<scxml version="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:queue="" xmlns:yahoo_placefinder="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:session="" xmlns:ixn="" initial="initial"> <datamodel> <!-- parameters --> <data id="_phone_number" _type="parameter" /> <data id="_data_id" _type="parameter" /> <data id="_ttl" _type="parameter" /> <!-- globals --> <data id="reqid" /> <data id="startSendId" /> </datamodel> <state id="initial"> <transition event="gms.start" target="serviceEntry"> <script> _data.startSendId = _event.sendid; </script> </transition> </state> <state id="serviceEntry" initial="handleStart"> <onentry> <send event="'serviceTimeout'" delay="_data._ttl"/> </onentry> <transition event="serviceTimeout" target="error" /> <state id="handleStart"> <onentry> <script> // TODO: Update routepoint below. Add a routepoint to config to be used as the source below var src = {"type":"rp", "dn":"gms_preconfig_callorig_rp"}; // TODO: Attach data as required. Can also fetch data using _data_id from storage var userInfo = new Object(); data['name1'] = 'value1'; data['name2'] = 'value2'; </script> <ixn:createcall requestid="_data.reqid" from="src" to="_data._phone_number" udata="userInfo" /> </onentry> <transition event="voice.createcall.done" target="waitForOutboundCall" /> <transition event="error.voice.createcall" target="error" /> <onexit> <ws:response requestid="_data.startSendId" resultcode="_sessionid" /> </onexit> </state> <state id="waitForOutboundCall"> <transition event="interaction.present" target="connectToAgent" /> </state> <state id="connectToAgent"> <onentry> <!-- TODO: route interaction using queue:submit or ixn:redirect as appropriate --> <!-- queue:submit … OR ixn:redirect to configured agent DN … --> </onentry> <!-- Have the appropriate set of transitions to handle the results of the routing action. --> <transition event="*.done" target="exit" /> </state> </state> <final id="exit" /> <final id="error" /> </scxml> </div>
This page was last edited on February 28, 2013, at 17:28.
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