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Integrating Intelligent Automation with Microsoft LUIS

This page will cover information on deploying bots when Microsoft LUIS is the NLU provider.

Integrating Microsoft Bot Framework with Intelligent Automation requires an understanding of how LUIS and the Bot Framework work in tandem to provide an NLU service. Bots are created as code compared to a bot authoring environment like Dialog Engine or Google Dialogflow.

  • Integration with Direct Line API 3.0
  • Productised integration to MSFT
  • Available for both Chat and Voice.
  • This is not a direct integration with LUIS NLU
  • Direct integration between Intelligent Automation to MSFT (No UniMRCP)
  • Intelligent automation does not use Bot Gateway to integrate with AI systems, only to integrate with chat/messaging system
  • For voicebots on MSFT it uses Google SST. (Intelligent Automation does not integrate with Microsoft cognitive services)
  • Context is passed in on each turn and it is only a "one way" conversation. IA passes context to MSFT Bot Framework but not vice-versa.

To connect, you need separate credentials for LUIS and the Bot Framework.

Configuring LUIS

You can access LUIS at any of the following URLs depending on your region:

You can find more information about Azure regions here.

Configure the credential mapping between LUIS and IA.

LUIS Credential Intelligent Automation Configuration
Endpoint URL LUIS Authoring Region
Primary Key LUIS Subscription Key

Configuring Microsoft Bot Framework

The Microsoft Bot Framework is comprised of an open-source SDK and tools for end-to-end bot development. Microsoft Azure Bot Service helps in managing and deploying the bot. To integrate LUIS with the bot, you have to provide the LUIS credentials in the .env file of your bot.

This page was last edited on January 28, 2020, at 11:13.
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