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Install Genesys Mobile Services

Purpose: To install Genesys Mobile Services in your environment. In a cluster deployment, you must run the installation for each application node of the cluster.

Prerequisites: Create a Genesys Mobile Services Application Object.

With basic Configuration Server details in place, you are ready to complete the installation process.

  • Genesys does not recommend the installation of its components via a Microsoft Remote Desktop connection. You should perform the installation locally.
  • Starting in, GMS no longer supports embedded Cassandra. If you are using an older version and if you need additional instructions, refer to 8.5.1 installation instructions.
Managing primary/backup config server at GMS startup.

Now, GMS is able to manage a backup config server at startup using two new command line parameters:

  • -backuphost: hostname/IP address for backup config server
  • -backupport: port for backup config server

For example, ./launcher -host -port 2020 -backuphost -backupport 3020 -app "GMS236".

Installing Genesys Mobile Services on Windows

Start the Installation Wizard


In your installation package, locate and double-click the Setupexe.png icon in windows or install.sh in Linux.

The installation starts. Click Next and follow the instructions below.


Select Install new instance of the application if you are installing GMS for the first time on this server. Select Maintenance of the existing application to upgrade Genesys Mobile Services and follow the steps detailed in the Upgrade Genesys Mobile Services section of this guide.


In Connection Parameters to the Configuration Server, specify the host name and port number where Configuration Server is running. (This is the main "listening" port entered in the Server Info tab for Configuration Server, which is also used for authentication in the Configuration Manager login dialog box.)

Click Next.

When setting a user to connect to the Configuration Server, do not choose a user with an empty password. This would make your installation fail.


Select Client Side Port if GMS must communicate with the Configuration Server through specific ports, for example, if the Configuration Server is behind a firewall. Otherwise, click Next.

Select your application


Select the Genesys Mobile Services Application object that you created before the installation. The Application Properties area shows information previously entered in the Server Info and Start Info tabs of the selected Application object.

You cannot select a cluster application. You must install each node in a cluster deployment.

Select Use Licence


Select Use Licence if you want to use Context Services with GMS.

You must purchase this specific license to use Context Services.


Enter your License parameters and click Next.


In Choose Destination Location, keep the default destination or browse for the desired installation location under Destination Folder.


In GMS Jetty Ports, enter the Jetty ports that will be used later to generate the Jetty XML configuration snippet.

Select the Installation Type


Choose Regular GMS if you wish to implement voice scenarios, Callback, Context Services. This option enables the full GMS functionality—including the Digital Channels API. It also enables the samples for Chat API Version 1, Chat API Version 2, and GMS Chat. Note: This mode requires Cassandra.

Choose Chat Server Only to enable only the Digital Channels API, that is, Chat API Version 2, Chat API Version 2 via CometD (since GMS version, see release notes), Email API Version 2, and Open Media API. When you choose this mode, you will not see the Cassandra installation panels, and none of the other GMS features, including the Chat API Version 1 and Chat samples, will work. Click Next.

Configure an External Cassandra

Only for Regular GMS installation.

Enter the comma-separated list of Cassandra nodes, and for the port value, enter the native_transport_port value (9042 by default). Note: native_transport_port is the thrift port for client connections in the cassandra.yaml configuration file of your external Cassandra instance.

Click Next.

If you are installing GMS on a production server or on a Windows host, choose an external Cassandra instance which is installed on a Linux host.

Complete the Installation


The Ready to Install screen appears. Click Install. The Genesys Installation Wizard indicates that it is performing the requested operation.


When through, the Installation Complete screen appears. Click Finish to complete your installation of Genesys Mobile Services.

Repeat this procedure to install GMS on other hosts.

Installing Genesys Mobile Services on Linux


To install Genesys Mobile Services on Linux, run the sh install.sh command to start the Installation Script. This step-by-step script will request the same inputs than detailed previously in the Windows Installation Wizard.

Optional - Test your installation


Edit your GMS application in Genesys Administrator. In the Server Info section, you should be able to verify that your installation updated the Working directory and the Command Line fields.

Start your GMS application and browse the Service Management UI


In Genesys Administrator, start your GMS application.


Then, open your web browser for the following URL: <GMS Local Host>:8080/genesys

You should see the Service Management UI of your GMS application.

Note that, to work properly, this UI requires access to the following URLs:

http://<GMS Local Host>:8080/genesys/1/admin/*

Make sure to enable this access through your firewall and security if needed.

Next Steps: Setting ORS dependencies.

This page was last edited on May 31, 2024, at 08:42.
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