Updating Decision Tables
When editing or updating a decision table rule, you can insert or remove condition or action columns only after all of the data in the table has been validated (no red lines are visible). This restriction prevents you from losing unsaved data that you have just entered. If you accidentally insert the wrong condition or action, or accidentally delete a condition or action column, you can click Cancel to revert the rule back to the last saved version.
When adding rows to a decision table rule, it is important to fix all of the validation errors on that row before attempting to add or delete any new condition or action columns, to prevent loss of data in the row on which you are working.
To update an existing decision table:
- Navigate to the rule package to which the decision table belongs in the Explorer Tree (verify that you have selected the correct Tenant from the Tenant drop-down list). Select the correct node in the Explorer Tree (the level at which the rule was defined) and click the Rules tab.
- Locate the decision table in the list and update the information as needed. Refer to Creating Decision Tables for details about the fields that can be updated. Any changes that you make to the Rule Summary are saved automatically. Click Save to save any changes made to the body of the rule. Provide a check-in comment that summarizes the changes you made. This will appear in the Audit History.

When you are editing rules, be careful not to clear your browsing history or cookie data, as this might cause the rule to be stuck in a locked state. Unsaved changes could be lost.