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Monitor Agent Statistics

The Rules tab on the Frontline Advisor administration page allows you to define the conditions that will continuously monitor the agents’ statistics, such as short calling. An alert is issued if the conditions of a rule are met. The Frontline Advisor standard installation provides default values; however, you should review and change them to meet the goals of your enterprise. All rules are disabled by default.

You can modify rules values (subject to your access permissions) at the group level and agent level. To modify values for a higher level in the hierarchy, you must select the level in the hierarchy. An agent rule takes precedence over the group rule. A group rule takes precedence over the top-level rule. Rules evaluate and trigger on agent metrics, but not for group metrics.

Best Practice: Avoiding duplication of alerts triggered by rules

When a rule is set at a high level in the hierarchy, all child agent groups have the same rule, unless the rule is overridden. FA de-duplicates (removes duplicates of) the alert counts; if an alert is triggered, it is counted only once for the agent. However, when the rules are set at the agent-group level, there is no way to determine whether rule sets for sibling agent groups are matched. Therefore, the counts have to be totaled individually.

It is possible for rules to differ only slightly between the two such agent groups, yet they must be counted as distinct violations. If an agent violates the rule in both agent groups, he or she has two rule violations, rather than just one. To avoid this scenario, rules should be specified at the highest level possible as a best practice.

If you have access to the Rules tab, but you have only Read access permission, then you cannot modify the rules (the Edit button is disabled). If the Administrator gives you a Change or Full Control permission, the Edit button is enabled and you can modify the rules.

To distinguish between the inherited values and overridden values, overridden values display in boldface and are italicized.

You must select a node in the hierarchy to display data in the Rules tab. The following screenshot shows an example of the Rules tab.

Rules tab

Each rule may include the following:

  • Rule descriptor—a fixed text that describes the rule; for example, “Set of agents has”.
  • Rule operator—less than (<), greater than (>).
  • Rule operator value—only non-negative integers are allowed. No letters or blank spaces are allowed.
  • Filter descriptor—fixed text that describes the filter, for example, “Calls handled which are”
  • Rule filter operator—less than (<), greater than (>)
  • Rule filter value—only non-negative integers are allowed.
  • Time Interval—the frequency in which the rule evaluates the metrics. The default value is 20.
  • Description—a description of the rule that will display in the Alert Details section when an alert is triggered. The text field allows up to 256 characters.

If an invalid value is entered, an alert message box displays when the Save button is pressed.

Resetting Rule Constraint Values

Once a constraint has been overridden, it is possible to “reset” the constraint to the inherited values. This effectively removes the override from the system. At any given node in the hierarchy (apart from the top-level node), the Reset option is available for all constraints that are overridden at that node. Checking this option and clicking Save results in the inherited values for this threshold being used at this node and its descendants (unless overridden elsewhere). Choosing to reset an overridden constraint takes precedence over any edits made to the other fields; these changes are lost when the constraint is reset. A value is reset to the value of the closest ancestor in the tree that has an override or the global default if there are no overrides higher in the tree.

When you make a change to the rules settings, the changes are made on the configured Genesys Adapters. If you cannot save changes to rule settings, check the adapter deployments for any potential issues. If the configured adapters are not live, or if there is some other issue on the adapters, it blocks your ability to save changes in rule settings.

Example: Resetting Rule Constraints

Resetting rule constraints

If the thresholds for the AHT metric are overridden at K.Salley, J.Conway, and Networks, resetting the AHT metric at the Networks node would set it to the values specified for the J.Conway node. If the metrics are then reset at the J.Conway node, the threshold values at that node and all its children will be set to what is specified at K.Salley. This functionality works for either overridden constraint values or for the Enable/Disable checkbox.

This page was last edited on March 1, 2018, at 16:59.
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