource, which is mandatory to query and use profile extension schemas.


Create Profile Extensions Schema
Method POST
URL /metadata/profiles/extensions
Parameter   Type   Mandatory Description
Body: The schema to create.<ref>This is the Profile Extension Schema to create.</ref>
name string yes The unique, case-insensitive name of the extension. The name must start with a letter, and can be followed with letters, numbers, or underscores.

The name is restricted to a maximum of 26 characters (Maximum RDBMS shared limit on creation of index).

type token
  • "single-valued"
  • "multi-valued"
yes Extensions come in the following forms:
  • Single-valued: a single extension record is associated with a given customer.
  • Multi-valued: multiple extension records can be associated with a given customer.
attributes Attribute Schema[] no The array of zero or more attributes. Empty when type="classifier".
unique string[] no Lists attributes which are unique in the scope of a given customer. The customer profile cannot include several extension records with identical values for these attributes. For example, let's consider a contact extension with the attributes "phone_num", "ext", "time_of_day". To ensure that a given customer does not have two contact extensions with the same phone number, set the following in the extension schema:

unique = ["phone_num", "ext"]

<references />


The Context Management Service API answers with HTTP codes for every request. The following table shows the correct response for a successful request. See HTTPResponseCodesandErrors for further details on the possible codes that this operation can return.

HTTP code 201
HTTP message Created
Header Location: ${base_uri}/profiles/extensions/${extension-name}


  • ${extension-name} is the name of the extension provided in the request’s entity body.
  • ${base_uri} is the base URI of Context Services.
Body { "name": "${extension-name}"}


  • ${extension-name} is the name of the created extension.



 POST http://ucsserver.mycompany.com:8080/cms/profiles/extensions
  "attributes": [
      {"name":"PostCode","type":"string", "length":10},


 201 Created
 Content-Location	http://ucsserver.mycompany.com:8080/cms/profiles/extensions/Address
This page was last edited on September 12, 2016, at 14:02.
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