Analyze Object
Release 8.1.400.15 of Interaction Routing Designer adds an Analyze object for enhanced content analysis. The Analyze object, available on IRD's Multimedia group of objects, combines the functionality of IRD's existing Classify and MultiScreen objects and adds new functionality. The Analyze object:
- Visually presents screening rules under their applicable categories. The category name shows all roots so screening rules belonging to multiple categories can be selected in the same request.
- Introduces two new attributes in the ESP Request: Service = Analyze and Method = ClassifyScreenUniversal.
- Allows modified screening of ESP requests with the ability to specify a category/folder containing a subset of screening rules to screen against.
The example below shows the Financial Services Category, Unidentified Transaction_2 subcategory, associated with screening rules Wrong transaction amount_scrRule and Unidentified transaction_scrRule.
Configuring the Analyze Object
- From the Multimedia toolbar, click the Analyze object then click inside the Routing Design window to insert the object.
- Double-click the object to open its properties dialog box. A tree of the default Classification Server categories and screening rules appears below.
- From the Classification server drop-down list on the General tab, select a Classification Server from those in the Configuration Server database. If you leave this field empty, Interaction Server uses the first available Classification Server named in its Connections list.
- From the Language drop-down list, select the language of the incoming interaction. The categories and screening rules shown will be changed according to selected language. Only those roots associated (through their Annex property General/Language) with the selected language will be shown.
- From the Action drop-down list, select screen or classify. Only one Action can be configured. either screen or classify. For action classify, screening rules are not used so IRD hides screening rules in this case.
- If the classify Action is selected, opposite Relevancy Level, enter a percentage indicating the minimum relevancy (confidence) each category must have (greater or equal) in order for Classification Server to consider an interaction as belonging to that category (threshold). You have the option of changing the default but you cannot enter zero.
- If Classification Server finds a category with the minimum specified relevancy, the results are processed based on the option you select in the Result tab and the interaction goes through the green port.
- If an existing category cannot be found based on analyzing the interaction, the null result is attached to the interaction and the interaction also goes through the green port (the error is not retrievable through the current Error object). See Event3rdServerFault in the Universal Routing 8.1 Reference Manual.
- Under Get analyzing data from, enter a User Data key to search for data to be analyzed or enter a variable. If not specified, the data to be analyzed will be taken from the Universal Contact Server database.
- Under Categories and screening rules, you have the option of selecting a variable to contain the categories and/or screening rules to use. If variables are used, you cannot select screening rules or categories from the tree. You can either select from the tree or specify variables, but you cannot do both.
- Note the tree of categories/Screening Rules. If the identifiers do not sufficiently describe them, you can look up them up in Configuration Manager (Business Attributes) or Genesys Administrator or in eServices Knowledge Manager, where they were originally defined.
- The Subcategories using options (required) determine whether Classification Server should consider parent and child categories (ParentMode in Requests as shown in Samples below. There are three options.
- To use all screening rules for a selected category, select All.
- To use only the direct children of a selected category (excluding parents), select Direct.
- To individually select categories and rules, select No.
- Continue to select categories/rules in this fashion until you have selected all the ones you want to use.
- Select the Parameters tab. If necessary, any additional parameters to the request can be added here. For additional information see eServices Knowledge Manager documentation.
- Select the Result tab. Specify what form the results should take. IRD uses the same Result tab for various Multimedia objects. When screening or classifying, the Do not use output value option does not apply.
- Complete the Result tab. If you write the results to a variable, the variable can be parsed by URS and attached to the interaction for further use in the strategy. You can also attach all the parameters to the interaction’s User Data. This enables you to analyze this User Data to make further routing decisions.
- Click OK.
For classification, The response will be either Event3rdServerResponse or Event3rdServerDefault. For detail on these responses as well as on using IRD for screening and classification, refer to the Universal Routing 8.1. Reference Manual.
[+] Analyze Action Classify
'Version' [str] = "1.0"
'AppType' [str] = "90"
'AppName' [str] = "ClassificationServer2_sbbelovdt"
'Service' [str] = "Analyze"
'Method' [str] = "ClassifyScreenUniversal"
'Parameters' [lst] = KVList:
'Action' [str] = "Classify"
'Language' [str] = "English"
'Categories' [str] = "00016a6W8MUA002Q | 00057a9K3JNC02V7 | 0005Ba9QMHV30KCY"
'ParentMode' [str] = "3"
'RelevancyLevel' [str] = "10"
'IxnText' [str] = "You should transplant these irises into an area providing at least 6 hrs of direct sunlight a day."
bstr [bstr] = KVList:
'TenantId' [int] = 101
'Version' [str] = "1.0"
'Service' [str] = "Analyze"
'Method' [str] = "ClassifyScreenUniversal"
'Parameters' [lst] = KVList:
'Categories' [lst] = KVList:
'How do I dig irises' [lst] = KVList:
'CtgId' [str] = "00057a9K3JNC038G"
'CtgName' [str] = "How do I dig irises"
'CtgRootName' [str] = "plants"
'CtgPath' [str] = "plants/iris/How do I dig irises"
'CtgRelevancy' [str] = "32"
'Why are they not blooming' [lst] = KVList:
'CtgId' [str] = "00057a9K3JNC038N"
'CtgName' [str] = "Why are they not blooming"
'CtgRootName' [str] = "plants"
'CtgPath' [str] = "plants/iris/Why are they not blooming"
'CtgRelevancy' [str] = "26"
'J2EBJ183K80HB6G2' [lst] = KVList:
'CtgId' [str] = "00016a6W8MUA005Y"
'CtgName' [str] = "J2EBJ183K80HB6G2"
'CtgRootName' [str] = "SBC_1_Root"
'CtgPath' [str] = "SBC_1_Root/J2EBJ183K80HB6G2"
'CtgRelevancy' [str] = "12"
'Sub_A' [lst] = KVList:
'CtgId' [str] = "0005Ba9QMHV30KDE"
'CtgName' [str] = "Sub_A"
'CtgRootName' [str] = "MySimpleTest"
'CtgPath' [str] = "MySimpleTest/Sub_A"
'CtgRelevancy' [str] = "100"
'19CSBDR3K82AXEGS' [lst] = KVList:
'CtgId' [str] = "00016a6W8MUA004K"
'CtgName' [str] = "19CSBDR3K82AXEGS"
'CtgRootName' [str] = "SBC_1_Root"
'CtgPath' [str] = "SBC_1_Root/19CSBDR3K82AXEGS"
'CtgRelevancy' [str] = "36"
'How should I prepare iris for shipping' [lst] = KVList:
'CtgId' [str] = "00057a9K3JNC038Y"
'CtgName' [str] = "How should I prepare iris for shipping"
'CtgRootName' [str] = "plants"
'CtgPath' [str] = "plants/iris/How should I prepare iris for shipping"
'CtgRelevancy' [str] = "19"
'Why did my irises change color' [lst] = KVList:
'CtgId' [str] = "00057a9K3JNC038T"
'CtgName' [str] = "Why did my irises change color"
'CtgRootName' [str] = "plants"
'CtgPath' [str] = "plants/iris/Why did my irises change color"
'CtgRelevancy' [str] = "25"
'CtgId' [str] = "0005Ba9QMHV30KDE"
'CtgName' [str] = "Sub_A"
'CtgRootName' [str] = "MySimpleTest"
'CtgPath' [str] = "MySimpleTest/Sub_A"
'CtgRelevancy' [str] = "100"
[+] Analyze Action Screen
'Version' [str] = "1.0"
'AppType' [str] = "90"
'AppName' [str] = "ClassificationServer2_sbbelovdt"
'Service' [str] = "Analyze"
'Method' [str] = "ClassifyScreenUniversal"
'Parameters' [lst] = KVList:
'Action' [str] = "Screen"
'Language' [str] = "English"
'Categories' [str] = ""
'Rules' [str] = ""
'RelevancyLevel' [str] = "15"
'ParentMode' [str] = "3"
'IxnText' [str] = "problem, accounts 1111-1111-1111-1111 and 2222-2222-2222-2222"
bstr [bstr] = KVList:
'TenantId' [int] = 101
'Version' [str] = "1.0"
'Service' [str] = "Analyze"
'Method' [str] = "ClassifyScreenUniversal"
'Parameters' [lst] = KVList:
'ScreenRuleMatch' [str] = "true"
'Categories' [lst] = KVList:
'Neutral' [lst] = KVList:
'CtgId' [str] = "00006a69F6861XCW"
'CtgName' [str] = "Neutral"
'CtgRootName' [str] = "Sentiment"
'CtgPath' [str] = "Sentiment/Neutral"
'CtgRelevancy' [str] = "75"
'Screen' [lst] = KVList:
'ScreenForNeutralSentiment' [lst] = KVList:
'RuleId' [str] = "00006a69F6861XED"
'RuleName' [str] = "ScreenForNeutralSentiment"
'RuleOrder' [str] = "12"
'RuleRelevancy' [str] = "75"
'Positive' [lst] = KVList:
'CtgId' [str] = "00006a69F6861XCP"
'CtgName' [str] = "Positive"
'CtgRootName' [str] = "Sentiment"
'CtgPath' [str] = "Sentiment/Positive"
'CtgRelevancy' [str] = "85"
'Screen' [lst] = KVList:
'Tech support' [lst] = KVList:
'RuleId' [str] = "00003a01DST4006D"
'RuleName' [str] = "Tech support"
'RuleOrder' [str] = "400"
'FoundValues' [lst] = KVList:
'CardNo(1)' [str] = "1111-1111-1111-1111"
'CardNo(2)' [str] = "2222-2222-2222-2222"
'RuleRelevancy' [str] = "85"
'SB_MultiScanTest' [lst] = KVList:
'RuleId' [str] = "0003Fa8RRCHA0030"
'RuleName' [str] = "SB_MultiScanTest"
'RuleOrder' [str] = "10"
'FoundValues' [lst] = KVList:
'CardNo(1)' [str] = "1111-1111-1111-1111"
'CardNo(2)' [str] = "2222-2222-2222-2222"
'RuleRelevancy' [str] = "75"
'Actionable' [lst] = KVList:
'CtgId' [str] = "00006a69F6861XHN"
'CtgName' [str] = "Actionable"
'CtgRootName' [str] = "Action"
'CtgPath' [str] = "Action/Actionable"
'CtgRelevancy' [str] = "75"
'Screen' [lst] = KVList:
'Tech support' [lst] = KVList:
'RuleId' [str] = "00003a01DST4006D"
'RuleName' [str] = "Tech support"
'RuleOrder' [str] = "400"
'FoundValues' [lst] = KVList:
'CardNo(1)' [str] = "1111-1111-1111-1111"
'CardNo(2)' [str] = "2222-2222-2222-2222"
'RuleRelevancy' [str] = "75"
'SB_MultiScanTest' [lst] = KVList:
'RuleId' [str] = "0003Fa8RRCHA0030"
'RuleName' [str] = "SB_MultiScanTest"
'RuleOrder' [str] = "10"
'FoundValues' [lst] = KVList:
'CardNo(1)' [str] = "1111-1111-1111-1111"
'CardNo(2)' [str] = "2222-2222-2222-2222"
'RuleRelevancy' [str] = "45"
'UnclearIfActionRequired' [lst] = KVList:
'CtgId' [str] = "00006a69F6861XJ3"
'CtgName' [str] = "UnclearIfActionRequired"
'CtgRootName' [str] = "Action"
'CtgPath' [str] = "Action/UnclearIfActionRequired"
'CtgRelevancy' [str] = "75"
'Screen' [lst] = KVList:
'UnclearIfActionRequired' [lst] = KVList:
'RuleId' [str] = "00006a69F6861XN2"
'RuleName' [str] = "UnclearIfActionRequired"
'RuleOrder' [str] = "10"
'RuleRelevancy' [str] = "75"
'CtgId' [str] = "00006a69F6861XCP"
'CtgRelevancy' [str] = "85"
'CtgName' [str] = "Positive"
'CtgRootName' [str] = "Sentiment"
'CtgPath' [str] = "Sentiment/Positive"