<scxml version="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:ixn="" xmlns:service="" xmlns:ws="" xmlns:session="" xmlns:yahoo_placefinder="" initial="outside"> <!-- This is an advanced service which helps an application/end user contact the contact center. It has the following characteristics: It supports customer initiated voice contacts. It supports waiting for the appropriate available agent before providing the necessary access information. It stores and maintains application data with the service. Access number allocation/reservation will be done by the application using the reserve request. This request will process the appropriate allocation algorithm in conjunction with the GMS based A2C-Reserve-AccessInfo service. It only supports polling for the availability of an agent. --> <script> var statusId = null; var reserveId = null; var provideCode = false; var attemptCounter = 0; var callerCity = null; var callerState = null; </script> <datamodel> <data id="reqid"/> </datamodel> <state id="outside" initial="initial"> <state id="initial"> <onentry> <!-- Create an overall timer to ensure that the session does not go on forever --> <send target="'_internal'" event="'timer'" delay="_data._ttl + 's'" /> </onentry> <transition event="gms.start" target="run"> <script> <!-- Save the session id in the result object as it must be returned to the client in the response to gms.start --> var result = new Object(); result._id = _sessionid; </script> <!-- Do the appropriate logic to wait to get an agent; ie. do the <queue:submit> or wait for a period of time, etc.) --> <queue:submit route="true" timeout="300"> <queue:targets> <queue:target name="'Billing'" type="agentgroup" statserver="'Stat_Server'" /> </queue:targets> </queue:submit> <!-- Send a response to the client indicating the result --> <ws:response requestid="_event.sendid" resultcode="JSON.stringify( result )" /> </transition> </state> <state id="run"> <!-- Session specific request to get the status --> <transition event="status" target="status" > <script> statusId = _event.sendid; </script> </transition> <!-- Session specific request to reserve an access number using location information --> <transition event="reserve" cond=" '_latitude' ) && '_longitude' )" target="getLocation" > <script> reserveId = _event.sendid; if ( '_provide_code' ) ) provideCode =; if ( _data.hasOwnProperty( '_provide_code' ) ) provideCode = _data._provide_code; </script> <!-- Request the location using yahoo placefinder given the latitude and longitude --> <yahoo_placefinder:query_location appid="'yourappid'" lat="" long="" /> </transition> <!-- Session specific request to reserve an access number --> <transition event="reserve" target="default_reserve" > <script> reserveId = _event.sendid; if ( '_provide_code' ) ) provideCode =; if ( _data.hasOwnProperty( '_provide_code' ) ) provideCode = _data._provide_code; </script> </transition> <!-- Handler for Router's response indication an agent is reserved. Practically speaking, for this scenario there is nothing we can do as most likely the agent reservation will be lost before the next status request. --> <transition event="queue.submit.done"> <!-- Change the state of the service based on finding an agent. --> </transition> </state> <!-- This request provides the application with the current status of the service; no request specific parameters --> <state id="status"> <transition target="run" > <!-- These are specific response parameters from the status request; this sample doesn't actually track a status for the agent (it just keeps a counter of the number of requests). It should really give some indication of the current queue time. Perhaps if the remaining queue time is low, let the user get into the queue. --> <script> var result = new Object(); result._status = "" + ++attemptCounter; result._dialog = "Whatever text we want"; </script> <!-- Send a response to the client indicating the result --> <ws:response requestid="statusId" resultcode="JSON.stringify( result )" /> </transition> </state> <state id="getLocation"> <!-- Build a response to the yahoo placefinder request; includes city and state of the caller --> <transition event="yahoo_placefinder.query_location.done" target="reserve_by_location" > <script> var myResultSetObject = eval('(' + + ')'); callerCity = myResultSetObject.ResultSet.Results[0].city; callerState = myResultSetObject.ResultSet.Results[0].state; </script> </transition> <transition event="error.yahoo_placefinder.query_location" target="error"/> </state> <!-- This request provides the application with access information that is to be used with this service; request specific parameters are provide code, longitude, and/or latitude. This service will use the A2C-Reserve-AccessInfo service to reserve the access information for this service using the service specific data (resource_group, etc.). --> <state id="reserve_by_location"> <onentry> <script> var resource_group = ( callerCity + ":" + callerState ).toLowerCase();resource_group; </script> <!-- Request a resource for this user; that is a phone number and perhaps an access code --> <service:reserve requestid="_data.requestId" _id="_sessionid" _resource_group="resource_group" _provide_code="provideCode" _phone_number="_data._phone_number" /> </onentry> <transition event="error.gsgBasedServices.reserve" target="default_reserve" /> <!-- Build a response to the request; it may include access_number, access_code and/or expiration time --> <transition event="gsgBasedServices.reserve.done" target="waitForCall" > <script> var myResultSetObject = eval('(' + + ')'); var result = new Object(); result._id = _sessionid; if ( myResultSetObject.hasOwnProperty( '_access_number' ) ) result._access_number = myResultSetObject._access_number; if ( myResultSetObject.hasOwnProperty( '_access_code' ) ) result._access_code = myResultSetObject._access_code; if ( myResultSetObject.hasOwnProperty( '_expiration_time' ) ) result._expiration_time = myResultSetObject._expiration_time; </script> <!-- Send a response to the client indicating the result --> <ws:response requestid="reserveId" resultcode="JSON.stringify( result )" /> </transition> </state> <state id="default_reserve"> <onentry> <!-- Request a resource for this user; that is a phone number and perhaps an access code --> <service:reserve requestid="_data.requestId" _id="_sessionid" _resource_group="_data._resource_group" _provide_code="provideCode" _phone_number="_data._phone_number" /> </onentry> <!-- Build a response to the request; it may include access_number, access_code and/or expiration time --> <transition event="gsgBasedServices.reserve.done" target="waitForCall" > <script> var myResultSetObject = eval('(' + + ')'); var result = new Object(); result._id = _sessionid; if ( myResultSetObject.hasOwnProperty( '_access_number' ) ) result._access_number = myResultSetObject._access_number; if ( myResultSetObject.hasOwnProperty( '_access_code' ) ) result._access_code = myResultSetObject._access_code; if ( myResultSetObject.hasOwnProperty( '_expiration_time' ) ) result._expiration_time = myResultSetObject._expiration_time; </script> <!-- Send a response to the client indicating the result --> <ws:response requestid="reserveId" resultcode="JSON.stringify( result )" /> </transition> </state> <!-- Waits for the call to be associated to this session by the inbound .scxml --> <state id="waitForCall"> <transition event="interaction.present" target="exit"> <!-- Once here, this script has full control over the interaction and may route the call as needed; For this sample, the call is simply disconnected. --> <ixn:terminate requestid="_data.reqid" interactionid="_genesys.ixn.interactions[0].g_uid" reason="'finished service'" resource="_genesys.ixn.interactions[0].voice.dnis"/> </transition> </state> <!-- This event means that the user did not match within the allowed time --> <transition event="timer" target="exit" /> </state> <final id="exit"/> <final id="error"/> </scxml>
This page was last edited on February 28, 2013, at 17:28.
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