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CCAdv Web and Email Metrics

This section contains Tables of Queue and Agent Group Web chat and email metrics. The content is applicable to Contact Center Advisor only.

Queue Web Chat Metrics

The following Table lists Queue metrics for e-mail interactions.

Names Internal Name Description Source Type Definition (Formula) Interval/Time Profile Threshold Type Unit
Metric: [Backlog] (a_eBacklog) Backlog (a_eBacklog) The current number of e-mails currently waiting to be processed. Genesys Interaction Queues EmailBacklog Point in Time Above Count
Metric: [Entered]


a_eEntered The total number of e-mail interactions that entered the queue during the specified period. Genesys Interaction Queues EmailEnteredTo5

EmailEnteredHalf EmailEnteredToday

5 Min (rolling/sliding), 30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) N/A Count
Metric: [InProc]


a_eProc Total number of e-mails in processing at a point in time. Genesys Interaction Queues EmailInProcQ Point in Time N/A Count
Metric: [InQ] (a_eInQ) a_eInQ The total number of e-mails within the Interaction Queue at the moment of measurement. Genesys Interaction Queues EmailInQ Point in Time N/A Count
Metric: [MaxQ] (a_eMaxQ) eMaxQ The maximum number of e-mails that either were awaiting processing or were in processing within the contact center (for single-tenant environments) or within the specified tenant (for multi-tenant environments) during the specified period. Genesys Interaction Queues EmailMaxInQTo5

EmailMaxInQHalf EmailMaxInQToday

5 Min (rolling/sliding), 30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) Count
Metric: [MinQ] (a_eMinQ) eMinQ The minimum number of e-mails that were either waiting processing or in processing within this staging area within the specified period. Genesys Interaction Queues EmailMinInQTo5

EmailMinInQHalf EmailMinInQToday

5 Min (rolling/sliding), 30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) Count
Metric: [Moved] (a_eMoved) a_eMoved The total number of interactions of the specified media type that were moved from this staging area to any other staging area during the specified period. Genesys Interaction Queues EmailMovedTo5

EmailMovedHalf EmailMovedToday

5 Min (rolling/sliding), 30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) N/A Count

Queue Email Metrics

The following Table lists Queue metrics for e-mail interactions.

Names Internal Name Description Source Type Definition (Formula) Interval/Time Profile Threshold Type Unit
Metric: [Backlog] (a_eBacklog) Backlog (a_eBacklog) The current number of e-mails currently waiting to be processed. Genesys Interaction Queues EmailBacklog Point in Time Above Count
Metric: [Entered]


a_eEntered The total number of e-mail interactions that entered the queue during the specified period. Genesys Interaction Queues EmailEnteredTo5

EmailEnteredHalf EmailEnteredToday

5 Min (rolling/sliding), 30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) N/A Count
Metric: [InProc]


a_eProc Total number of e-mails in processing at a point in time. Genesys Interaction Queues EmailInProcQ Point in Time N/A Count
Metric: [InQ] (a_eInQ) a_eInQ The total number of e-mails within the Interaction Queue at the moment of measurement. Genesys Interaction Queues EmailInQ Point in Time N/A Count
Metric: [MaxQ] (a_eMaxQ) eMaxQ The maximum number of e-mails that either were awaiting processing or were in processing within the contact center (for single-tenant environments) or within the specified tenant (for multi-tenant environments) during the specified period. Genesys Interaction Queues EmailMaxInQTo5

EmailMaxInQHalf EmailMaxInQToday

5 Min (rolling/sliding), 30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) Count
Metric: [MinQ] (a_eMinQ) eMinQ The minimum number of e-mails that were either waiting processing or in processing within this staging area within the specified period. Genesys Interaction Queues EmailMinInQTo5

EmailMinInQHalf EmailMinInQToday

5 Min (rolling/sliding), 30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) Count
Metric: [Moved] (a_eMoved) a_eMoved The total number of interactions of the specified media type that were moved from this staging area to any other staging area during the specified period. Genesys Interaction Queues EmailMovedTo5

EmailMovedHalf EmailMovedToday

5 Min (rolling/sliding), 30 Min (since start of current half-hour), Today/Daily (since midnight) N/A Count

Agent Group Web Chat Metrics

The following Table lists Web chat metrics for agent groups.

Name Internal Name Description Source Type Definition (Formula) Interval/Time Profile Threshold Type Unit
Metric:[Acpt] (s_wAcpt) s_wAcpt The total number of Chat interactions that were offered for processing to the resource, and that were accepted during the specified period. Genesys Agent Groups ChatAcceptedTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) N/A Count
Metric:[AHT] (s_wAHT) s_wAHT Average handle time in seconds for Chat interactions. Calculated, Genesys Agent Groups ChatHandleTimeTo5/ChatHandledTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) Above Seconds
Metric: [Handled%] (s_wHPct) s_wHPct The percentage of chats offered that were handled by this resource. Calculated, Genesys Agent Groups ChatHandledTo5/ ChatOfferedTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) N/A Percent
Metric: [Handled] (s_wH) s_wH The total number of Chat interactions that were handled by this resource during the specified period. Genesys Agent Groups ChatHandledTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) N/A Count
Metric:[HT] (s_wHT) s_wHT The total amount of time that this resource spent handling Chat interactions during the specified period. Genesys Agent Groups ChatHandleTimeTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) Above Seconds

[InbStopped] (s_wInbStop)

s_wInStop The total number of Inbound Chat interactions that were terminated by this resource during the specified period. Genesys Agent Groups Chat_InbStopped_


5 Min (rolling/sliding) N/A Count
Metric: [InProc] (s_wInProc) s_wInProc Number of chats currently being processed. Genesys Agent Groups ChatInProcessing Point in Time Count
Metric: [Offered] (s_wOffered) s_wOffered Number of chats received. Genesys Agent Groups ChatOfferedTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) Count
Metric: [Rejected%] (s_wRjctPct) s_wRjctPct The percentage of Chats offered this resource that were rejected. Calculated, Genesys Agent Groups ChatRejectedTo5/ ChatOfferedTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) Percent
Metric: [Rejected] (s_wRjct) s_wRjct The total number of Chat interactions that were offered for processing to this resource, and that were rejected, during the specified period. Genesys Agent Groups ChatRejectedTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) Above Count

[TimedOut%] (s_wTOPct)

s_wTOPct The percentage of Chat Sessions that timed out. Calculated, Genesys Agent Groups ChatTimedOutTo5/ ChatOfferedTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) Above Percent
Metric: [TimedOut] (s_wTO) s_wTO The total number of Chat interactions that were accepted, pulled, or created and subsequently revoked by this resource because of prolonged nonactivity during the specified period. Genesys Agent Groups ChatTimedOutTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) Above Count
Metric: [Txfrs] (s_wTxfrs) s_wTxfrO The total number of Chat transfers made by this resource during the specified period. Genesys Agent Groups ChatTransfersTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) N/A Count

Agent Group Email Metrics

The following Table lists agent group metrics for e-mail.

Name Internal Name Description Source Type Definition (Formula) Interval/Time Profile Threshold Type Unit
Metric:[Acpt] (s_eAcpt) s_eAcpt The total number of e-mail interactions that were offered for processing to the resource, and that were accepted during the specified period. Genesys Agent Groups EmailAcceptedTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) Count
Metric: [AHT] (s_eAHT) s_eAHT Average handle time in seconds counted as handled. Calculated, Genesys Agent Groups EmailHandleTime
To5 / EmailHandledTo5
5 Min (rolling/sliding) Above Seconds
Metric: [Handled%] (s_eHPct) s_eHPct The percentage of e-mails offered that were handled by this resource. Calculated, Genesys Agent Groups EmailHandledTo5/ EmailOfferedTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) N/A Percent
Metric: [Handled] (s_eH) s_eH Number of e-mails handled during the specified period. Genesys Agent Groups EmailHandledTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) Count
Metric: [InbStopped] (s_eInbStop) s_eInStop The total number of Inbound e-mail interactions that were terminated by this resource during the specified period. Genesys Agent Groups Email_InbStopped_
5 Min (rolling/sliding) N/A Count
Metric: [Offered] (s_eOffered) s_eOffered Number of e-mails received. Genesys Agent Groups EmailOfferedTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) Count
Metric: [Rejected%] (s_eRjctPct) s_eRjctPct The percentage of e-mails offered this resource that were rejected. Calculated, Genesys Agent Groups EmailRejectedTo5/ EmailOfferedTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) Percent
Metric: [Rejected] (s_eRjct) s_eRjct The total number of e-mail interactions that were rejected in the specified time period. Genesys Agent Groups EmailRejectedTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) Above Count
Metric: [TimedOut%] (s_eTOPct) s_eTOPct The percentage of e-mail interactions that timed out. Calculated, Genesys Agent Groups EmailTimedOutTo5/ EmailOfferedTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) Above Percent
Metric: [TimedOut] (s_eTO) s_eTO The total number of e-mail interactions that were accepted, pulled, or created and subsequently revoked by this resource because of prolonged nonactivity during the specified period. Genesys Agent Groups EmailTimedOutTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) Above Count
Metric:[Txfrs] (s_eTxfrs) s_eTxfrO The total number of e-mail transfers made by this resource during the specified period. Genesys Agent Groups EmailTransfersTo5 5 Min (rolling/sliding) N/A Count
This page was last edited on July 18, 2017, at 14:56.
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