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This is the first 9.x release of Advisors Platform.

Advisors Platform Release Notes

Release Date Release Type Restrictions AIX Solaris Linux Windows
07/05/18 General Under Shipping Control Platform independent within supported platforms*
*There is one Installation Package (IP) for Advisors. The OS Group identified on your software DVD might be "Windows", but the installation file can be used with a Windows platform or a Linux platform.

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What's New

This release contains the following new features and enhancements:

  • Changes to the Advisors Administration Module — To simplify Advisors configuration, the following changes have been made to the Advisors administration module:
    • The Genesys Adapters page has been removed from the Advisors administration module. You can query currently-installed adapters directly from the database, if needed.
    • The Base Object Configuration page has been removed from the administration module. All CCAdv/WA agent groups and applications are now directly configurable on the Application Configuration page. Objects are now loaded into the administration module and are listed as available for application configuration and the mapping of agent groups.
    • There are changes to the regions, application groups, and contact centers configuration. When these objects are imported into Advisors from the Configuration Server for the first time, all regions and application groups are set to the "Active" state by default and all contact centers are preconfigured and set to the "Active" state. See the Genesys Contact Center Advisor and Workforce Advisor Administrator User's Guide for more information.
    • For CCAdv/WA, only applications that you have configured in the application rollup can be mapped to agent groups.
    • For CCAdv/WA, agent group statistics requests are processed along with the process of configuring application-agent group relationships. Statistics are requested for an agent group as soon as the agent group is assigned to a configured application. If an agent group is mapped to only one application, then the statistics requests are closed for that agent group as soon as you remove the relationship between it and the application. If you remove an application from the rollup before first removing the mapping between it and agent groups, then statistics requests are closed during the nightly update for each agent group that was mapped to that application and which is not mapped to any other application.
    • For CCAdv/WA, statistics requests are processed along with the process of configuring applications. The statistics requests are sent when you add an application to the application rollup. The requests are closed for an application when you remove the application from the application rollup.
      If you currently have an Advisors installation with objects configured for your environment, no reconfiguration is necessary when you upgrade to release 9.0. The migration procedures will manage the reconfiguration of object configuration data.
  • Changes to Select Privileges for Oracle Installations — In installations with Oracle, the script has changed that grants Select privileges to the Platform user on views contained in the Advisors Genesys Adapter metrics views. If you are performing a clean Advisors installation, see the Configure Oracle Metrics Data Sources page in the Genesys Pulse Advisors Deployment Guide for more information. If you are migrating to release 9.0 from the previous Advisors release, also see the Pulse Advisors Migration Procedure – 9.0 Releases page in the Pulse Advisors Migration Guide.
  • MS SQL Server–Supported Collations — Starting from release 9.0, in installations with SQL Server, the following server-level collations are supported:
    • Latin1_General_CI_AS
    • SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS (for compatibility with older installations)
    The collation of the server and the collation of the database can be different as long as you use one of the preceding collations for each.
  • Support for OCC Java Extension — Using the Metric Manager, you can now create Calling List custom metrics based on the Stat Server Outbound Contact Java Extension (OCCStatExtension).

Resolved Issues

This release contains the following resolved issues:

Persistence of the dashboard state has been improved. Previously, the current state of a user's dashboard was sometimes lost when the user navigated to another module or refreshed the application. (PLT-7796)

Previously, when you modified the case of characters in a user's user name in Configuration Server, that user could no longer log in to the Advisors applications. For example, if you changed user name "JSmith" to "jsmith", the user was locked out.

The problem has been corrected, but cookies retained in the browser's history might contain the user name that was used prior to the modification. Therefore, after you modify a user's user name, the user needs to clear the browser's cookies before attempting to log in to the Advisors applications again. (PLT-7616)

A Tomcat Advisors server that is running only Advisors Web Services (ADVWS) is now natively integrated with Solution Control Server (SCS). You can start and stop it using the SCS UI. Note that a standalone ADVWS instance does not need a backup server deployed because it supports n+1 high availability. However, if there are other Advisors modules deployed on the same node, and if a backup server is deployed for those other modules, then both the primary and backup servers provide web services independent of the current mode of execution as long as the backup server is running. (PLT-7423)

If an Advisors server that requires LCA cannot connect to LCA at startup, then the server ends the connection attempts. Previously, the server would keep trying to connect forever and would never exit. (PLT-6603)

Upgrade Notes

The following information describes changes that affect existing deployments that you will migrate to Advisors release 9.0:

  • In installations with Oracle, the script has changed that grants Select privileges to the Platform user on views contained in the Advisors Genesys Adapter metrics views. For more information, see the Configure Oracle Metrics Data Sources page in the Genesys Performance Management Advisors Deployment Guide.
  • Starting with Advisors release 9.0, the Object Configuration user is no longer required.
  • After applying the migration scripts in an installation that uses the minimum privileges setup, you must apply the minimum privileges procedure again to add privileges for the new and altered objects:
    • In installations with MS SQL Server, a privileged MS SQL Server user must execute the spGrantExecute procedure with the runtime user name as a parameter in each MS SQL Server database.
    • In installations with Oracle, a privileged Oracle user must run the advisors-platform-<version>_UsersAndRoles.sql script.
This page was last edited on January 29, 2019, at 21:44.
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