Genesys Rules System Rules Authoring Tool Release Notes
Release Date | Release Type | Restrictions | AIX | HP-UX PA | HP-UX IPF | Linux | Solaris | Windows |
09/03/14 | General | X | X | X | X |
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New in This Release
There are no restrictions for this release. This section describes new features that were introduced in this release of Genesys Rules System Rules Authoring Tool.
- Conversation Manager Template and Rules—A new standard template and rules package specifically for use with Conversation Manager has been developed to enable much faster deployments that can later be scaled up according to customers' requirements. A new document describes the contents of these new templates and some special configuration requirements you must make in order to use them. See Conversation Rules Templates Guide.
- Support for Wildcards in Decision Tables—You can now use a wildcard symbol (*) in row data in a decision table if the feature is enabled by option decision-table-enable-wildcards. For more information see Decision Table Wildcards.
- Online Help files for GRAT are now in the cloud. Previously, a WebHelp module was supplied with the installation package. Now, Help content is delivered by default via the docs.genesys.com website. One new configuration option—help-file-url— controls the default URL of the Help content for customers who require locally hosted Help content. Another new configuration—use-legacy-language-pack-webhelp— allows users to specify whether to revert to the previous version of localized embedded WebHelp where a current translated version is not available in the cloud. See GRAT Configuration Options.
- On import of a rule package, the default value of the auto-save option has been changed to on.
- A status monitor—status.jsp—has been added to GRS to allow load balancers to easily monitor heartbeat/status of GRAT and GRE servers without creating new user sessions for each status request. Example—http://<host>:port/genesys-rules-authoring/status.jsp returns the following simple strings representing current status:
- SYSTEM_STATUS_CONFIG_SERVER_NOT_CONNECTED—Unable to connect to primary/backup Configuration Server.
- SYSTEM_STATUS_DB_INITIALIZING—Currently initializing repository.
- SYSTEM_STATUS_DB_NOT_CONNECTED—Unable to connect to or access repository database.
- Additional information has been added to GRAT describing the all-or-nothing way deployment to a cluster works.
- A new Best Practice/User Guide is delivered with this release. This document describes how to create templates, author rules and work with the Composer Business Rule Block to develop a rules solution. The document is here.
- Introduction of Genesys Rules Authoring Tool Language Packs. Language Packs allow installers to select the language in which the user interface (UI) and online help files display.
Corrections and Modifications
This release also includes the following corrections or modifications:
GRAT logging has been modified to ensure that application database IDs are correctly sent to Message Server. GRAT alarms, which were not being generated, now function correctly. (GRS-2370)
The Composer Rule Block was unable to fetch the Fact information from certain rule packages that contained custom classes. This has been fixed in this release. (GRS-2360)
GRAT Server failover to backup Configuration Server was not working properly, especially with logged in GRAT users. This has been corrected in this release. (GRS-2344)
Scheduled deployment times could become corrupted if users first select a decision table before deploying. In this case the default time was shifted to the GMT timezone. This issue has been corrected in this release. (GRS-2309)
Rule package deployment processes have been optimized to stop errors from causing unnecessary load on Configuration Server. (GRS-2279)