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Bidirectional Messaging

The primary function of Platform SDK is to provide client protocols for communication with Genesys servers, where your applications would send requests for information and receive related events.

However, the introduction of bidirectional messaging provides an opportunity for client applications to send their own "events" and receive "requests" from the server. Reversing the direction of messages in this way allows your application to implement server side logic - which allows you to implement new servers or emulating existing servers.

Existing Server Side Support

Releases of Platform SDK prior to 8.5.3 functionality allowed some server-side functionality to be implemented, but server-side code had to implement all custom preprocessing of incoming and outgoing messages. This could be inconvenient for server development, especially for complex protocols which act as containers for inner protocols.

To make this easier, the bidirectional messaging feature takes responsibility for preprocessing incoming and outgoing messages. For complex protocols, this increases transport protocol transparency and allows you to work with concrete protocols.

Bidirectional Messaging Support

Starting with Platform SDK 8.5.302, customized server channels are available for the following protocols:

Protocol Client Handler Class Name
ConfServer com.genesyslab.platform.configuration.protocol.ConfServerProtocolListener
Basic Chat com.genesyslab.platform.webmedia.protocol.ChatProtocolListener
Flex Chat com.genesyslab.platform.webmedia.protocol.ChatProtocolListener
Email com.genesyslab.platform.webmedia.protocol.EmailProtocolListener
UCS com.genesyslab.platform.contacts.protocol.UniversalContactServerProtocolListener
ESP Email com.genesyslab.platform.webmedia.protocol.EspEmailProtocolListener
BasicChat + FlexChat com.genesyslab.platform.webmedia.protocol.ChatProtocolListener
Callback com.genesyslab.platform.webmedia.protocol.CallbackProtocolListener
ESP com.genesyslab.platform.openmedia.protocol.ExternalServiceProtocolListener
InteractionServer com.genesyslab.platform.openmedia.protocol.InteractionServerProtocolListener
Platform SDK provides class com.genesyslab.platform.webmedia.protocol.ChatProtocolListener that can recognize the dialect of BasiChat and FlexChat protocols.

Using Bidirectional Messaging

The following example shows how to create and use a custom server channel for UCS.

UniversalContactServerProtocolListener Example

ManagedConfiguration cfg = new ManagedConfiguration(new PropertyConfiguration());
cfg.setBoolean(UniversalContactServerProtocol.USE_UTF_FOR_RESPONSES, false); // do not change string encoding
cfg.setBoolean(TKVCodec.UTF_STRING_KEY, false);
UniversalContactServerProtocolListener listener =
  new UniversalContactServerProtocolListener(new WildcardEndpoint(0, cfg)); // creates server channel. Port is unknown before opened.
UniversalContactServerProtocol client = new UniversalContactServerProtocol(); // creates client channel. Endpoint is unknown before server opens.
final AtomicReference messageReference = new AtomicReference();
    listener.setClientRequestHandler(new ClientRequestHandler() {
        public void processRequest(RequestContext context){
            try {
                Message msg = context.getRequestMessage();
                context.respond(msg); // return message to sender
                messageReference.set(msg); // save link to the received message
            }catch (Exception e){}
    int port = listener.getLocalEndPoint().getPort();
    client.setEndpoint(new Endpoint("localhost",port, cfg));
    EventSearch request = EventSearch.create(); // create request
    DocumentList documentList = new DocumentList(); // fill request data
    DocumentData documentData = new DocumentData();
    KeyValueCollection data = new KeyValueCollection();
    Message received = client.receive(10000);
       Correct conditions:
         1. received!=null
         2. request.equals(received)
         3. received.equals(messageReference.get())
         4. received!=request
}finally {
    if (listener.getState()== ChannelState.Opened)

Handshake issues

Platform SDK offers no server-side handshake procedure. Even if most protocols have a simple "unconditional" registration, your application is responsible for validating the clients itself.

Existing Server Side Support

Releases of Platform SDK prior to 8.5.3 provide specific server channel classes for ESP and Custom Routing Protocol (ExternalServiceProtocolListener and UrsCustomProtocolListener respectively). There is also an unspecified base implementation of server channel with the ServerChannel class.

However, these classes have some restrictions, such as being unable to switch transport layers for incoming connections, that make them unusable with Web Media Protocols.

Bidirectional Messaging Support

Starting with Platform SDK release 8.5.201, an additional server channel class was available: ServerChannel<T> (where T extends the ClientChannelHandler abstract class).

Platform SDK also includes extensions of ClientChannelHandler for all supported protocols. These extensions have server side messaging logic, and are responsible for substitution of XML transport instead of binary transport for Web Media Protocols.

Platform SDK .NET 8.5.3 provides extensions for the following protocols:

Protocol Client Handler Class Name
ConfServer Genesyslab.Platform.Configuration.Protocols.ConfServerProtocol.ClientHandler
Basic Chat Genesyslab.Platform.WebMedia.Protocols.BasicChatProtocol.ClientHandler
Flex Chat Genesyslab.Platform.WebMedia.Protocols.FlexChatProtocol.ClientHandler
Email Genesyslab.Platform.WebMedia.Protocols.EmailProtocol.ClientHandler
Callback Genesyslab.Platform.WebMedia.Protocols.CallbackProtocol.ClientHandler
ESP Genesyslab.Platform.OpenMedia.Protocols.ExternalServiceProtocol.ClientHandler
InteractionServer Genesyslab.Platform.OpenMedia.Protocols.InteractionServerProtocol.ClientHandler
UCS Genesyslab.Platform.Contacts.Protocols.UniversalContactServerProtocol.ClientHandler
ESP Email Genesyslab.Platform.WebMedia.Protocols.EspEmail.EspEmailProtocol.ClientHandler
BasicChat + FlexChat Genesyslab.Platform.WebMedia.Protocols.ChatServerClientHandler
Stat Server Genesyslab.Platform.Reporting.Protocols.StatServerProtocol.ClientHandler
TServer Genesyslab.Platform.Voice.Protocols.TServerProtocol.ClientHandler
Platform SDK provides the Genesyslab.Platform.WebMedia.Protocols.ChatServerClientHandler class that can recognize the dialect of BasicChat and FlexChat protocols. Using this class together with ServerChannel<T> allows the following ChatServer logic.

Using Bidirectional Messaging

The following example shows how to create and use a custom server channel for Basic Chat Protocol.

ServerChannel<T> Example

var cfg = new ManagedConnectionConfiguration(null) { WrapUtfString = true, }; // allows to use utf values in KvLists
server = new ServerChannel<BasicChatProtocol.ClientHandler>(new WildcardEndpoint(0,cfg)); // creates server channel. Port is unknown before opened.
server.Received += (sender, args) =>
  var msgArg = args as MessageEventArgs;
  if (msgArg == null) return; // wrong arguments (in general it's impossible with ServerChannel<>)
  var channel = sender as DuplexChannel;
  if (channel == null) return; // wrong client (in general it's impossible with ServerChannel<>)
  var incomingMessage = msgArg.Message; // gets incoming message
  IMessage outgoingMessage= null;
  // TODO: handle incoming message...
  if (outgoingMessage!=null) channel.Send(outgoingMessage); // sends response to client
server.Open(); // opens server
client = new BasicChatProtocol(new Endpoint("localhost", (server.LocalEndPoint as IPEndPoint).Port, cfg)); // create client
// client has to be created only after server will be opened for case of unknown port
client.AutoRegister = false; // skip handshake
client.Open(); // opens client
var msg = RequestMessage.Create("12345",Visibility.All, MessageText.Create(null));
client.Send(msg); // send message
var response = client.Receive(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)); // receive response
// TODO: handle response...

Handshake Issues

Platform SDK offers no server-side handshake procedure. Even if most protocols have a simple "unconditional" registration, your application is responsible for validating the clients itself.

This page was last edited on June 21, 2017, at 06:57.
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